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Realistic or Modern Heroes and villains, two sides of the same coin. cs

He wouldn't be there to spoil it though, he's there to actually pay his respects like everyone else. Like he'd shake his head at the other villain's if they did.
"Savages. . . This is a funeral for the infinite void of nothingness sake!"
He wouldn't be there to spoil it though, he's there to actually pay his respects like everyone else. Like he'd shake his head at the other villain's if they did.
"Savages. . . This is a funeral for the infinite void of nothingness sake!"
Basically the joker when batman died in the comics.
"The Jackal, was the epitome of your quote unquote goodness. He was the brightest matchstick in the ever consuming void of darkness that I will eventually bring into our universe. He was a quite simply, a good man, in a world full of mediocre people. I very much highly doubt that there will ever be another man, or woman. That will compare to his legacy. . . I will miss our games Jack. Our witty exchanges and our clashing ideologies. . . I will admit there were times when he almost changed my mind. . . But he didn't so he failed extremely in that regard and that redemption I will never have, is most definitely the biggest stain of utter incompetence he will ever have in his entire career. . ." Flips to the next page. "Let's see here. . . In a useless gesture of sympathy, I have decided to postpone using Stonehenge's secret magical properties to summon the giant monster- *flipflipflip* -Dave. To eat Mars to mess with fellow supervillain, Elon Musk."
"The Jackal, was the epitome of your quote unquote goodness. He was the brightest matchstick in the ever consuming void of darkness that I will eventually bring into our universe. He was a quite simply, a good man, in a world full of mediocre people. I very much highly doubt that there will ever be another man, or woman. That will compare to his legacy. . . I will miss our games Jack. Our witty exchanges and our clashing ideologies. . . I will admit there were times when he almost changed my mind. . . But he didn't so he failed extremely in that regard and that redemption I will never have, is most definitely the biggest stain of utter incompetence he will ever have in his entire career. . ." Flips to the next page. "Let's see here. . . In a useless gesture of sympathy, I have decided to postpone using Stonehenge's secret magical properties to summon the giant monster- *flipflipflip* -Dave. To eat Mars to mess with fellow supervillain, Elon Musk."
i love it, but cops will try to arrest him. probably will fail, but its a great speech, the elon musk part will be extremely funny

secret identity
Hyde Park
mentor: Weredog
power: Can create gravity fields around him, allowing him to:
- Lessen gravity on himself, making him able to leap great distances, or to slow his fall
- Make gravity heavier, making it harder for people to move, or just collapse
- However much he makes gravity heavier, he suffers from half the effect
- Gravity fields can only spread from himself, and the farther they are, the weaker they get
- Cannot fully reverse gravity, only lessen the effects of it
character desc
Relatively short, about 5' 3", weighing around 130 lbs, has a muscular sleeper build. He has light, pale skin, grey eyes, and faded, bleached brown hair. (Will draw and upload full body/portrait, and suit when I get the chance)
backstory (including how you got your power):

Hyde was the child of a wealthy who were higher ups in a space company, Frontier. Hyde was more of a delinquent as he grew up, always seeking adrenaline or some sort of high. He ran away from home at 17, and for a while, he lived a small life, consisting of work, parties, and his favourite, parkour. It was not much, but he enjoyed his small life. However one day his parents came into contact with him. They had told him that the Frontier was sending up a small shuttle, to explore some odd readings and they wanted him up there. Not because he was the best choice of course, but so that he could bring at least something to the family name. Though Hyde was tentative about it, he eventually relented. Not because of his parents, but because going to space seemed to be a whole new level of anything he could ever do.

Through extensive training, he was able to qualify to go to space. Eventually the date came, and he was launched. For most of the trip he was in a sort of cryogenic state, but once he reached the location, they woke him up. The plan was simple, go up there, take a look at what was messing up the readings, get samples, and come back to earth. Exiting the space shuttle with a device to collect a sample, and his space suit, he drifted out into space. He didn't see anything exactly out of the ordinary, but as he drifted further, the tether snapped. He was panicked and running out of oxygen and was drifting in and out of consciousness.

He woke back up on the spaceship. He only remembered flashes of what happened, but he swears he saw an eye up there, and a hand that held him. When he came back to earth, that's when his powers began to manifest. Though his parents wanted him to stay with the company to run tests, he left. What he didn't tell them is that before he lost consciousness, he heard a voice, up there drifting in space. When it spoke everything seemed to vibrate. It told him "One day, I'll be back for you". Now, he's taken to the life of vigilantism, having joined The Monster Alliance. He can typically found either at his job, or doing parkour around the city​
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Secret Identity: Dr. John Morton

Hero Identity: Steel Shark

Age: 45

Mentor: The Creature

Character Description: Standing at over 7 ft tall and wearing around 500 lbs, Steel Shark is a formidable figure. He has a massive, muscular, shark-like body and wears high-tech armour. His head features a telescopic infrared eye that glows red, and his mouth is lined with titanium-reinforced, razor-sharp teeth.

  • Telescopic Infrared Eye: Enhanced telescopic capabilities, able to see in the dark and detect heat signatures.
  • Super Cosmic Battle Armour: The armour is powered by a miniature thermonuclear reactor, providing an almost limitless supply of energy. The armour is made of a nearly indestructible metal alloy, often jokingly referred to as Sharktanium, that offers superior durability and includes integrated heat shields that provide extreme temperature resistance and energy dissipation.
  • Cosmic Whips: Energy whips extending from his forearms, useful in combat and for manoeuvring.
  • Titanium Reinforced Jaws: Powerful bite capable of crushing and tearing through tough materials.
  • Antimatter Rocket Boots: Enable flight and powerful bursts of speed for quick, high velocity movement.
  • Meteor Power Sword: A sword forged from a meteorite, imbued with cosmic energy. It can slice through nearly any material and release as well as absorb energy blasts.
  • Cyber Attack Axe: A high-tech axe with the ability to emit powerful pulses that can disrupt and disable electronic systems as well as hack and override technology, by literally hacking into it.
  • Vulnerability to EMPs: Susceptible to electromagnetic pulses which can temporarily disable his systems.
  • Identity Crisis: Struggles with balancing his human mind, shark instincts, and alien aspects.
Backstory: In 2022, Earth was threatened by a horde of evil aliens known as the Draxx. Dr. John Morton, a renowned astronaut and scientist, and a member of Space Force, the premier space agency, volunteered for a risky experiment involving advanced genetic engineering and cybernetic integration to create humanity's most powerful warrior. His DNA was spliced with that of a great white shark, granting him its natural predatory instincts, resilience, and adaptability. Additionally, his DNA was merged with that of the invading aliens, enabling him to think like the enemy. He was then outfitted with the most sophisticated cybernetic battle armour known to mankind, crafted using both human and salvaged alien technology.

Following his transformation, Dr. Morton became Steel Shark, the ultimate weapon against the Draxx, and lead the charge against the invaders. Taking the fight to the aliens' home planet of Draxian, he engaged their mega-sized leader in combat and defeated him, wiping the threat of the Draxx from the face of the universe. After returning to Earth, he continued to dedicate his life to the protection of the planet and became a member of the Monster Alliance.
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Could you let him make a eulogy that's kind of wholesome while just a huge downer?
you're free to post what your character's

secret identity
Hyde Park
power: Can create gravity fields around him, allowing him to:
- Lessen gravity on himself, making him able to leap great distances, or to slow his fall
- Make gravity heavier, making it harder for people to move, or just collapse
- However much he makes gravity heavier, he suffers from half the effect
- Gravity fields can only spread from himself, and the farther they are, the weaker they get
- Cannot fully reverse gravity, only lessen the effects of it
character desc
Relatively short, about 5' 3", weighing around 130 lbs, has a muscular sleeper build. He has light, pale skin, grey eyes, and faded, bleached brown hair. (Will draw and upload full body/portrait, and suit when I get the chance)
backstory (including how you got your power):

Hyde was the child of a wealthy who were higher ups in a space company, Frontier. Hyde was more of a delinquent as he grew up, always seeking adrenaline or some sort of high. He ran away from home at 17, and for a while, he lived a small life, consisting of work, parties, and his favourite, parkour. It was not much, but he enjoyed his small life. However one day his parents came into contact with him. They had told him that the Frontier was sending up a small shuttle, to explore some odd readings and they wanted him up there. Not because he was the best choice of course, but so that he could bring at least something to the family name. Though Hyde was tentative about it, he eventually relented. Not because of his parents, but because going to space seemed to be a whole new level of anything he could ever do.

Through extensive training, he was able to qualify to go to space. Eventually the date came, and he was launched. For most of the trip he was in a sort of cryogenic state, but once he reached the location, they woke him up. The plan was simple, go up there, take a look at what was messing up the readings, get samples, and come back to earth. Exiting the space shuttle with a device to collect a sample, and his space suit, he drifted out into space. He didn't see anything exactly out of the ordinary, but as he drifted further, the tether snapped. He was panicked and running out of oxygen and was drifting in and out of consciousness.

He woke back up on the spaceship. He only remembered flashes of what happened, but he swears he saw an eye up there, and a hand that held him. When he came back to earth, that's when his powers began to manifest. Though his parents wanted him to stay with the company to run tests, he left. What he didn't tell them is that before he lost consciousness, he heard a voice, up there drifting in space. When it spoke everything seemed to vibrate. It told him "One day, I'll be back for you". Now, he's taken to the life of vigilantism, having joined The Monster Alliance. He can typically found either at his job, or doing parkour around the city​
no mentor? i mean youre part of the monster alliance so probably weredog

Secret Identity: Dr. John Morton

Hero Identity: Steel Shark

Age: 45

Mentor: The Creature

Character Description: Standing at over 7 ft tall and wearing around 500 lbs, Steel Shark is a formidable figure. He has a massive, muscular, shark-like body and wears high-tech armour. His head features a telescopic infrared eye that glows red, and his mouth is lined with titanium-reinforced, razor-sharp teeth.

  • Telescopic Infrared Eye: Enhanced telescopic capabilities, able to see in the dark and detect heat signatures.
  • Super Cosmic Battle Armour: The armour is powered by a miniature thermonuclear reactor, providing an almost limitless supply of energy. The armour is made of a nearly indestructible metal alloy, often jokingly referred to as Sharktanium, that offers superior durability and includes integrated heat shields that provide extreme temperature resistance and energy dissipation.
  • Cosmic Whips: Energy whips extending from his forearms, useful in combat and for manoeuvring.
  • Titanium Reinforced Jaws: Powerful bite capable of crushing and tearing through tough materials.
  • Antimatter Rocket Boots: Enable flight and powerful bursts of speed for quick, high velocity movement.
  • Meteor Power Sword: A sword forged from a meteorite, imbued with cosmic energy. It can slice through nearly any material and release as well as absorb energy blasts.
  • Cyber Attack Axe: A high-tech axe with the ability to emit powerful pulses that can disrupt and disable electronic systems as well as hack and override technology, by literally hacking into it.
  • Vulnerability to EMPs: Susceptible to electromagnetic pulses which can temporarily disable his systems.
  • Identity Crisis: Struggles with balancing his human mind, shark instincts, and alien aspects.
Backstory: In 2022, Earth was threatened by a horde of evil aliens known as the Draxx. Dr. John Morton, a renowned astronaut and scientist, and a member of Space Force, the premier space agency, volunteered for a risky experiment involving advanced genetic engineering and cybernetic integration to create humanity's most powerful warrior. His DNA was spliced with that of a great white shark, granting him its natural predatory instincts, resilience, and adaptability. Additionally, his DNA was merged with that of the invading aliens, enabling him to think like the enemy. He was then outfitted with the most sophisticated cybernetic battle armour known to mankind, crafted using both human and salvaged alien technology.

Following his transformation, Dr. Morton became Steel Shark, the ultimate weapon against the Draxx, and lead the charge against the invaders. Taking the fight to the aliens' home planet of Draxian, he engaged their mega-sized leader in combat and defeated him, wiping the threat of the Draxx from the face of the universe. After returning to Earth, he continued to dedicate his life to the protection of the planet and became a member of the Monster Alliance.
the creature is not a part of the monster alliance, nor is he a hero now. but ill allow you to let him be your past mentor since you're character might have been there when the creature was still the leader. just for your info, if you find him in the rp he will probably try to kill you lol. accepted

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