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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

"So we're heading out soon?" She asked him, moving back to look at him.

Cory looked at the two from her position on the floor. "what about Alexander?"

Hunter sighed, "He has four hours before we leave. We already have the location we need, so the best I can do is suggest searching for him." He said shifting as he stood up straight, his thoughts already going into a work mind set.

(Has anyone else noticed that Hunter is the unofficial leader, or is that just me?)

@Comet, @Trust, @Deadly Darkness
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Priscilla entered her griffin form, not having used it in quite a while and deciding to try it again before walking back to the rest of the group and listening to the hunter talk

@Comet @kenryuko

(yeah xD )
Hunter sighed, "The best option is to search, but I really don't care we end up doing, so you three can put it to a vote." He said sitting on the bench again.
"Jonathan is Alexander's brother.." Cory pointed out, oofing when a pup flopped onto her muzzle. Alli chuckled and picked up the runt again, loving him the most.

Hunter glanced at Cory, "You do have the point but for all we know they could be scheming together, and before anyone says something. I'm not being paranoid, I'm being realistic. I'm mean how much do we know about him?" He asked rhetorically. " We know him for about a day or two, then he up and disappears when we start planning to find Johnathan. Seems to good to be coincidence." He said as he looked around the group.

@Comet, @Trust
Priscilla said nothing, a) because she couldn't speak in her current form and b) she didn't have anything to say, instead, she allowed her instinct to tell her what to do and began preening her feathers
Alli looked at Hunter. "If you want to, we can go hang out with you family before we leave." She said, taking his hand and looking at him and holding the runt with her other hand. She then looked down at the pup and said, "I need to name you." She chuckled, smiling.

Cory finally stood up, a pup holding onto her back.

@kenryuko @Trust
Hunter laughed at both pups, "I can tell this little guy has potential for alpha." He said scratching behind the runt's ear.
Priscilla couldn't resist the opportunity, expecting maybe a "bop" to the head, she changed back to her normal form. "Hunter, I knew you were a dog, but did you have to make her have pups already? I thought pregnancy lasted nine months! Maybe it's cause we are shapeshifters" she laughed
(I wish I could say that trip was fun, but... like I said wish I could say it was fun)

Alexander had been rather preoccupied the past day. He wandered around Lycona, asking people about what had happened in the past six years, whether they knew Johnathan, or himself. He was on his way back to the inn when he spotted the group on a bench. "Hey," he simply said.
(Well it's good to have you back)

Hunter gave Pricilla a look, "It does, even with the shapeshifting." He said before glancing at Alexander, "And the prodigal son returns!" He said in an over dramatic voice.

@Trust, @Deadly Darkness
Alli's eyes widened at what Priscilla said and a small hint of fear showed in her eyes. "Oh god no pups or kids!! Hell no! I don't want them yet, and I highly doubt hunter does either so.. No Priscilla." She said in a rush, holding the small pup closer to her. "His name is Lowe, means little wolf." She smiled down at him, petting Lowe with her free hand. She looked up st Alexander and chuckled. "Nice to see you again.

@kenryuko @Deadly Darkness @Trust

(Lowe will be spoke like Lou.)
Priscilla giggled at Alli's reaction, she was however disappointed by the Hunter's lack of reaction, not even a blush! "Can i pet him?" She asked "I promise to be gentle!" She smiled
He nodded at the group. "Are we ready to head out?" He slipped his hands into his jean pockets as he looked over everyone. He took note of Alli and Hunter's sudden relationship. Well they're truly the definition of elastic heart, he thought as he looked off in the direction of the Eagle Mountains.
Hunter nodded, "but we don't leave for another three and a half hours so if you need to finish anything settled, handle it now." He said with a glance before sending the pups back to their mother.
Alexander nodded. "I'm ready when you are." He looked over each person.

After Johnathan explained to Elizabeth what he did and why, Elizabeth sat silently in the chair. Dried tears stained her face and dark circles seemed to form under her eyes. "Johnathan, do me a favor," she muttered. He jumped at her sudden request. "What is it?"

"Next time," her golden eyes seemed hollow, all shine gone from them. "just kill me."
Lowe jumped out of Alli's arms and towards his mother, Alli smiling and standing up, stretching. "Few hours. Let him spend time with his family." Cory shifted into her human form and grinned mischievously at Alexander "he don't have warm clothes for the trip." Alli then joined in. "We need to get him some.."

@kenryuko @Trust @Deadly Darkness
Alexander raised an eyebrow in confusion. He looked at his his long sleeve, navy shirt, black jeans, and boots. "I grew up there, so I think I'll be alright."

Hunter glanced at Cory, "I'm ready to move now if need be so I'm good." He said as he stood up, and shifted, "Besides, I'm not ready to retire just yet anyways."
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Hunter gave Alli a look, "I did before I left we went to the inn." He said as he stretched, "So are moving out of are we just gonna stand here like a bunch of notes on a log?"
"Whatever happened to Nelly?" Priscilla asked suddenly out of the blue. "You know the snake girl..? Last time i saw her was back at that leviathan..."

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