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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Alli got up and shifted into her hellhound form, walking up to Hunter and taking one of the twins on her back. "Guess take them around for a little bit?" She asks.

Hunter nodded, and trotted out the door. Before moving into a relatively slow sprint, the Michelle, the twin on hid back, squealing happily all the way.
Alli kept up with him, feeling the hands of the child in her fur. She stayed by Hunter's side, Cory shifting and running by their sides and trying to keep up.

Soon they reached the edge of town, where Hunter stopped, "Ok you know the drill, we gotta turn around here." He said to the twin who tried to talk him into going farther.
She looked at Hunter. "Why do you turn around here?" She asked, Cory breathing heavily. Alli picked up the small thylacine and put her in front of the twin she had on her back, Cory's Ahsma getting to her.

Hunter looked at Alli, "There dad doesn't want them to go outside of town until their older." He explained as he started back to the inn at a slower pace.
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Hunter glanced at the two behind him, as the twins fell asleep. Micheal grabbing onto Cory in his sleep. He chuckled at the thylacine's position and kept walking.
Hunter gave a small grin at the affection. Soon they returned to the inn, where Hunter's uncle took the twins to their room. Hunter took the chance to nuzzle Alli.
(I'm gonna guess the twin took Cory? xD )

Alli nuzzled him back, moving off and jumped up on the couch, shifting into her human form so no dog hair got on the couch. She curled up in a ball and yawned also, laying her head on the side of the couch and half sat up. "Leave in the morning I'm guessing?" She asked Hunter.

Hunter shifted and shrugged, "If we can find Alexander by then." He said sitting on the recliner opposite Alli.
"And what if we don't?" She then asked, pulling a blanket off the back of the couch and covering her body with it, her dark grey eyes looking at Hunter's. She didn't want to leave him behind, seeing as he was the only one who could find Jonathan and Elizabeth. Shit, how would Hunter react when he sees Elizabeth? We'll instantly go back to her affection? These thoughts clouded her mind, not going away until she closed her eyes shut tight.

Alli just shook her head, opening them to look at him. "Don't worry about it. It's nothing big." She gave him a grim smile, looking to the left before back at him and finally asking, "how would you react if you saw Eizabeth?"

Hunter thought about it for a moment, "I'd be happy." He said before standing up. Walking to her, he gingerly placed his lips against her forehead, "But a lycan is loyal."
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Alli smiled as he placed his lips on her forehead, taking his hand in hers. "That's what I was worrying about, how you would react when you see her."

Hunter sighed, "I'm more worried about how she'll react to us." He said lacing his fingers with Alli's.
Hunter sighed, "Sad? Angry maybe." He said sitting back in the recliner, "I don't know, she might even try to kiss me." He said with a chuckle.
Alli chuckled along with him, smiling at him. "Dunno about trying to kiss you." She replied, curling up in a ball with the blanket around her.

Hunter shot Alli a playful glare, "Oh, so I'm not kissable? Well then I might as well stop giving you any." He said with an obvious joking tone of voice.
She laughed at that. "I didn't mean that. Elizabeth is shy. You're totally kissable." She would have corrected him on being kissable, but she honestly didn't want to move from her spot.

Hunter narrowed his eyes, "Hmm." He couldn't take it any more and started to laugh, "But she wasn't really that shy when she was around me, so it's always a possibility." He said as he leaned back in the chair.
She laughed with him, cocking an eyebrow at him. "Oh really?" She asked, sitting up more in the couch as she talked to him about this subject.


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