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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Hunter glanced at Priscilla, "Why are you throwing your bag there? Your bunking with Cory." He told her as he wrapped and arm around Alli's waist, and rested his hand on the top of brunette's thigh.
Alli then looked down at Hunter and cocked an eyebrow. "I thought I bunk with Cory?" She asked, looking at Cory with a confused look, the look being returned. "Where am I staying then?" Alli asked Hunter, putting her hand on top of his that was on her thigh.

@kenryuko @Trust
Hunter deadpanned, "You can always stay with them still, I'm mean Alexander, Lance, and I all bunked together. Or you can bunk with me." He said the last part with a grin.
"Wow... Even after all that's happened, you are still flirting" Priscilla giggles as she clambered onto her bunk, quickly falling asleep while her bag lay on the ground, holding nothing but her scythe, some food and a small, dilapidated picture of some mountain village
Alli chuckled, "with you huh?" She laughed at that, yawning and falling into his lap sideways, curling up into a ball. "I'm fine with that." She said quietly. She put her fingers and traced them down his jawline, smiling up at him.


Cory followed Priscilla to the room, jumping on the other bed. She heard Priscilla fall asleep quickly, holding a few things. It made her chuckle slightly, yawning.

Hunter picked Alli up and carried her to the room the would be using. Laying her down, he shifted and laid next to her quickly.
Hunter smiled slightly at Alli's actions before falling asleep himself. Waking up at the crack of dawn, like he usually does, Hunter felt something on his side before remembering last night. Choosing not to get up, and enjoy the moment, he moved his head under Alli's so she was using his neck as a pillow, and his muzzle laid on her shoulder.

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Alli's arms tightened around him feeling him move around a little bit. Of course she was still asleep, she always sleeps in..

Cory woke up early for once, getting up to go get food before everyone else. When she liked her plate, she sat down to eat it quickly, being the only one in there besides Hunter's uncle. When she finished, she smiled at him and told him thank you for the food before deciding to go wake up everyone else. Without knocking, she just walked in on the Boys room, rolling her eyes to still see everyone still alseep except Hunter. "Hunter, wake her up and I got Alexander." She then moved and jumped on the older boy's sleeping figure.

Hunter glanced at Cory, before licking Alli's ear to wake her up, before bolting put of the room to avoid the eminent pay back
Alli growled in her sleep. "Hunter!!!!" She yelled after him, groaning and rolling over, wiping the dog spit off her face and pulling a pillow over her head. She'll get him back later...

Hunter peaked his head into the room before looking at Cory, and back at Alli, "In my defense, Cory told me to." He said as he walked back to the lobby as he shifted.

@Comet, @Trust.
Priscilla yawned and shuffled out of her bed, reached her bag and pulled out a small brush and began brushing her hair as she wandered into the lobby. She sat down and waited for the others in an available seats
Hunter gave Priscilla a curt nod and sat opposite of her, "How'd you sleep." He asked as his uncle came in and gave him a platter of food.

"I slept well, thanks for asking" she answered happily "i heard you slept with Alli huh? How did that go?" She smirked, still brushing her hair
Hunter returned the smirk, "I think your a little young to be inquiring about my night." He said as he started to eat.
"I suppose" she giggled as she finished brushing her final strand of hair, she put the brush back in her bag and pulled her scythe out and strapped it to her back. "So, when are we heading out lady's man?" She joked @kenryuko
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Hunter glanced at Priscilla, "If we can find Alexander, we'll leave. But sometime w after noon we'll head to Eagle Mountains, whether or not Alexander is with us."
"Hmm... Alex... That name sounds familiar, have i met him before?" She asked, her mind trying to think of who he might be. "And we are heading to mountain?!?" She said, brightening up immensely. "I love the cold air only found at mountains! It's perfect! And the views are wonderful!"
Hunter shook his head with a smile, "We're going for Elizabeth and Johnathan, not vacation." He said as he ate some more before taking the plate to the sink and cleaning it.

@Trust, @Comet
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Alli walked into the lobby with Cory, Alli wearing a plain, simple long sleeved t-shirt dress and white converse and Cory wearing jeans and a white shirt, along with a light jean jacket and black vans. They both walked over and sat on the couch by Priscilla, smiling. "Still waiting for Alexander? What are we going to do today then?" Alli asked Hunter.

@kenryuko @Trust
Hunter thought a moment, "Well we have about 14,000 gold left, so we should buy supplies, then see if anything catches the eye." He suggested.

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"What kind of supplies?" Cory asks, watching as Alli gets up and goes to look at the food. She leaned over the counter, getting a better look as her eyes looked hungrily at the food.


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