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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

"If you don't like it, you can always sleep out side." Hunter retorted quickly as Michelle teased Micheal about his crush.
Lance then chuckled, "I'll be fine with it for one night." he then proceeded towards the others, wanting to go see his sleeping options.

Hunter nodded and walked to the room and unlocked, revealing two beds. Hunter shifted and laid down in-between them, cause he is a nice guy like that.

"Well enough." Hunter replied shortly, "Listen, I know you love Alli, but sometimes love involves letting them go. If she's happy, then that should make you happy." He said before falling asleep
Priscilla woke up with a start. "Gee.. I must have dozed off" she mumbled, her body aching slightly from resting on the cold, hard ground. She stood up and wandered through the town, hoping none of the town remembered her from the battle earlier. She stepped into a small pub that seemed to be fairly empty. "Hello..? Is it okay if i sleep in here for the night..?" She asked the bartender who seemed quite nice, he was about to refuse until he noticed the redness under her eyes, her hair disheveled and all the bruises she had. He nodded and pointed to a small corner, to which the young girl lay down and soon fell asleep
Hunter awoke at sunrise like usual and waked to the kitchen, his uncle already started on breakfast.
Priscilla yawned before shuffling up from the soft cushions of the bar, a small glass of water and some buttered bread lay on the table next to her, the bartender leaning behind the counter while cleaning some glasses. "thank you kind sir..." She mumbled before eating the food and drinking the water. The bartender simply nodded with a small smile across his face, happy to have helped someone. Priscilla yawned, stretched and walked outside before taking a look at her surrounding, making sure not to tread on any of the timid wolves' tails as she walked
Lance jumped up, snarling when water was poured on him, his tail lashing. "What the hell Hunter?!" He snarled, balling his fists up.

Alli simply growled at the knock on the door while Cory jumped out of the bed to open the door for Hunter. Alli groaned, "don't open it! He shouldn't see me like this!" She pulled the covers over her head, making loud groaning noises that were muffled by the bed as Cory chuckled, "you can do the honors by getting her out."

Hunter laughed at both hellhounds, before walking to the girls' room, "I'd expect you would like to find Johnathan as soon as you woke up Alli." He said as he leaned against the door frame.
Alli groaned, "why be excited to find someone when once you see a strand of their hair, you're going to kill him. She shifted underneath the bed sheets into her hellhound form, pouncing pit and onto him. She looked down her snout at his face, a wolfish grin spreading across her maw. She then shifted into her human form, Cory leaving to go see what's for breakfast as Alli pinned Hunter down. "Let sleeping dogs lie you punk." She chuckled, smiling down at him as her face was on his, holding his arms above his head.

@kenryuko (lol Alli)
Hunter smiled and kissed Alli's nose before sitting up, easily over powering her, "No, I'll only kill him if he hurt Elizabeth." He said picking her up.
Alli blushed a light pink as he kissed her nose, not really expecting it. "Sure, I think you just want to kill him." She pokes his cheek with her finger, giggling slightly.. Which she does rarely. "Let's go get food." She took his hand before sniffing the air. "You already ate didn't you?"


Lance met Cory in the dining room, drying his hair off when he saw her. "Hey Cor." He greeted, a small smile on his face as he looked down at the small thylacine girl. She looked up at him with a cheeky smile, her plate piled with food of all different kinds. "Hey Lance! Go get some food!" She then walked away carefully with the heaping plate, sitting it down carefully. She then proceeded to scarf it down as Lance filled his smaller plate.
Hunter nodded, instinctively interlacing his fingers with hers. "My uncle is a great cook." He said walking into the kitchen.
Lance shouted feeling the cold water wash over him. "God dammit," He muttered as he got up, holding his arms out as the water dripped from his navy blue, long sleeve shirt. With a sigh, he simply took off the shirt and continued to where breakfast was being held. He ran a hand through his hair in an attempt to get rid of access moisture. "Morning everyone."
She walked in front of him into the kitchen, pulling him behind her. When the smell hit her nose, her tail instantly started wagging and her stomach growling. She stopped, looking at everything with wide eyes and squeezed his hand. "It smells great." She breathed, turning her head to look at him with a huge grin. She moved to tell Alexander Goodmorning but she stopped herself. "Alexander, where is your shirt?"

Lance looked up when he saw Alli and Hunter come into the kitchen, Seeing them holding hands, his anger boiled but then died downs sighing and remembering what Hunter said. "Goodmorning." He said to them and Alexander.

@kenryuko @Deadly Darkness
Hunter nodded and let go of Alli's hand, "I'm going to train to get comfortable with my new weapons." He said gesturing to the flintlock revolvers at his sides before walking out the door.
"Perfect!" Priscilla grinned, noticing an open, empty bathroom window of some inn. "Hope they don't mind me using it... Maybe they'll be as nice as that bartender..." She mumbled while climbing in, stripping and stepping into the warm flow of water, seeming to cleanse her of her sins from the previous few days. "God i love showers" she smiled @kenryuko @Comet @Deadly Darkness
"In the bathroom, drying." He stated simply as he looked at the food. He looked at it with hungry eyes. It felt he hadn't eaten those six years he couldn't recall. He grabbed a plate and began stacking food. Though he was grateful, his expression showed nothing, in fact he almost looked mildly annoyed. Now that he was a little more comfortable around these people he didn't have to be so overt about things. Alexander honestly hated being over enthusiastic, and smiling wasn't something he did frequently.
Hunter looked at Alexander, "What?" He asked as he readied the pistols, when he heard running water, "Uncle, was anyone else here?" Hunter received a negative answer, "you were the only ones here last night." Hunter's uncle said, as he readied a dagger.

@Deadly Darkness, @Trust

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