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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Hunter sighed, "I think we need some R&R after today, so I say we stay here in town for a few days." Hunter said as his new pistols hung at his sides, the metal casting a shine in the afternoon light.

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"Well I'd like to talk to Hunter and see what he knows, maybe he can point me in their direction. I don't want to bother you guys-" He stopped as Hunter returned, listening to what he said. "Well it was nice meeting you guys, but I have to find Johnathan."

(Super busy right now, so hopefully I'll be back tonight)
Hunter's head snapped towards Alexander, his eyes going yellow the moment he heard Johnathan's name. He whipped out one of the revolvers, cocking the hammer, and aimed at the crane shifter's head. "How do you know him?"
He blinked in surprise as the gun was pointed at him. "I don't appreciate you pointing that at me after I helped you. Whatever my bone head brother did I don't know, but I'm not responsible for him." He sighed, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Now will you please lower that thing before you hurt someone?"
Hunter scanned the male for an traces of deceit, before holstering the pistol. "Sorry but you can never be to careful now a days." He said as he crossed his arms.
"I understand. Now," he looked at Hunter, all friendliness gone. His gaze was cold and his expression was serious. "What did Johnathan do and where did he go?

"Why," Elizabeth whimpered weakly in between sobs. She felt hollow, like all her insides were removed and she was left as a shell of who she used to be. Johnathan stepped closer, causing the girl to flinch. He let out a sad sigh as he looked at her. "I'm sorry, I... I just wanted him back."
"He kidnapped a girl named Elizabeth, and we would have found him if we knew where he was." Hunter said leaning against a tree, "I was hoping you would know. Especially seeing as he flew, leaving us without a trail."
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Alexander sighed, scratching the back of his head. "That does make it tough..." His voice trailed off as he thought. Suddenly he snapped his fingers. "But I think I know where he might be. If I know my brother, he's up in Eagle Mountains where we used to live."
Hunter put a hand up to his chin, "It's worth a shot, but it will have to wait till tomorrow." He said gesturing to the setting sun, "My uncle owns the inn, so we can stay there." He suggested as he stood straight.

@Deadly Darkness, @Comet.
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He nodded. "Sounds good." He looked to Alli and Cory. Alli had seemed very interested, if not excited, to see Johnathan. His little brother had always bit a flirtatious weasel after all.
Alli, Lance, and Cory followed, Alli jogging up to walk beside Hunter and asking, "do you think we'll find them tomorrow?" She looked back at Alexander, knowing he would be their ticket to finding them.

@kenryuko @Deadly Darkness
Alexander followed the group towards the inn. Alexander couldn't help, but worry for his brother's safety if he truly led them, more specifically Hunter, to where he was. Kidnapping a girl? It didn't sound like his brother. Usually mental problems like that are visible in childhood through small interactions, but he had never shown any signs. So what had made so desperate that he had to kidnap someone?
Hunter shrugged, "I don't know, but I suggest keeping an eye on Alexander. We don't know him and he might pull something like Johnathan did." He said low voice so said male wouldn't hear. After 5 minutes or so the had reached the inn. Entering Hunter was talked by a pair blur of blurs, which turned out to be kids that were about 10, one male and the other female. The pair of obvious siblings had grins so wide it was a wonder their faces hadn't split, soon enough though the got off the blonde as a man that looked similar to his mother walked in, "Hunter it's good to see you again, and I guess the twins agree." The male said with laugh, "Oh laugh it up Uncle D." Hunter said to his uncle as he got off the floor.
Priscilla snuck through the small town of Lycona, unseen and unheard due to a small spell she had cast on herself, manipulating the moisture in the air to refract any light away from her, the most anyone could notice would be a slight distortion. "god... abandoned by the legion and my only possible allies want me dead... what a bad situation..." she mumbled to herself, resting in a small alleyway, hoping a plan could come to mind before she was caught by whatever police this place had
(Sorry, super busy lately, flying out in two days so things have been hectic to say the least)

Alexander followed behind. He had his suspicions that they were talking about him, but who could really doubt them? If his brother really did what they said he did, then they must assume that the criminality runs in their blood, even if they weren't biological brothers.
Alli sighed and nodded, smiling back at Alexander. When Hunter got attacked by 10year olds, she moved to stand by Alexander and talk to him. She already knew that he knew that they were talking about him. "Hunter thinks you'll do what Jonathan did and take someone else he cares about." She sighs deeply, crossing her arms over chest and looking up at him. "We'll find them tomorrow right?" She asks, a look in her eyes when she did.

@Deadly Darkness

Cory moved towards Hunter and asked, "does everyone share a room or do we all get different rooms?"

Hunter glanced at Cory, "Well probably split it guys in one, girls in the other." he said looking back at the twins. Michael, the male, had a blush on his face and was finding the floor interesting as Michelle suppressed her laughter, "Hey Cory, why don't you introduce yourself to the twins." Hunter suggested with smirk.

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Cory looked at him bewil. "Um alright?" She walked towards the twins with a gentle kind smile. "Hi, I'm Cory." She held out her hand for them to take turns shaking, smiling.

Michael's blush only increased when he shook hands with Cory, "H-hi I'm M-M-Micheal." He stuttered which made both his sister and cousin burst out laughing. "I'm Michelle." The female twin introduced in-between fits of laughter.
Hunter only nodded as he finally got his laughter under control, as Micheal looked down to hide his blush.
Cory chuckled and ruffled his hair. "You're cute." She then stood up and piped in. "If guys get their own, don't kill them Hunter." She then walked past him with a sway of her hips, laughing. Cory just rolled her eyes and looked over at Lance. "Was she like this back at home?" He only nods, a small smile on his face.

Hunter shook his head and talked to his uncle, who gave him two room keys. "Yo, Cory catch!" He called throwing a key to her, "That's the key to yours and Alli's room."

Cory jumped to catch it, smiling at him. "Got it! Thanks! See you guys in the morning!" She then followed Alli to the room, unlocking it and plopping down on one of the beds. Alli plopped on the other, sighing deeply. "Hunter is going to kill them." She breathed, making Cory laugh and agree with her.

Lance looked at the other two boys and crossed his arms. "We're all sharing a room?" He asks in a mono deep voice, looking at Alexander and Hunter between glances.


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