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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Alli looked at him and gave him a kind smile. "Sure, that'll work. Thank you." She then walked off into one direction, looking for her while the others went in their own directions.

@kenryuko @Deadly Darkness

Some legion member dragged her far away from the fight, wanting to make it out with Atleast one out of the three but was taken down by a lone hellhound, ripping the member's face off. It then walked towards cowering Cory, growling then stopped in front of her. "You smell like Alli, where is she." He growled.

Cory replied, "I...I don't know..."

(And that's where I'm stopping it cause I'm making him now.)
Alexander quickly ran off in one direction and shifted into his crane form. He swooped up into the air, looking for the girl they had described.

(Be back soon!)
Hunter found Cory's scent and took off following it. Seeing her under another hellhound in danger, he charged full speed and lunged with more than enough force to break bone. Connecting with the other canine, he pinned him easily his jaws clamped on the throat ready to snap the neck.

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Lance laughed, disappearing out from underneath him in a cloud of smoke and beside him, slamming the skull mask into the side of the wolf's body. "Chill dude, I just asked her a question." He then sniffed the air and growled, "you smell like her too. Where is she?" He growled again, stomping his paw on the ground.

Alli called around for Cory, then hearing noises off in the distance. Sounded like.. Lance?? She walked towards it and hid around the corner, peaking over to see if it was true... And it was.. There he was, Lance. She shifted into hellhound form, waiting for the right moment to pop out.

"And why do you want to know?" Hunter growled lowly, his pupils disappearing and a red aura of sort leaking from the corner of his eyes. He saw this male as a threat to Cory, and Lycona in general, especially seeing as the Legion was possibly in the area.


The cloaked figure looked around the Dark Jungle, scanning for any threats. "You two have served well." He complemented Priscilla and Lucy as he removed his god to reveal a man in his mid-fifties, and a branding on his left that signified him as the second in command of the Legion.

Alexander turned at the commotion. He followed the sound until he saw Hunter, another hound, and the girl he presumed was Cory. He quickly landed, shifting back into human form.
"S-Sir!" Priscilla stammered, shocked that the second-in-command was here given the the late Leonidas usually gave him some mission or another. "you... I suppose I should thank you for getting the two of us out of there" Lucy told the man, gripping Priscilla's arm tightly in anger that she had interfered with he bloodlust
"I'm trying to find her." He explained, shifting into his human form and moving his sleeve up to show a small tribal tattoo that looked like a devil skull. "I'm part of her dads hellhound pack and I was sent to find her." He then looked over to see a crane swoop in, having a faint scent of Alli on him. He then smelled around and caught her actual event, following it to the corner and coming face to face with her, looking down. "Alli.." He breathed, then was proceeded to be pushed away by Alli, growling. "Why did he send you? Out of all of the others, he sends you?!?"

@kenryuko @Deadly Darkness
Hunter looked between the two hellhounds, his eyes returning to a basic wolf eye, "I take it you two know each other?"

@Comet, @Deadly Darkness

The second in command glanced at Lucy, "Control the blood lust child, I out rank you, and I'm now in charge remember?" He said with a devilish smirk on his grizzled face.

"Of course we know each other, my dad wanted me to be with him." Alli growled, walking over to Hunter.

"I do too.." Lance mumbled, then whimpered when Alli shot him a death glare. "Sorry princess..."

Alli rolled her eyes and walked over to the thylacine, checking her over once to see if she was Okay. "Few bruises Cory." She said and the girl shifted, sitting on the ground and looking towards the new guy, the one who was the crane. "Who is that?" She asked.

Alli was paying no mind as she walked over to Lance. "Go home." She ordered and he replied, "not without you." She rolled her eyes once more and walked over to Hunter, wrapping her arms around his right arm. "I'm not going anywhere."

Seeing that action had Lance's blood boiling..

@kenryuko @Deadly Darkness
kenryuko said:
Hunter looked between the two hellhounds, his eyes returning to a basic wolf eye, "I take it you two know each other?"
@Comet, @Deadly Darkness

The second in command glanced at Lucy, "Control the blood lust child, I out rank you, and I'm now in charge remember?" He said with a devilish smirk on his grizzled face.

"Sorry commander, just this little... BRAT GOT IN MY WAY!!!" she yelled, bringing Priscilla to the brink of tears once more. "N-no more torture... p-please..." she sobbed, her eyes wide with terror as the tears ran down her pale face
(What arm? He's a wolf.)

Hunter raised an eyebrow at Alli, "Well this just got interesting." He said as he glanced at Lance.


"She has done nothing wrong. If anyone is t blame it is that fool Leonidus. And call me Jackson." The newly named Commander said as he glared at Lucy, "And Priscilla, you dismissed from the legion if you wish."

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Alexander watched the strange situation that was occurring in front of him. He contemplated leaving, but was curious as to if the group could answer any questions he had.
"Priscilla... Next time we meet, we are enemies, you hear! ENEMIES!!" Lucy yelled after her as she ran, heading off towards what she hoped was the town of Lycona
Jackson raised a hand and channeled some magic, causing vines to tie Lucy up and pull her back. "Soldier, are you have not been dismissed. Should I take that as treason?" He asked the raven as he applied runes that restricted shifting, and created a icicle that floated near the skull.

"n-no sir..." she mumbled in defeat, knowing that she wouldn't have been allowed to leave the legion so easily
(Ohhhhh, I thought you meant Lance. xD just be like.. Alli has her arms wrapped around his wolf neck.)

Lance growled, "Alli, who is that?" He glared at the wolf that she was hugging.

Alli chuckled, "this is Hunter, one of my partners."

Hunter looked at the obviously jealous Lance, "Is that a problem?" He asked shifting and crossed his arms.


(Just to be on the same page, Lucy is the one being threatened. @Trust)
Lance forced a grin, "not at all, you protected her obviously." He then stepped towards them, wanting to take Alli but Alli moved behind Hunter. "Hell no Lance, ain't going with you." He sighed. "Fine, then I'm going with you."


Cory moved towards the crane guy to watch, standing a few feet shorter than him. "This is interesting." She whispered to him.

@Deadly Darkness
He nodded at Cory's comment before turning to her with a brotherly smile. "I'm Alexander, and you must be Cory." He gently took her hand and kissed it. "It's a pleasure to meet such a charming young lady."
kenryuko said:
Hunter looked at the obviously jealous Lance, "Is that a problem?" He asked shifting and crossed his arms.

(Just to be on the same page, Lucy is the one being threatened. @Trust)
(Oh, by "she" i meant Priscilla, not Lucy, sorry for making that nistake ;- ;)

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