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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Cory's eyes widened when he kissed her hand. "Um.. Nice to meet you too... Im not used to this kind of attention. Alli usually gets it." She mumbled the last part, looking down then over at Alli and the two boys.

@Deadly Darkness
Alexander looked over to Alli and the others. "That's understandable. They're boys and she's a woman. I'm a gentleman though, so I'm not as easily distracted." He smiled at Cory with a wink.

(Seem familiar? The kissing of the hand x3)
Cory blushed slightly as she looked up at him. "I guess that's true." She giggled and watched them with interest. "You seem very familiar.."

@Deadly Darkness

(Are you bringing the others back soon too?)
He looked down at her with surprise and hope. "Really? I mean you probably would've been eleven, but I suppose we could've met. Or maybe you're somewhere in those six years I can't remember." He chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck.

(Mhm :3)
Hunter raised an eyebrow, "When was this agreed on." He asked looking at between hellhounds. Then at Cory and Alexander, "Whatever, I'm going to talk to my dad, meet me at the square." He said as he walked away.

@Comet, @Deadly Darkness
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"No... Just someone I used to know.." Cory mumbled then nodded at Hunter. "Alli we can go shopping again." She suggested.

Alli walked away from Lance and Hunter, Lance watching her with his arms crossed. She threw her hair over her shoulder and smiled down at Cory. "Now that you say that, that sounds like a good idea." Shen looked at Alexander sheepishly. "I'm sorry you had to witnes everything with me and my old.. Friend." She explained to him.

@Deadly Darkness
"Someone you used to know?" He mumbled. He was quickly drawn out of his thoughts by Alli's voice. He smiled and waved and in dismissal. "No need to apologize. Everyone has their pasts."
Alli smiled at him, "you want to come along? You can keep little puppy dog Lance company cause I know for a fact he won't leave me." She blew her bangs out of her ember eyes, smiling up at him. Cory growled lowly, knowing that he'll soon fall to the same fate as every other guy that meets her and she turned away, walking towards the shopping district, knowing the others would follow.

@Deadly Darkness

(She won't be lonely, don't worrrryyyy, I got someone planned for herrrrr.)
Hunter reached his house and opened the door, only to be tackled by his mother. "My little boy! Your back!" She yelled, and he hugged back and sat down on the coach. His father walked in holding a wooden box, "Hunter these used to belong to your grand father, we just found them and hope you can make us of them." The older male said opening the box to reveal a pair of flint lock revovlers (yes those exist) with several different engravings and modified bayonets attached to the muzzles. "Their beautiful." Hunter said picking them up.
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"Of course, I don't mind tagging along." He looked over to Lance, examining him.

Elizabeth sat up in the chair, her expression growing more worried by the second. "Johnathan, what happened? Where are the others?" She looked around, her head still feeling incredibly light, which gave her a serious head rush. "They're ok," he said, trying to calm her. "I'll take you back to them soon, ok?" He paused, looking at her panicked face with sorrow. "There's something I need to tell you, Elizabeth."
Alli smiled in a friendly way. "Let's go then." She then followed Cory, jogging a little to catch up with the short girl and putting her arm around her. "Hey druggie." She chuckled, pulling the short girl into a hug.

Lance followed, dragging his feet behind and growling. "I could've said no to the boss but nooooo, I had to go find her.."

@Deadly Darkness

(Once Alli sees Jonathan, she's gonna tackle him. xD cause he got close to her and then he left.)
(As long as Hunter doesn't murder him first, especially after finding out what happened to Elizabeth)

His breath hitched, as if the words were joking him, trying to keep him from talking. "I... I took your form away." He finally forced the words out; most people describe telling the truth as a weight being lifted off their shoulders, but if anything it made him feel as if he had just subjected himself to being whipped, and not the good kind either. Elizabeth stared at him, trying to comprehend what he had just said. "Y-You're kidding. Johnathan please tell me this is some kind of joke." He bowed his head, solemnly answering her question. Her hands slowly raised to where her horns used to be. Tears began to spill out from her eyes as soon as she felt hair where her horns should've been. Johnathan sat in silence as she sobbed. He decided it was probably best not to mention that not only was her deer form taken away, but Johnathan had been injected with feelings for her. Making sure that every moment he looked at her was agonizing for him as well.

Alexander stuck back with Lance. With his hands deep in his jean pockets, he looked around the shopping district with curiosity. He smiled at a stand of hats, sunglasses, and scarves.
Cory and Alli were deep in the clothes, Cory playing with jewelry and Alli at the hats and scarfs. She put on a big floppy hat and a Aztec scarf, modeling in the mirror. She made a duck face before cracking up in laughter at how silly she looked.

Lance decided to go towards Cory, seeing as Alli was angry with him before...

@Deadly Darkness
Alexander simply stood back, watching as the girls had their fun. He smiled; being around them made him feel like a brother again. He was dragged deep into thought as he then thought about his brother. Where was he? Had something happened between them? Sure, they fought like any other siblings, but they were always together no matter what. So then where was he?
(When Alli and Jonathan first interacted, with hats.cx )

When Alli finished getting all that she wanted, she walked over to Alexander with her hands full of bags and a huge grin on her face. "Whale, I'm done." She chuckled, setting the bags down on the ground and looked at Cory and Lance laughing at something Cory said.

@Deadly Darkness
Alli smiled at him as he picked up her bags. "Well thank you." She chuckled, watching Cory and Lance. "I haven't seen him laugh like that In a long time." She pointed out, murmuring as Lance started acting all silly with Cory, trying on different things. She then looked at Alexander and asked, "do you have a brother?" She meant to ask him earlier, seeing a strange familarity about him.

@Deadly Darkness
He nodded, still watching the two fool around. "Yeah, Johnathan. He's, wow, he's twenty one now. He's such a goof." He chuckled, thinking about him.
Alli's eyes lit up. "Jonathan is your brother?? Do you... Do you know where he is?" She had a small glimmer of hope.. The one who saw past her games and her playing around attitude..

@Deadly Darkness
He looked at her in shock. "You know him?" When she asked him of his whereabouts he shook his head. "I was hoping you'd be able to tell me that." He looked around the group. "Has anyone sent out a search party or is that what this is?"
Hunter had spent at least an hour talking with his parents, before biding them goodbye. Walking through town he enjoyed the familiar sights and sounds. Several wild wolves lay in the streets on benches or the ground, while most towns would find this a threat Lycona had made the packs in the area docile.
"Do you know how hard it is to find a flying crow?" She asked, laughing. "He could be anywhere with his flying ability. Of course, we could try to sniff him out, but that would be too hard, he could've up in the air constantly... And he took our friend Elizabeth too. If you asked, Hunter could find Elizabeth. He would know her scent from anywhere." She then looked over when Cory and Lance came back, ready to go. "Want to go find Hunter now or go do something else?" She asked, Lance standing beside her with a "I don't care" look.

@Deadly Darkness
Hunter sat on a bench in the town square and watched as several wolf pups played and wrestled, the mothers laying in the shade of a tree keeping a watchful eye. He smiled as puppies continued to play. One the decided to inspect him, before tugging on a pant leg. Picking the little canine up in his lap, it started to lick his face. Carrying the pup back to the group of others, he put it down before the pups decided he was the best chew toy and made him decide to sit. Soon he was attacked with puppy breathe and licks, causing him to lay on his back covered in pups, laughing the whole time.
(Ok we need to get the show on the road here.)

The pups' mothers barked at the respective children for them to follow and walked away, the little canines chasing after. Hunter got off the ground with a few heavy breaths from laughing so much and decided to find his friends, and shifted. Running back to where he last saw them he noticed that everyone was still there, "Hey, I'm back." He announced as he returned to human form.

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