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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Hunter put a paw on Alli's muzzle and made her lay back down like he was, "Stay quiet we can't alert them." He whispered again, and feigned sleep as a guard passed, "I'll hum the tune you need as we travel. That way we can pass it off as a way to pass the time, or relieve boredom." He explained quietly.
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Alli laid her head next to his and sighed deeply, like a sleeping sigh. "Alright, that sounds good." She whispered quietly, feeling that Cory was already passed out.

Hunter nodded and fell asleep quickly, before long there was a racket against the cage. Hunter opened his eyes to see a smug looking Leonidus, "Rise and shine, we're moving out." He said as the troops were packing the tents, the dead guard having been stripped of his armor and left to rot.
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Alli growled in her sleep and snuggled more against Hunter, putting her head on his paws as she slept, growling slightly at the noises against the cage.

Cory was already up, hanging in the bars as her hand was throug the bars and on the lock. When she saw Leo, she quickly jumped down and ran to the two on the ground, hiding behind them.

Priscilla clambered out of the tent, staying as far as possible away from the cage as she could. Lucy always one step behind her, like some sort of guardian
Hunter stood up and shifted, glaring at Leo initiating a stare off which end with the Legionary walking away, "Priscilla, watch them." Leonidus ordered as he walked past them.
"L-lucy..? Can you watch them for me?" Priscilla asked hopefully but was readily shot down by her teacher. "Now, now Scilla, go check on your friends" she told the young girl, wondering how they would reacts as she edged closer to the cage, her new clothes swaying gently in the wind
When Hunter moved, Alli woke up, lifting her head up groggily. "What the hell is going on.?" She yawned, licking her jaws as she shifted Into her human form and standing up, holding Cory in her arms. Cory looked up at Alli before jumping out and shifting into her human form. "Alli I want to go home..." She said, looking up at the older girl. Alli just sighed and smile at her sadly. "We will soon Cory." She then walked over to Leo and whistled at him, trying to get his attention. "Oiy, badass, why did you take the rest of us if you only needed Hunter? I mean, I wouldn't have left him either way, but what good is a hellhound and a thylacine?" She then looked at Priscilla with a cold look, wondering why she turned on them, after she treated her so nicely..

@kenryuko @Trust
Hunter shot Priscilla a glare, before turning away, and started to hum the howl's tune. Leo ignored Alli he walked up to the front a started to converse with a few troops, "Hellhounds are pretty powerful, and a thylacine is quick and cunning, The Dire wolf is just straight up rare, not to mention very strong." A random guard answered Alli before walking away.
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(I'm gonna guess Leo ignored her. xD )

Alli moved closer to Hunter and listened, humming along slightly.


Cory moved back up the bars on the cage, deciding to fiddle with the lock, seeing what it takes to unlock it.
"It's easier to take all three than grab two and have the other go on some revenge quest..." Priscilla muttered in response, listening to the tune the Hunter was humming out of boredom, meanwhile her heart was thumping in her chest for some unknown reason.

"I'm a bad guy... But am i truly evil?" She asked the trio. "You have all murdered someone along the way..."
Alli spat at her, "but we didn't give them something out of friendship then turn on them." She then continued humming, sitting away from Priscilla.

Cory sighed looking at Priscilla as she fiddled with the lock. "That's what you tried to tell me huh..?"

Hunter stopped humming abruptly, and whipped around with a snarl on his face, "We are nothing like you, the Legion captured me when I was fucking fifteen, FIFTEEN FOR CHIRST'S SAKE! They let me be experimented on and dissected alive, and I was the first to survive! Do you know how many innocent I saw die? DO YOU!?" He snapped at Priscilla his hand on the bars, bending them slightly, as he was holding himself from ripping them apart and killing the 15 year old in front of him.
"... I've been with them since i was 5..." She replied, remembering how painful it all was, being told if you didn't make the cut to join them you would die on the spot. Priscilla's entire village died that day, along with her home in the mountains
Hunter growled, "That's around the age the youngest of the subjects were, including my little brother. The worst part is they didn't even bury the dead, just thru them back onto the cells. Do you know that feeling? I had my little brother ripped from my arms, die a death I wouldn't wish on the devil himself, and was forced to watch him rot. No matter how you look at it, when you side with the legion, no matter how many kills we stack up, you will always be worse."
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"say what you will experiment" she hissed at him. "I did what i had to do to survive, and to do that... I had to kill my own village..." She choked, her throat suddenly feeling rather dry. "My choice was to kill everyone i knew or die along with them, and i chose to live" she continued
Hunter had enough and turned away, "You know I was starting to see you as a little sister, but I guess I misjudged you. Your no better than the rest of the legion, willing to do anything just to save your own skin." He spat and started humming again.
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"If anything you should know what it's like to be tortured non-stop for years..." She mumbled. "...I thought you could sympathise..." Tears forming slightly in her eyes as she walked
"You lost all right to sympathy when you joined the legion." Hunter snapped, before returning to the tune.
"Fine then..." She muttered, continuing to walk in silence, listening to the humming he was so intent on doing
Several hours had past, and at around midday, Leonidus walked up to the cage, "You three better be quiet, cause we're about to enter Lycona." He said as a tarp was put over the cage. Hunter looked at Alli before shifting, "Do you have the howl down?" He asked sitting down

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Alli shifted along with him, standing beside him and leaning her pelt against his. "Yeah, I got it." She whispered to him, looking at Cory as she messed with the lock more. "I can get it unlocked guys.." She whispered.

Hunter nodded at Cory, as he heard the familiar hustle and bustle of Lycona, "Ok Cory get that door unlocked then we can start, we have a 20 minute window before they get out of town at this speed." He whispered.
Cory nodded and unlocked the lock quickly and silently, holding it shut until they were ready.

Alli licked Hunter's cheek, giving him a wolffish smile. "Ready?" She asked him in a whisper.


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