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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Hunter rolled his eyes at Cory, before sighing. "Hey Alli, um, wanna go out somewhere tonight." He asked rubbing the back of his neck, a nervous habit he picked up.
Alli then turned to Hunter with a confused look. "To where?" She asked, walking towards him and stopping in front of him, leaning on the counter.


Cory backed away with a small grin, heading towards Priscilla to look at her outfit. "I love it." She praised, a smile on her face.

@Trust (I kinda want Cory to know that Priscilla is working for the legion. xD but keeps the secret.)
"Y-yes... Please..." Priscilla had never truly been given something before, apart from a good beating once or twice. (I don't know, planning on revealing it soon if @kenryuko accepts my other character :3) @Comet
Hunter shrugged, "I was think just walk around and see where it goes." He said to Alli as he sat on a bar stool.
Andromalius looked between Johnathan and Elizabeth. "I'll do it, but I want something else." Johnathan's eyes widened in rage.

"You said this would be enough!" He growled. The demon held up a finger, silencing the boy.

"It was enough when it was your form, but now I want something from you."

"What is it?" He asked through gritted teeth. Andromalius grinned crookedly.

"That's the kicker; you don't get to know, but it won't effect you life span, I promise." Johnathan looked back to Elizabeth's peaceful face. With a sigh he nodded.

"Alright, let's do it." The demon stuck out his long, thin arm. As Johnathan shook his hand the python snaked around his arm and sank its teeth into him. The boy gasped at the sudden pain, but the snake soon retracted and the demon disappeared.

A weight sank into his stomach; he thought he was going to vomit, but managed to keep it in. Johnathan then looked to Elizabeth, her horns slowly started disintegrating. "I'm so sorry,"
(Foreshadowing is here...) a small crow sat on a nearby rooftop, watching the group, keeping a sharp eye on the unconcious, drunken man from the bar and the new bar owner
Alli smiled at Hunter before saying, "sure, walking around would be fun. But you better be ready to feed a hungry hellhound after."


Cory smiled at Proscila, "good."
Hunter shook his head, "And I'm already starting to regret this." He said as he walked out the door, poking his head in quickly, "Can you two hold down the fort?" He asked the younger members of the group.
"What fort? This is YOUR bar if i may point out" she laughed, resisting the urge to wave at the crow that was completely focused on the mission
"You may not." Hunter said with a smirk, before grabbing Alli's hand and walking out the door again.
Allichuckled when she was dragged off with Hunter, a smirk on her face. "We better be walking at a beautiful place." She said, jogging a little bit to walk beside him interlaces her fingers with his.


Cory chuckled and moved to sit on a stool. "How are we supposed to hold a fort down if the fort is empty?"

"I don't know... H-hey... I have a bit of a confession to make..." Priscilla mumbled, so quietly one would have to strain their ears to hear it
Hunter shrugged, "All we're gonna do is walk around, no telling where we might end up." He said as he put his hood up to hide the wolf ears. He squeezed Alli's hand as their fingers intertwined with the other's
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Elizabeth strained to open her eyes. She felt as though she had been drugged. The room around her first appeared as a blur, but after a bit the area came into focus. She looked around the dull room in confusion. Her head throbbed and felt almost weightless, it was incredibly light on her shoulders. Slowly she noticed the figure in the corner. "Johnathan?" Her voice was soft and laced with exhaustion. He looked up at her with a sad smile. "Hey, beautiful." She looked around in confusion. Her wrists had red marks from being tied down, but no longer were.

"What's going on?"
Alli sighed deeply, "Just walking around?" She then watching him put his hood over his ears but she let hers show, showing off her new brown hair instead of white. "Did Cory put you up to this?" She chuckled, feeling him squeeze her hand.


Cory looked at Priscilla with a curious look. "What is it?" She asked. Cory was great at keeping things a secret, so Priscilla wouldn't have any trouble about anything slipping out of her mouth.

Hunter nodded slowly, "yeah she did." He said until a familiar voice rang out, "How sweet. The wolf got a mate." Turning around Hunter saw Leonidus with legionnaires, "What do you want?" Leo merely gave a smirk, "The Doctor only wants the wolf, but the girl could be useful for the breeding experiments. Capture them both." He signaled his troops to attack.
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Alli scoffed, "breeding? Excuse me, but hell no. Who the fuck do you think you are?" She snarled, letting Go of Hunter's hand and moved forward to punch the man in the face. "I will not be used for such BULLSHIT."

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Leonidus easily grabbed the fist, and returned it with a knee to the gut, followed by an elbow to the back of Alli's skull. "You will fall to the Legion." Leo said as he pulled out a syringe with sedatives in it and injected the hellhound.
Alli fell to the ground with a groan. "You di-" her eyesight soon got Blurry and her head started to feel fuzzy and light. Soon, she was out on the ground.

"I... Well... I can't really say..." She said cryptically, conflicted between her newfound companions she had spent the past few weeks with and her loyalty to the legion @Comet
Hunter was on an adrenaline high as he saw Alli fall. His instincts were in over drive as he charged, but instead he pulled a fake out and grabbed Alli before running back to the bar. Slamming the door behind him he laid Alli down on the counter and started to barricade entrances and windows.
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Cory smiled, "yes you can Priscilla. It can't be that bad, you can tell me anything." Cory said, moving behind the bar and pulling out a strawberry she found and took a bite out of it. Her eyes widened when she saw hunter bring in Alli. "What happened?!?" She asked, rushing over and checking Alli over.

@Trust @kenryuko
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