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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

"I-I..." She managed to get out before the Hunter stormed in with an unconcious Alli. Priscilla stopped out of shock, after all, she had never truly been around for the "after party" of her scouting so this was a first
Hunter panted as he finished the barricades, "Legion, Leonidus wants to take me back to that sick laboratory and be experimented on. They said something about a breeding program for Alli." He said as memories of the twisted man that dissected him alive, along with many others flooded his mind.
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Cory scrunched up her face. "I guess that explains the bruise on her head and stomach." She said, moving the shirt to reveal the already forming bruise on Alli's stomach. "She fought back then got sedated I'm guessing?" Cory asked, seeing a small red spot where a needle been.

@Trust @kenryuko
Hunter nodded as he slid down the wall, until he was sitting with one leg out stretched and the other being hugged to his chest with a single arms.
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"I-i'm sorry.." Priscilla mumbled as she began to freeze the room, ice spreading across the floor and seeming to hold you all into the ground as she walked towards the door and opened it, letting the Legion in. She sat outside and attempted to not listen what was happening to the bar @Comet @kenryuko
"P-Priscilla!!" Cory called as legion members flooded in. She shifted into her thylacine form and stood on top of Alli, her mouth wide open in a snarl as she slashed at legion members.

@kenryuko @Trust
Hunter's eyes wide ed as Leonidus walked in and signaled a legionary to shoot Cory with a blow pipe, the same sedatives used to take Alli down coated the dart, and the same happened to Hunter. "You did good agent Priscilla." He said as the group was soon put into a cage and covered, "To the Dark Jungle. Priscilla, get your partner, and come with us, I want you to see the wolf's face when he wakes up."
Cory snarled as she was shot, soon falling to the saw fate as Alli, her thylacine form hanging over the hellhound girl.
"Y-yes sir..." Priscilla mumbled as the crow floated down, changing back to reveal a tall, black-haired woman. "Hey Scilly" she smiled, patting Priscilla gently on the back "Good job, haven't seen you in a while but let's catch up on that later, for now, let's head to the dark jungle" She told her. "okay.." Priscilla replied as they walked with the unconscious bodies of her companions
An ox shifter was soon hooked up to the cart and thus started the trek to the jungle. After several hours the legionnaires had reached the half way point and darkness was settling, "Ok we set up camp here!" He called out a d the troops quickly set up tents.
Alli groaned, slowly waking up in the back of the cart. "What the hell.." She said quietly, her head pounding and her stomach aching. She saw Hunter passed out beside her and she moved slowly towards him, checking him over to see if he was okay. She put her hand to his chest to check if he was still breathing, then moved on to Cory, doing the same thing. She then sat up, ready to get out of here. She poked her out of the tent on the cart, seeing a guard guarding it. She smirked and trailed her fingers across his shoulder in a flirty manner. "Well hello, I was just wondering, can me and my friends go home now?"

@kenryuko @Trust
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"O-oh... you're awake" Priscilla mumbled, sitting opposite from the heavily-guarded tent on a small stool. slightly waving her hand before the guard rudely shoved Alli back into the tent @Comet
Alli turned around and looked at Hunter, "I don't know where we are. They won't say anything." She then walked to the corner and curled up in a ball, putting her chin on her knees. "I should have just gone home... I wouldn't be in this mess, I wouldn't be used for breeding.."

Hunter grew angery when he remembered what was going on, standing up he grabbed the Guard and choked him to death, before glaring at Priscilla, "You're dead when I get out of here, you traitor."
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"I-I'm sorry..." She mumbled once more before holding up a hand, a huge blizzard suddenly appearing around them, changing the temperature to sub-zero as seeming to disappear. The black-haired from before appearing again. "Hello again experiment" she said calmly, holding a long sword that seemed to be made from the same stuff as Priscilla's scythe. "I would hate to have to harm one of your... Friends in there"
Hunter growled, "The only reason I haven't busted out is that same fear. you touch them and you will burn." He threatened as his eyes turned yellow.
Cory was the last to wake up and watched as hunter choked out a guard. She then saw Alli in the corner and went to her.

Alli looked up when she heard a new voice and saw the sword pointed at Hunter. She then shifted and lunged at the bars of the cage, chewing on the bars and making her mouth bleed as she snarled by Hunter, blood dripping down her mouth. "And who the fuck are to?" She asked the black haired woman who came up to Hunter, standing beside him in her animal form.

@Trust @kenryuko
"Me..? Consider me Priscilla's best friend" she said with a cold-blooded smile. "But you may call me The Black Death.... Not that you will know it for very long, Leonidus has plans for you all"
Alli snarled again, "you guys can think twice about breeding me. You guys will have a hard ass time doing that." She lunged at the cage again, making her mouth bleed more as she stood back, licking her lips and snarling at the girl.

@Trust @kenryuko
Hunter put a hand on Alli's head, "Calm down." He said before shifting and curled up near Cory, "It gets cold out in this area at night." He explained as he nodded his head to come over, a gleam in his eye told Alli he had a plan.
Lucy merely smiled evilly at them all before heading into a nearby tent that had been set up, to which she found a small, white-haired girl that seemed to have been dismantled emotionally. "Oh dear... Are you okay? I left you too long didn't I...". Priscilla simply stared at the ground, unresponsive
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Alli turned towards Hunter and sighed deeply, going over to him and curling up in the crook of his body, huffing angrily. "I am not no breeding bitch." She growled, laying her head on her paws and looking off into the distance. Cory climbed up on the two and curled up in their fur, burying herself in it.

Hunter chuckled, "Like hell you are, and neither is Cory." He said before leaning to where both could hear him without strain, "I have a plan. Now to get it the Dark Jungle you have to go through Lycona, now they have a special howl that is used as a distress signal, and the whole town will come running to help. And I might add that they usually are trained at a young age, to fight. As I was saying, my pack will come running at my own howl, so I'm gonna teach you the distress howl Alli and I'll summon my pack when we're in Lycona." He whispered the plan to his friends.
"How can you teach me the howl?" She said, lifting up her head to look at him. Cory moved closer to get between their faces to listen in.


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