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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

"calm your feathers! We still have 14,000 or so." Hunter said walking backwards before turning around, only to crash into Cory, "Well that's one." He said as he helped the thylacine shifter to her feet.

"Trust me, I know kid. But to get what you want you'll have to give something up." Andromalius rubbed his fingers and thumb together. Johnathan sighed exhaustively and cocked his head towards Elizabeth. The demon loomed over the unconscious doe with a large twisted grin. "She's a pretty little thing isn't she? Where'd you find her?" Andromalius tilted his head almost unnaturally, looking towards Johnathan.

"Does it matter?" He snapped. He closed his eyes, quickly regaining his composure. "So her form for him right?"
Cory's hands were filled with shopping bags for her and Alli. Her eyes widened. "Um... Alli is.. Busy." She stuttered, knowing that she's getting her hair done. "She'll be done soon."

Alli stood up from her hair, her newly brown hair gleaming in the light from above. "Gorgeous darling!" The hair dresser complemented and she smiled at him sweetly. "Thank you." She turned to walk out the door but was stopped by someone else. He looked her up and down with a grin before saying, "I want you." She gave him a disgusted look before he finished, "as my model." She then looked at him confused..
Hunter sighed, "Well, we can wait for her at the Bar." He said walking back the way he and Priscilla came
Cory followed Hunter, looking around and carrying all the bags with a struggle cause there was so many of them.

Alli listened to the guy talking to her about the modeling for him, crossing her arms over her chest And giving him a glare. After he finished, she told him, "not interested." And tried to walk away but he caught her. "No miss please!! I really need you. You'll be the star!" He then started to drag her out to his studio, pushing her down as loads of people went to her aid. She squirmed at all the attention as the guy started bringing out different things. Shoes, food, clothes, everthing. She was feeling very uncomfortable. "Look, this is nice and all, but I don't like any of this attention. I just want to go back to my friends." The guy sighed and nodded, "alright darling, but Atleast let us do some work then you can go with what we do. Then if we meet up again, we can see if you're ready for the job or not. She was then dragged away to another place, clothes and shoes thrown at her, her hair fixed in a wavy way and light blue jean shorts thrown on her with a a black sleeveless top, a plaid shirt throw tied around her waist and black shoes. When they finished the finishing touches, they finally let her go, walking back to her friends. She didn't know where they were though...

@kenryuko @Trust

Hunter noticed Cory struggling with her bags, and decided to grab a few of the heavier ones. Walking into the Jaded Forest, he noticed a male passed out on the bar and put the bags down before waking the sleeping male with a kick to the leg, "Wake up, we're closed."

@Comet, @Yappi, @Trust
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Cory sighed in relief as he took some bags and she watched as he messed with a passed out drunk man. She looked towards the entrance then back at Hunter, not knowing if Alli will know how to find them.

Alli walked to the center of town, looking around for her friends. "Where are they.." She mumbled to herself, her brown hair waving around each time she looked around. No one told her what they were doing or where to find them... So she huffed in a annoyed way as she stood there, cocking her hip to the side.
"Ohhh, i think he was in that bar fight?" Priscilla suggested, already knowing that he was the one. "One more target found..." She thought to herself after sitting down outside, tired from all the running. (Was thinking i might make a new character, lime priscilla but more of an assasin and only works for the legion)
She noticed a rather doll-like person wandering through the street, confused and bewildered, she reminded Priscilla of one of her old companions she had betrayed, never forgetting the look they gave her that day... "Wait a second... Thats Alli! Hey Alli! Over here!" She yelled, waving her hands hoping to grab her attention @Comet
Hunter looked back at Priscilla, "Really? Then that's all the more reason to kick him out." He said having enough of the drunk and picked him up by the back of the collar. Walking to the door he opened it before drop kicking the male out of the bar. He then noticed the white haired female trying to get someone's attention
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Alli looked over when she heard someone yelling her name. When she saw it was Priscilla, she smiled and ran over, her now brown hair bouncing. "Priscilla! Thank god it's you!" She breathed in relief as Cory circled her. "You're gorgeous!! Where did you get the clothes?" Cory asked Alli, and Alli told the story about how a guy wanted her to be a model and everything. "But I turned him down, so he gave me these clothes until next time." She smirked and went to the bags Cory got her and smiled. "Cory I love it all, thank you." She gave the Thylacine girl a hug, Cory huggin her back with a smile and saying, "I need to hang out with you more so I can get stuff like you do." She giggled, pulling on the plaid sweater that was tied around her waist. Alli laughed then looked at Hunter throwing a drunk guy out. "Yo, you can't just throw a drunk guy out on their own!" She said, walking up to him and pulling his hand off the guys shirt.

@Trust @kenryuko @Yappi
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Hunter rolled his eyes, "I can, and did. Especially if their in my bar." He said as finally got a good look at Alli, "Wow, you look great." He said with a small smile.
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"I never get compliments..." Priscilla mumbled grumpily, thinking that the Hunter only ever beats her up like an abusive big brother, soon to Ex-abusive big brother, that is if the Legion even could beat him
Alli blushed when he complemented her, smiling down at the ground then looked at Priscilla with a wicked grin. "I can fix that reaaalll quick." She then grabbed Priscilla and and dragged her off into one room with a bag full of clothes and shoes, giggling with glee. "You'll get complements when I'm done." She told priscilla.

@Trust (you can do the outfit or do you want me to?)

Cory chuckled and looked at Hunter, wiggling her eyes brows. "She looks good huh? You two should go out tonight.." She said, rubbing her shoulder against his and wiggling her eyebrows. "Huh? Huh?" She teased. She was joking with him, of course.

(I don't mind xD ) "w-wait..." She managed to get out, before being whisked off to a strange room where she was fitted with various different clothes before Alli settled on one
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Hunter looked on with a raised eyebrow as Priscilla was dragged away, and got a drink from behind the counter. Taking a swig he almost spit tanked at Cory's suggestion, coughing to clear his throat, he look at the usually energetic girl with a hint of a blush on his face. "Say what?"
(Well first, give me an idea of an outfit. @Trust )

Cory laughed at Hunter, a smile on her face. "You heard my wolf boy." She bounced on her Feet, moving to a chair in front of the bar and sitting at it, spinning it around as she looked at him.

Comet said:
(Well first, give me an idea of an outfit. @Trust )
Cory laughed at Hunter, a smile on her face. "You heard my wolf boy." She bounced on her Feet, moving to a chair in front of the bar and sitting at it, spinning it around as she looked at him.

(Don't know xD something colourful probably
Hunter shook his head, "I doubt she would say yes even if I asked her." He crossed his arms and leaned against the bar, "Want anything to drink?" He asked looking around the closed building.
(Got one.)

"If you asked she might. It's Alli." Cory then winked at him, giggling before turning around when Alli came out.

She introduced, "everyone gather around! The new Priscilla, has arrived!" She then moved to the side for Priscilla to come out, a huge grin on Alli's face.

@Trust @kenryuko

"H-hi..." Priscilla mumbled, shuffling out in embarrassment as if she had just been caught stealing, her new hat obscuring her face with a few strands of white hair visible
(It's like a watermelon type dress. xD I just looked up colorful and that was the best that came up.)
Hunter gave Priscilla a once over before smiling, "Looks good. And Alli I think I'll skip the make over, I like my jacket." He said stuffing his hands into the pockets of said jacket and looking at the hellhound shifter.
Alli chuckled and grinned at Hunter. "Who said I was going to do it to you? You don't need It." She then proceeded to give him a flirty grin before turning away and fixing up Priscilla's outfit a little bit before clapping her hands together. "So you like it? You want to keep it?" She asked the Girl.


Cory wiggled her eyebrows at Hunter again, trying to get him to actually ask her. The first time she said it she was joking, but now she wants it to happen. To help him get his mind off of Elizabeth. It wouldn't have to be a date, of course, just a friendly outing.


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