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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

"Huh? Oh.. Um.. No reason" she replied, sucessfully kepping the panick out of her voice "i uh... Was just thinking more people would be nice"
Hunter looked at Priscilla, "well how about we continue your training, or better yet your first kill." He said completely serious about it, "We can't have you freeze up again in the middle of a fight, especially seeing as anyone your up against is more likely going for a kill."
Alli stood up off the log and left Hunter and Priscilla to do their thing. "You two just hurry alright?" She went to her back and dig through it before sighing deeply and making a shadow cloud before her form as she dig through it, pulling out tents and other things they need. The cloud dissapeared and she started setting up the tents. She didn't have many, so one person would have to share there's. She moved her sleeping back into one, setting her bag on her sleeping bag and walking back out and looked up at the sky. "Cory, pick a tent." She said, and Cory did so, picking the tent opposite of Alli's.
"I.. Cannot kill, you don't understand" i hissed at him, genuinely angry with him for once, my hand clenching into a fist and out again
"And why is that?" Hunter asked calmly, as he stood up and walked to where he was in front of Priscilla.
"I just can't okay! Killing is true evil!" I yelled, a mixture of fear and anger in my voice. "It would drive me over the edge"
Hunter closed his eyes, "So tell me, would it be more evil to take the life of someone who is a rapist or murderer, or would it be worse to let them live and continue their spree?" He asked as he bent down to look Priscilla in the eye.
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Alli watched, seeing that he was making her uncomfortable and trying to crack her. "Hunter." She warned, not wanting him to scare the youngest of the group.
"I would do neither" I retorted at him. "I would freeze him and call the police, or get someone like you do whatever you want him" i growled
Hunter stood straight, glancing at Alli. "Fine, but know that there will be a day when you must kill, and there will be no one else to help you do it." He said as he walked over to Alli, "Three tents?"
"If you want to dig in the cloud go right ahead. I couldn't find anymore, this was all I can find." She said, crossing her arms and waiting for him to object and argue with her about it. "Or you can sleep out in the storm. Up to you. There is one more free rent, me and Cory have the other two, if you want one, Priscilla has to share with one of us."
Hunter glances back at Priscilla, "If you want you can have the tent. I honestly don't care where I sleep." He said to the griffin.
"hey.. I'm sorry, i just cannot kill! take the tent, there's no point in you freezing over it" i smiled at him, hoping he would smile back
Hunter sighed, "Whatever, just remember what I said." He walked into the tent, shifting as he walked.
i sighed before entering my griffin form and lying in the corner of the tent, now being soft and feathery and not taking up as much space as i would have if i would've been in normal form
i shuffled out of the tent. not bothering to change back to my normal form and feeling much more comfortable as a Griffin. i sat down outside and waited for the other two to get up @Comet
Cory and Alli both got up at he same time, Alli walking out and stretching. She then took down the tents, taking the one hunter took down and threw them in the cloud that had appeared beside her then vanished.
Hunter looked at everyone, "so we ready to move or no?" He asked as he stretched, popping several joints.

@Trust, @Comet
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"Yes" she said quickly, it sounding more like a squawk as i was only halfway through returning to my normal form. "Well, I'm ready anyway"
"Then let's move." Hunter said as he started towards Gemono. The forest's peace settling into the air as he walked.
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Elizabeth felt as though she should kick and flail, but at the height they were at it would certainly kill her to fall, so instead she remained perfectly still trying not to imagine what falling from those heights would be like. The two soon reached a small log cabin placed high up within the eagle mountains. As they grew closer it was obvious that this building had been abandoned for quite some time: the wood was grey and warped with age, the window was shattered, and the hinges where the front door should have been were caked over with a layer of rust.
(I'm back!!)

Alli followed the others her tail swishing as she walked in the back silently. She would help Hunter get his mind off of Elizabeth, but that would be pushing it.

Cory shifted into her animal form and ran past everyone with a chattering noise, all her energy in tact.
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