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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Hunter watched as Johnathan flew off with Elizabeth, before roaring in rage. "I KNEW THAT RAVEN COULDN'T BE TRUSTED!" He yelled as he started to pace, yelling profanities from time to time.
Alli rolled her eyes and grabbed him, pulling him down in front of her as she sat behind him on the log and wrapping her arms around his neck and just held him. "Calm the fuck down man." She said, putting her head on top of his.
Hunter looked at Alli with yellow eyes before, getting out of her grasp and stalked out into the forest "I'll be back later." He said as he disappeared into the foliage
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Alli and Cory exchanged looks before Cory nodded to Alli and Alli nodded back, running after him in her hellhound form. She howled into the night, "Hunter wait!" She quickly caught up, shifting into her human form and walking beside him. She didn't know what to say, of course, but she Atleast didn't want him to be alone, knowing that something happened between the two while they were out.

Cory just sighed and went to go get some food with Priscilla.
I munched on a bit of meat, trying not to think of hunter much, being concerned to him would have made all the much harder. "So nice..." I gurgled with a smile @Comet
Alli flenched a little bit before looking at him in the eyes with an unwavering look. "I ain't going to leave you alone in your most dire need Hunter. That's not how I or friendships work."

Cory looked up at Priscilla and nodded, "since they left all of it is for us." She licked her lips, an excited look coming to her face.
Hunter didn't respond, and kept walking until he reached the river that he and Elizabeth swam in earlier. Sitting on the bank, he looked at his reflection to see his wolf form staring back at him.
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Alli didn't give up, she came out soon enough and sat Down beside him. "You grew feelings for her." Alli breathed, looking down into the water to see nothing and his reflection. "I know the feeling Hun. To develop feelings for some one then have them leave suddenly." She then looked at his face, searching for something then looked back at the water, not saying a word unless he said something.
Hunter was silent for a moment, "I don't know any more." He said skipping a stone across the river. "She helped me come to terms with myself. So yeah I guess I did grow feelings for her, but to see her get snatched away like that, by someone that she considered a friend, made me want to snap." Another stone hopped across the river.
Alli chuckled, "you did snap." She bumped her shoulder softly against his as she looked out, birds chirping overhead and a few ducks floated by. "She'll come back, I know of it." She gently placed her hand on the back of his before quickly taking it off, not wanting to make him uncomfortable as silence filled the air between them.
Hunter chuckled, "Will she still be the same though?" He asked standing up, "Come on, we should go back, can't let Cory, and Priscilla eat all the food." He offered her a hand with a small smile on his face
She looked up at him and took his hand, answering, "Elizabeth will always be the same Hunter, she's a deer." She chuckled, standing up.
Hunter nodded, and started to walk towards camp, his hand still connected to Alli's. He needed something to hold on to right now, and she was the first nominee.
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Alli let him hold her hand as they walked back to the camp, silence still filling the air. When he mentioned Cory and Priscilla earlier about eating all of the food a deep growl came to her throat. No one is getting MY food!!
Reaching camp, Hunter saw that Priscilla and Cory were already eating. "So did you leave any for us?" He asked removing his hand from Alli's and crossed his arms.
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Cory looked up as the two came back and she gestured towards the boar. "I think we left enough." She said, half of the boar left over.

Alli walked past Hunter as he let go of her hand and walked towards the food, tearing some off and sitting down with it.
Hunter followed Alli's lead and got some meat. "So the plan still remains, we head to Gemono then to Lycona right?" He asked taking a bite from the boar.

@Trust, @Comet.
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"M-hmm" i agreed while biting off the whatever non-existent bits of meat that were still left on the bone i had firmly gripped with my hands. "I was starving" i smiled
Alli nodded, eating her meat as well. "Yeah, that's the plan as far as I know." She said, looking down at her food. "We going to head out now or just leave in the morning?" She asked, looking up at the sky.
Hunter thought for a moment, "We wait till morning, there would be less chance of attacks that way." He said glancing at everyone left in the group.
"Hey hunter" i said in-between bites "i heard there was a barfight where we were headed, we could try getting them to join us if they are still there" i smiled as i put the bone down, successfully full.
Alli nodded, seeing all the clouds in the sky. "We need shelter soon too, if it rains." She finished her food and just sat there by Hunter, waiting for everyone else to finish.

Cory just.. Kept eating she kept going back for more, eating more than anyone else I'm the group. "If you guys war seconds I would hurry!" She chuckled.

Alli's eyes turned towards Priscilla. "A bar fight? Why would you want those people to join exactly?" She cocked an eyebrow at the girl, curious now.

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