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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

(I love how it's warm in some areas of the forest and cold in others xD )

Johnathan smiled and scooted closer to her, wrapping an arm around her. "I'll do whatever you want. Either way it doesn't matter to me." He purred, resting his chin on her shoulder.

Slipping out of her skirt, Elizabeth followed Hunter into the water with a soft laugh. She quickly dived under the murky water, her horns being the last thing to stay above the surface.
[QUOTE="Deadly Darkness](I love how it's warm in some areas of the forest and cold in others xD )
Johnathan smiled and scooted closer to her, wrapping an arm around her. "I'll do whatever you want. Either way it doesn't matter to me." He purred, resting his chin on her shoulder.

Slipping out of her skirt, Elizabeth followed Hunter into the water with a soft laugh. She quickly dived under the murky water, her horns being the last thing to stay above the surface.

(That's cause of me > :)

Alli chuckled, moving into his arm and warmth. "whatever I want huh?" She looked at him resting on her shoulder, a evil grin on her face before bursting out laughing and stretching her body, moving a little bit away so she can stretch. "There's a lot I wanna do Hun." She then glanced towards Priscilla, not wanting to make her third wheel she asked, "what do you want to do?"

@Deadly Darkness @Trust
Hunter closed his eyes as he swam against the gentle current, to stay in the area. "These are the moments in life I enjoy the most."
Elizabeth popped her head up above the water, hearing the end of his sentence. She nodded understandingly. With no warning or thought she gently set her finger tips on his arm, lightly tracing the landscape of scars.

Johnathan frowned slightly as his gaze followed hers to Priscilla. "Maybe another time." He whispered into her before gently biting it. He then pulled his head away from hers as if nothing happened, smiling at Priscilla. "What do you want to do Priscilla?"
Comet said:
Alli chuckled, moving into his arm and warmth. "whatever I want huh?" She looked at him resting on her shoulder, a evil grin on her face before bursting out laughing and stretching her body, moving a little bit away so she can stretch. "There's a lot I wanna do Hun." She then glanced towards Priscilla, not wanting to make her third wheel she asked, "what do you want to do?"

@Deadly Darkness @Trust
"Hmm? Oh.. Umm.. Nothing much" i said, thinking about my choices up to this point, not that there were any choices. "Find hunter, join up with hunter, follow hunter, regularly report to the legion, all successful." I thought to myself. "When's the food gonna be ready?" I asked with a greedy smile
Hunter opened his eyes lazily, looking at Elizabeth traced some of his scars. A small smile adorned his features as his tail brushed against her legs.
A gentle smile formed on her lips as she gazed into Hunter's eyes. She continued to trace the scars up across his chest along his neck until her fingers gently brushed against his cheek.
Hunter leaned into Elizabeth's touch, his canine instincts kicking in as his tail wagged under the water, "Why do you seem so interested in me?" He asked suddenly as he stood up in the water.
alli rolled her eyes at Jonathan and then looked at Priscilla. "Can you go see where Cory is?? She's taking too long trying to find the vegan choices." She chuckled. She leaned against Jonathan's side, resting her head on his shoulder as she watched the food cook. "It'll be ready by the time everyone gets back." She gently placed her hands in her lap as she watched ants crawl on the ground.

(I'm gonna guess Hunter made his decision out of the "love quarrel" xD )
Her smile stretched as she felt his tail begin to wag. She tilted her head curiously as she let her hand drop down to her side. "What do you mean by interested?" She watched him, scanning over his face for some sort of clue.

Johnathan smiled and kept his arm wrapped around her. He let his fingers trace small shapes on her arm as they sat by the warmth of the fire. "Tell me, Ms. Alli, what do you think of me?" He asked glancing over to her. "I've made it quite clear what I think of you, but you're one who likes to play games aren't you?"
Comet said:
alli rolled her eyes at Jonathan and then looked at Priscilla. "Can you go see where Cory is?? She's taking too long trying to find the vegan choices." She chuckled. She leaned against Jonathan's side, resting her head on his shoulder as she watched the food cook. "It'll be ready by the time everyone gets back." She gently placed her hands in her lap as she watched ants crawl on the ground.
(I'm gonna guess Hunter made his decision out of the "love quarrel" xD )
"Okay" i mumbled as i allowed a huge cold wind spread throughout the forest, while ignoring the food, "a little trick i picked up during tra- school, we were in the forest and i lost my partner and it just sorta happened, well cya!" I panicked before sprinting away in the direction of Cory, determined to get away before they could think on my slip-up. After running for a bit i found the stuffing their face full of berries. "Uhh.. Hey, i was told to bring you back to the camp "i said with a child-like smile. "You are Cory right?"
Hunter shook his head, "You seem to come out of that shell of yours with me more than anyone else. So that's what I mean by interested" he said as he leaned in so he was eye level with Elizabeth.
She shrugged her shoulders, watching him carefully. She remained still as Hunter moved in closer. "I suppose," her voice was soft. "To get others to open up you have to open up first. Right?" She watched him.
"Yet I know almost nothing about you." Hunter said as he watched Elizabeth with a careful eye.
Alli looked at Jonathan with a sly smile. "I thought my intentions were obvious but I guess they're not." She moved her face close to his and blew into his face before backing up and standing up off the log, stretching her body. "I usually play games, but there are times when I'm not." She twisted her body slightly to wink at him before chuckling and walking towards her sleeping bag, brushing off all the thylacine hair Cory left.

@Deadly Darkness

Cory looked up at the girl, her face full. He spit all of it out to grin at the girl. "I am Cory. Nice to meet you!" She jumped up, berries fallout of her lap in an explosion as she held out her hand for her to shake.

Comet said:
Alli looked at Jonathan with a sly smile. "I thought my intentions were obvious but I guess they're not." She moved her face close to his and blew into his face before backing up and standing up off the log, stretching her body. "I usually play games, but there are times when I'm not." She twisted her body slightly to wink at him before chuckling and walking towards her sleeping bag, brushing off all the thylacine hair Cory left.
@Deadly Darkness

Cory looked up at the girl, her face full. He spit all of it out to grin at the girl. "I am Cory. Nice to meet you!" She jumped up, berries fallout of her lap in an explosion as she held out her hand for her to shake.

"Nice to meet ya, my name is Priscilla!" I said while taking her slight sticky hand. "I was told to take you back to the camp, let's go" i smiled happily after finding someone who seemed to be quite upbeat compared to everyone else who were all either luvy-duvy or crazy serious @Comet
"I suppose that's true." She looked up at him with big eyes. "So what do we do then?"

He smiled as she blew in his face. "That's what makes you tricky, it's hard to know whether you're just playing games or not." He stood up as well, walking up behind her after she had finished stretching and wrapping his arms around her.
Alli tensed up for a little bit when she felt him against her back, never having felt affection like this. She relaxed after a little while, still dusting off animal hair before turning around in his arms and facing him. "My life is tricky Jonathan. I'm a million puzzles wrapped into one game." She smirked up at him, before looking off at the distant trees and the smell of food hitting her nose, making her stomach growl.

@Deadly Darkness (oooooo, Hunter would get pisssssedddd if he saw how close Jonathan was to her. xD )@Deadly Darkness

Cory nodded and gathered more berries to take back to the camp. "Let's go!" She said excitedly, like a little kid.

"We learn, we ask questions and get to know each other, better." He said as as started to float again.
Elizabeth nodded. Suddenly pulled from her thoughts, a mischievous smile formed on her face. She quickly dipped under the surface then kicked as hard as she could, splashing Hunter.

Johnathan smiled sweetly. "I understand, no one's life is simple. And you know what?" He grinned. "I plan on seeing this game to the end. I'm not one to quit." His gaze held hers until heard her stomach growl. He chuckled softly. "I suppose it's time to serve up the boar, huh?"
I brought Cory back to the camp, not exactly hungry but just wanting the taste. "That smells good! Can we eat it yet?" I asked excitedly. "If you want i can go get the hunter and Elizabeth, I'll drag them here if necessary but i just want to eat" i laughed @Comet
Hunter deadpanned when the water connected to his face, "Well, I'm heading back to camp." He said getting out of the river, shaking excess water off.
She came up above the water, watching as the blonde walked away. "Hunter?" She quickly made her way out of the water and grabbed a hold of his arm. "What just happened? First we're talking about getting to know each other and now you're leaving out of the blue? Talk to me!" She finally yelled, gripping his arm tightly.

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