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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Hunter shook his head at Alli's antics before sniffing her out, "You know it's a bad idea to hide from a tracker." He said as he played her little game having already found her.
Hunter poked his head through the bush ext to Alli's head and gave a quick lick just to annoy her, "Found you."
(Lol whoops)

Elizabeth walked back to the camp ground with Hunter. Johnathan watched the interaction between Hunter and Alli with a calm expression, though on the inside he was seething, boiling over with a mixture of unpleasant emotions. He smiled at the two as they ran off. "Have fun!" Once they were out of sight he wiped the grin from his face and leaned back with an agitated sigh. Elizabeth sat down beside him, her face seeming emotionless. "Why do we do this to ourselves?" Johnathan asked, looking at Elizabeth. She simply shrugged
Hunter laughed at Alli's reaction, "That's what you get!" He said before running off sways.
(Uh, mostly Hunter heading back to camp before going to hunt with Alli, you wouldn't really worry about that, and just unwatch then rewatch the thread to fix your alerts, @Yappi)
"Hey... You two" i said with a nervous smile, not hacing really spoken to Elizabeth or Johnathen considering the legion kept requesting for more frequent reports on our whereabouts and where we were heading @Deadly Darkness
<p>Johnathan looked up to Priscilla with a smile. "Hey, we haven't been formally introduced." He stood up and help out his hand. "I'm Johnathan, it's a pleasure to meet you."</p>
I took his hand cautiously "nice to meet you too Johnathen, my name is Priscilla" i smiled, womdering why the hunter disliked him so much, he seemed nice at first glance.
Alli chuckled and following him, sniffing the air for prey. "What should we get?" She asked Hunter, wanting to get back to the others and her conversation with Jonathan.
"I'd suggest turkey or boar so not to make Elizabeth freak out like last time." He said before catching a scent, "Turkey, dozen yards south of here." He said before taking off to catch the bird.
Alli watched him, seeing as one boar would feed them all. She then followed to help, trotting behind him. Not like he needed help though..
<p>Hunter god in the foliage of the forest as he stalked the turkey until it flew off as a group of boar walked into the area, "Hey Alli, you up for a boar hunt?"</p>
Alli went to his side and saw them. She licked her jowls. "Let's go." She then pounced on one, sinking her teeth in the bac of the neck. "We don't need all of them!" She said between bites, going back in and digging her teeth in deeper, the boat squealing as another charged towards her.
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Hunter pounced the charging boar, holding his jaws clamped on the neck until it stopped struggling. Releasing his kill he growled at the rest, warning them.
<p>They had two, and the rest looked at them in fear and ran off. "Well yay, we get to take back two." She chuckled, letting go of the one she took down and nudged it onto her back, looking at Hunter. The blood from it stained her fur coat, mixing with the blood that dripped from the chain around her neck, but it didn't bother her at all.</p>
<p>Hunter nodded and picked his boar up before heading back to camp, when he got there he saw Johnathan and Priscilla having a conversation.</p>
Alli dropped her boar and shifted back into her human form, looking towards the two. "Oh, you met Jonathan!" She said to Priscilla. She walked over to them, sitting beside him and smiling at her. "I don't think we met either?"

@kenryuko @Trust @Deadly Darkness
Hunter shifted, and started to skin the boars, and placed some of the meat over a reignited fire.
Comet said:
Alli dropped her boar and shifted back into her human form, looking towards the two. "Oh, you met Jonathan!" She said to Priscilla. She walked over to them, sitting beside him and smiling at her. "I don't think we met either?"
@kenryuko @Trust @Deadly Darkness
"Oh, umm... hello, nice to meet you, my name is Priscilla" i smiled, not really having had any need to speak to the others of the group due to the hunter being the main focus my my mission. "What's your name?" @Comet
Elizabeth simply watched the two as they talked until the others came back where she then sat silently staring at the ground, examining every blade of grass. Johnathan smiled as Alli got back, completely ignoring Hunter. He watched as she introduced herself to Priscilla.
Alli looked at Elizabeth then at Hunter. "Hey Hunter, why don't you and Elizabeth go for a walk? I can finish cooking the boar, I can finish cooking it anyways." She chuckled, looking over at Elizabeth and have her a short wink before looking at Jonathan. "You can help. You're great at cooking right?"

@kenryuko @Deadly Darkness


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