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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Nelly hears theses word and perks right up. "Can there be a 4th?" She asked smiling wide teeth showing, her fangs longer then a normal humans. "I mean... If you will let me." She says shyly. @Trust @kenryuko

Marcus talks with the "General" for a bit getting a new mission. He returns to the the pub to see the people still there and tries to get to the back door without anyone noticing. "Legion of Beasts." he says in a whisper and the door opens for him to slip in.
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kenryuko said:
Hunter shrugged "With me, today has been a 1 out of 10 so far, Gemono I have no idea." He said still flipping through the jobs, before one caught his eye and he read through it his wolf ears twitching from time to time. "A three man job? Interesting, we would have to traverse feral territory, and mountains, two birds with one stone, then kill the leader of a black market ring, and the pay ain't bad, 2 million."
*in mind *t-two million!?! If i had that money i could probably find a way of ridding this curse... I think i am going to follow them for now*
Aizen was in shock " 2 million that's a quarter of what I made the whole time I was an assassin. On a more serious note do you really think just you and I can do all that because that sounds like a pretty tough task.

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Hunter was still reading the job details when his ear turned to the fanged girl and shrugged his tail starting to sway slightly. "That would be something to discuss with the one who requested the job, actually this says to meet him in the next town over North, and did I not just say 'Three man job' yeesh man listen if there's a person requirement you never take it without a pinch of salt, especially as this one screams some type of trap."
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*Hmm... Next town north... It may be trap information to throw off thieves such as me... I wonder if anyone will fall for it?*
Nelly frown. "Walking all that way for a no isn't my style," she said as she dropped back into the seat grabbing the scythe handle and cuddling it. "But if she is going I guess I could." She smiled again.

Marcus changed into a more waterproof attire then came back through the door whispering a thanks to old man Tom. He noticed the group was still there. 'What could they be up too.' He thought focusing on his target.
" Are we not going to poker anymore because I was actually looking forward to meeting your buddy Leo. Can we at least go to the market I'm not trying to starve to death going north." Aizen shrugged and started to walk but then realized he didn't know where he was going, so he waited until Hunter was ready. @kenryuko
Dkingow said:
Nelly frown. "Walking all that way for a no isn't my style," she said as she dropped back into the seat grabbing the scythe handle and cuddling it. "But if she is going I guess I could." She smiled again.
Marcus changed into a more waterproof attire then came back through the door whispering a thanks to old man Tom. He noticed the group was still there. 'What could they be up too.' He thought focusing on his target.
(My scythe or does she have her own..?)
Hunter chuckled "The last time Leo and I played 'Poker' he lost his eye and half an army died." He said still looking through the details "Actually I need to have a chat with him." He said standing up and putting the job requests away, before walking out and looked at the setting sun, and shifted to his Dire wolf form.
"So now we're shifting" Aizen first started to grow and his teeth got sharper they were as pointy as a samurai's blade. He started to hunch over and grow a tail and when his transformation was done, you could sense his essence changed and he seemed almost feral.

Nelly jumps in with Priscilla and hold her really close. "Why are you scared?" She asked shaking. "I'm not scared." She said to herself looking at Priscilla. "Are you scared?"

Marcus watches the transformation from the doorway. As he sees the guy transform into a panther he smiles. "Target locked. He is the one the General is concerned about," he says quietly to himself as he watches. 'Attack now or wait,' he thinks as he jumps on top off the inn's roof three stories up.
*mumbles l-listen, they don't know me, if they found out i was planning on.. N-nevermind
Hunter sniffed the air to catch an idea of where everything was, and smelled heavy frog, snake, owl with lion, and the obvious panther. He looked around to pinpoint the origins and saw the guard from before on the roof and growled, his hair standing on end.
Nelly smiled letting go of Priscilla and grabbing the scythe handle. "You arn't scared are you sweetie." She smiles and licks the handle.

Marcus watches the wolf and smiles. "You arn't the Legion's target today." He quietly said to himself.
Aizen saw what Hunter was looking at and purred. "Legion want to play well I don't want how about you let me go and I'll never bother beautiful city."
Hunter glanced at the panther beside him, "the Legion has never let someone go, took me a year to shake them off of my tail." He growled lowly before turning back to the legionary.
" You serious I haven't even done anything...yet" Aizen said this trying to be intimidating and also realized that guard seemed very strong and that very uncharacteristic for someone who patrols. "Hunter he's not a normal royal guard he's way stronger."
Marcus backed away and jumped off the opposite side of the inn. "He will die soon General" he said to himself as he walked back in town towards the lake.

Nelly watched the whole thing smiling and laughing. "The Legion will get you, if you don't get got first." She said cryptically as she let go of the scythe.
"Is it that obvious?" Hunter asked Aizen sarcasm dripping from his voice. He then saw the legionnaire leave, and looked at the origin of the snake scent, "your preeching to the preacher." He said as he took another sniff "ok I think were good. For now."
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"Can we get out of here if I'm going to have to fight a legionnaire I at least want to be outside of this city." Aizen sighed " I guess saying you're not a part of Green-Eyes doesn't mean you've gotten the bounty off of your back." Aizen spent that whole size up thinking I need to get stronger and fast or people like them will actually kill me.
Hunter nodded before looking at the snake girl, "should we bring her or no?" He asked quietly.

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