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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Aizen heard what the guard had said and looked towards the man with wolf ears and pondered what does he do I remember seeing those wolf ears somewhere before and said to the wolf-eared-man "let's go to the East District." Still trying to figure the man out.
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Hunter looked at the younger male and shrugged, "Why not." He said as he started towards the East District, "I'll ask again, who's the current leader?" He said stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets.

@Zy That Guy
Allen was just about to enter his house before the diamond shape earring on his left ear start to let out a loud screech like it was sending a message. Allen then willed the little mana within his mana pool to travel to the earring on his left ear. The earring slowly absorbed the mana, and it emitted a small hologramic face. "Allen, you are required to attend meeting.....NOW" The hologramic face said before disappearing. "Damn.....I was just about to enter" Allen let out a small whimper before turning back and traced back his step to the bar.
Aizen looked at the man and started walking with him as if to say lead the way because he didn't know where he was going then asked "So who's this Leonidas fellow and how do you know him. Wait I have a better question who are you and why do you know this Leonidas fellow?"

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Hunter looked up remembering the times he and Leonidus had fought the wolf and lion fight for life, he had actually taken the guards eye out, "Leo is the guard commander, and somewhat of my rival, as for who I am, well ask them." He said motioning towards the civilians who they passed which either stared in fear, disgust or awe, suddenly a pair of girls that were obviously Siamese, (cat breed, and the hair is the same pattern) "Your Hunter Nelson, c-can we have an autograph?" They asked and Hunter obliged and sent the two on their way.

@Zy That Guy
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He saw their faces and slowly turned to him remembering where he had heard that name before and he remembered it was on the assassin's board where they post who's on what mission and remembers it saying, Hunter Nelson about 6 times. He remembers this whilst saying "You know there are about 27 people who have been asking for you dead sending letters to my organization alone. You're a very wanted man, I could get 27 million(currency) for killing you right now. Tell me why I shouldn't."
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Hunter smirked "I can give three reasons, One I haven't provoked you enough, two the witnesses, and three you'd die." He said with no trace of overconfidence, he had done things that had actually labeled him medically insane, including fight the feral, the ones who lost them selves to their instincts and embraced the beast fully, making them incredibly dangerous to the point were only the stupid would try to fight them.
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Aizen knew that Hunter wasn't bluffing and also he realized two things, this man is crazy and he must be super powerful to say all of that without laughing so Aizen took this as a sign, he didn't care if this person got assassinated or not he came here to escape that organization, and find something better to do. Aizen smiled before saying "I think I've found just the right person to tell me where I can get another job."
Hunter laughed "Good to see that there's still people with sense in the world." He said after controlling his laughter, "honestly I'm looking for one myself, hey I never caught your name."
After almost getting killed dawn ran straight to her little hideout and sat there having a panic attack. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god..." She continued freaking out and hyperventilating for about 20 minutes.
While tracing his steps back to the bar, Allen could hear faint girl's voice within the alleyway so he sneakily walked into the alleyway only to be met with a girl who seemed to be having some sort of......seizure. "Hey are you alright, you seem a bit......scared....I think?"
"Hey...hey, it's fine....I come in peace" Allen said in a monotone voice and let out a small laugh before slowly approaching the girl
She curled up into a ball and started crying. She was still really upset and just wanted someone to comfort her.
Allen just stood there thinking of what to do. He just went in and stroked the curled up girl's hair. I just hope she doesn't start attacking me
She grabs onto him and cries into his chest. She wasn't really thinking this through but she didn't really care right now. She just clung to him and cried.
Allen let out a gasp as the girl suddenly clung onto the chest and started crying. "Must have been a bad day" Allen let a smile and gently stroked the girl's hair to calm her down.
:Sure, I don't mind

"No problem, why is a girl as young as you crying here?" Allen asked as he looked at the gloomy alleyway they were in
She looks down and shakes her head. "It's nothing just got freaked out by some guy." She keeps holding onto him and nuzzles his neck. "This is just where I go to hide sometimes."
Allen let out a small sigh before slowly getting up with his girl in his arms. "Anyway, what's your name?"
"Nice to meet you Dawn, My name is Alle-" As Allen was about to finish his sentence, the earring on his left ear let out a blinding glow before it turned back to normal.

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