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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Johnathan frowned as he watched Hunter fall asleep. "Not one for conversations, huh?" He turned back to Elizabeth who simply shrugged. When she had first met him he was a little too paranoid for conversation, but now he just seemed exhausted. Johnathan redirected his attention from the sleeping wolf to the girl who sat beside him. "Johnathan," He said with a smile as he stuck out his hand.
Alli raised her eyebrow at the boy and chuckled, "whoa, no need for formality." She smiled at him, moving her other hand off of Hunter's wolf head and putting it in her lap, crossing her legs.

@Deadly Darkness
He stood up straight, the same large, goofy grin stuck on his face. "It seems like everyone's relatively tired, so how about we consider retiring for the night? I know of a place we can stay. It's pretty spacious as well." He commented as his brown eyes scanned over every individual.
Hunter stired in his sleep when the rubbing left his skull, before curling up in his sleep, his head ending up in Alli's lap. Unknowingly he was actually hearing them in his sleep.

(You know when you feel asleep but your aware of what's going on).
Alli smiled down at the wolf's head in her lap and looked up at Jonathan. "That actually sounds like a good idea.." She said, patting Hunter'sjead gently as Cory stirred, moving a little bit since Hunter's new angle made her uncomfortable.

@Deadly Darkness @kenryuko
The boy's smile stretched further as he turned quickly on his heels, facing a dirt path. "Well then if you two lovely ladies will wake the wolf and overly large ferret on his back, we'll be on our way." He slowly began down the path giving the others plenty of time to follow. Elizabeth only let out a tired sigh, too exhausted to argue with his overly enthusiastic mood.
Alli nodded and patted Hunte/ head. "Hey, get up, we're going somehwere." She said, taking Cory in her arms the best she could. She looke over at Jonathan and Elizabeth on the path before them and nudged Hunter. "Get up sleepy dog."

Hunter lifted his head with a yawn, "Haven't you ever heard of the saying 'Let a sleeping dog lie'?" He asked as he got up with a stretch, before following Jonathan and Elizabeth, never once changing forms.
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Alli carried Cory's sleeping form, walking beside Hunter in his wolf form and following Jonathan and Elizabeth. "So where is this place exactly?" She asks Jonathan, curious. "and how far away is it? I don't think sleepy wolf Hunter can make it." She chuckled.

@kenryuko @Deadly Darkness
Johnathan smiled charmingly over his shoulder. "Don't worry mon cheri, it's only a short distance. You'll be able to see it soon enough." He wasn't lying; after a few short moments a large twisting tree came into view. Carved out of the front of its chiseled surface was a large door and a few windows. "Welcome, please make yourselves at home." He grinned as he disappeared behind the tree. A symphony of clatters sounded inside the house before the large door was pushed open, Johnathan standing behind it with his signature smile. For once Elizabeth returned the smile. "Thank you, Johnathan." He looked at her wide eyed for a moment, but then blinked it away.
Hunter walked into the tree house, before taking a sniff, nothing seemed off. Yet. He then got on the couch and laid down before returning to slumber.
Alli followed with Cory in her arms. She set the Thylacine down before yawning big and strerching. "Where is everyone sleeping exactly? I mean, Hunter already found his place." She chuckled, crossing her arms over her chest.

@kenryuko @Deadly Darkness
"There are two rooms on this floor, and a few more up stairs. You may choose whichever you wish." He let out a soft laugh as he looked to Hunter. "I would tell him that we don't allow dogs on the couch, but I don't want my head getting bitten off tonight." His soft brown gaze slowly moved over to Alli. His eyes half lidded seemed flirtatious, and for a moment it seemed like he was going to say something, but instead he laughed. "Have a good night ladies." He waved a hand as he turned and headed up the stairs. Elizabeth watched Johnathan in confusion until he was completely out of sight. "He's quite a strange one isn't he?" She asked, looking over at Alli.


The half lidded flirtatious look: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/g1ARRcK4LVs/hqdefault.jpg
Hunter awoke to a noise he didn't recognize, getting off the couch silently he shifted and walks to a window to check what the noise was, "Must've been the wind." He said as he saw nothing outside, taking a quick sniff of the air he realized it was a pack of grey wolves.
Elizabeth followed suit and quickly found a room to sleep in. Collapsing onto the bed, she was out in moments. She hadn't realized how tired she actually was. She awoke to a soft sound, stirring slightly. Her eyes fluttered open as a soft rustling echoed from outside.
Hunter walked outside quietly, before changing, and howled. The wolf pack responded creating a hauntingly beautiful symphony.
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Alli jumped up, being a light sleeper and all. She walked out of the room, peeking around the corner at Hunter. "Everything Okay..?" She asks. She didn't get a response, seeing him shift then started a howl, making her look on in awe.

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Hunter broke the howl to look at Alli, "Sorry of I woke you, I do this to calm my nerves. You want to join in?" He asked looking at the forest as the symphony died down.
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Alli made a face, thinking then shifting into her hellhound form and walking up to his side, looking him in the eyes kinda, only being a few inches smaller than him. "Alright." She barked.

Hunter gave a grin before howling to the night sky once more, the grey wolf pack following suit, with howls of there own. If one were to listen closely they would be able to feel the emotions put into the song, anger, regret, happiness, sadness, love. Every emotion possible was put into this symphony.
Alli followed suit, holding her body and head up high in a proud state. She leaned her side against his, making her howl harmonize better with his than the other ones.

Elizabeth quietly stood up from her bed and silently tip toed into the entrance room. She watched with large eyes, listening to the song of the wolves. It was such a complex sound, filled with so much life and emotion. Elizabeth remained in the shadows, watching in peace.

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