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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Alli rolled her eyes as he faced the Jaguar, turning to face the rest of the crew with an evil grin. In an instant, shadows surrounded her as she used eac of their fears against them, screams can be heard as everything else.

Hunter dodged a lunge from the jaguar wiry ease before grabbing the tail and slinging him into a wall on the far side of the room as the screams of other bandits echoed.
With the bandit leader still dazed Hunter stalked over to the jaguar and picked him up by the neck before breaking it like a twig, killing him. "Ok so now that's over time to loot!" Hunter said his entire demeanor changing in as instant.
"Priscilla, when did you get here?"Hunter said as he searched some the leaders body, and took the armor as well.
Alli just realized the new person who joined them and she looked at them in surprised. "Well hi!"
(I haven't been Cory for a while.)

Cory looked around, ever shiny thing was catching her eye. "Ooooo, I don't know what I want." She thought out loud, picking up a small shiny orb like thing with her tiny paws.

Alli chuckled, watching Cory, then picking up a small stick, running her hands over it. It extended into a staff, surprising her. "Woah, it changes." She said, moving her hands over a different section and it moves into a sharp sword, making her smile. "Got my loot." She said, shoving a lot of gold into a shadow cloud that was right beside her, the cloud surprisingly holding it all.

Hunter looked at Priscilla, before returning to looting the bodies, finding around 1,000 golds worth of loot to sell, not including the armor. "Ok I think that's all, so lets head back to Evergreen." Hunter said as he started out of the fortress.
Hunter laughed as Alli ran past him, "Well I'm to have helped relieve stress, but we still have a payment to gather. If my math is right we each get 5,000 gold each." He said before shifting and trotting after the hellhound
She snorted, "what I got I keep." She winked at him, smirking as she ran her hands through her hair. "I need to die my hair brown, it'll look better with the white ears and tail.."
Hunter raised an eyebrow, "I like your hair but it's up to you." He said bumping her legs with his torso.
Elizabeth watched as Priscilla then disappeared. She shrugged internally and found a place to sit where few people would bother her. Humming softly, she began tossing pebbles along the ground. After a moment she picked three small pebbles and began juggling them, which took some skill considering how small they were.
Alli chuckled, ribbon her hand along the fur on his back with a smile then flipped her hair over her shoulder. "I know, it's just a suggestion. It would make my ears pop."


(They're cute. xD )
"That is true I guess." He said ad he walks out of the fortress I to the setting sun, "Hey Cory you up for another ride?" He asked the drug addict.
Elizabeth threw each rock as she caught them, driving each one into the ground. Letting out a bored sigh she stood up and walked around the small village in the fading light. Oddly enough the path around her had become empty, leaving only silence to greet her. Fireflies flickered across the sky. The canopy formed by the tree tops blocked out more light, making it feel later than it actually was.
Cory quickly climbed onto his back and buried herself into her fur, making animal like giggling sound.

Alli watched her, chuckling then shifted back into her hellhound form and rubbed against Hunter's side before taking off with a laugh.

With a gentle shrug of her shoulders, Elizabeth let her coat slide down her arms. She carefully tossed it to the ground as she walked off the path into the forest. The grass bent back underneath her bare feet as she continued through the tranquil area. It was quiet, but not silent. The earth pulsed with life, it gave off its own melody in the form of bugs chirping, leaves rustling, and the soft soothing sound of the wind whistling through hollow logs. Elizabeth felt comfortable, as if she had been rooted to the earth and now pulsed along the same wavelength as it did.
Hunter bound after the hellhound catching up quickly, "You do stuff like that just to try and get me flustered don't you?" He asked as obviously not at full speed. The forest was teaming with life as the two ran until Hunter stopped when saw a familiar set on a girl, "Elizabeth." He said with a nod.
Elizabeth turned as she heard her name, drawn from her thoughts. She looked at the three figures; one was Hunter, but the others she didn't know. She simply smiled, "Hello, Hunter." She then redirected her attention to the forest. Though she enjoyed the wolf's company, he was far too caught up in chasing the excitement of life. Something told her that she would never keep up and he would never stop.
"Hey Elizabeth I want you to meet Alli, and Cory." He said motioning to the white furred canine and marsupial on his back, "Were actually just heading back to Evergreen to get payment right now, so meet you in the square Later?" He asked as he started to notice the forest and it's life.
"Pleasure," she said in regards to the other two. Her golden eyes slowly made her way to his. "Sure," she smiled once more before waving to the three and walking deeper into the trees, leaving her coat and the others behind her. She rolled her head slightly, letting her neck pop satisfyingly. Her antlers extended and the tips began glowing an amber color. The fireflies flew aimlessly around her, some landing on her antlers to rest for a moment.
Hunter nodded and started on a walk towards evergreen again, "Well, today as been fun wouldn't you two agree?" He asked his two companions.
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