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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

"Then someone gets to ride on a wolf's back. Priscilla, I want you to stay here and get those burns treated." He said as he shifted and laid down for Cory to climb on.
Cory jumped with glee and shifted, climbing onto his back excitedly and clinging onto him, her tail wagging. "This will be exciting!" She yipped.

Seeing Hunter shift, Alli followed suit and shook her white fur, her signature wicked grin plastering across her muzzle as she let out a chuckle, the bloo from her neck dripping down her chest and staining all the fur around it. "Let's go Hun."

Nodding Hunter took off at full speed out of Evergreen towards the Bandit hideout, "I suggest you hold on Cory things are about to get bumpy." He said as he neared a collision with a tree, before weaving around it and several others as he ran through the forest.
With ease, Alli followed at his shoulder, laughing. "I haven't ran like this in weeks!" She leaped up into the air as she ran, laughing.

Cory dug her claws into Hunter's fir, not wanting to fall off. She's never been at these kind of speeds before and it scares her..
"I do This all the time!" Hunter said before digging his claws into the ground to stop. In front of them was the fortress, but the gate was closed, "Cory if you would detach your claws I can open the gate."
Cory unhitched her claws from him and crawled down, standing beside the two bigger animals. "I can get the gate open!" She yipped, tuning off to the side and going through a hole to the other side.

Alli watched the little dog-like shifter stand on the other side as she padded up and pressed her nose against the fence. "Good job Cory." She said, then looked back at Hunter and ran her tail under his chin. "How she gonna get the gate open exactly?"

Hunter shrugged the best he could as a wolf, "But I have a way if she can't." He said sitting down.
Cory beamed, "my nails are sharp and long enough to pick a lock." She said and with three, jumped on the gate and clung on in a cat-like way, sticking her nail in the lock and jiggled her nail in it, trying to unlock it.

Alli listened to the gate rattling then yawned, sitting down also and asking Hunter, "so, how did your little jobs like this start?"

"Well I started at ten, by hunting creatures for the families around my home town, Lycona, and from there I just grew and so did the jobs until I became famous." Hunter gave the summarized version of his career start as he watched the marsupial pick the lock.
She nods, making a little "hmm" noise them stood up with Cory had the gate swing open and her face beamed at them."I swear Cory, when we find out what you're on, we're getting some." She joked, a smile forming across Her Muzzle.
"Agreed, and I'm learning how to make it!" He said as he padded into the fort which seemed empty until he cam across a steel door that was at least 4 inches thick, "I'll handle this one." He said changing and walked up to the door. Standing before the steel Hunter reared a fist back and literally punched a hole through it, before tearing it off the hinges.
Alli clapped at seeing what hunter did, a empressed look on her face. "Way to go muscle man." She said, shifting into her human form and gently placing her hand on his bicep as she passed by into the building, sweeping the floor with her tail and sniffing the air, Cory following behind with curious noises.

Hunter shook his head as Alli hit on him, while he didn't mind it it got distracting during a job. Following the females his ears twitch for any source of sound, before reeling around catching a sword in his hand allowing some blood to flow freely down the blade, the bandit that attacked was fully clad in steel armor. Yanking the swords out of his grip Hunter bent the flat side downward, before grabbing the attacker by his the skull and squeezed until there was an audible crunch. Hunter released this grip shown the indentions that his fingers made into the helmet, and crushed the man's skull killing him.
Alli watched while Cory looked away, not being able to watch. "Damn, nice kill." She smirked as she continued down the hall, "I wanna fight my own bandit man."

"Those that court Death, find it." Hunter said wisely as he followed behind Alli, "It would do good to remember that."
"Oh Hun, my dad works with the king of death." She winks at him before shifting into her hellhound form and bursting into a room and jumping onto a bandit, taking his throat quickly into her jaws and crunching it in half.

"either way. And nice kill, quick and clean, if not simplistic." Hunter praised, "But let me show you how it's done." He said before shifting and took a quick sniff of the air. He then burst through a wall, into a room filled with bandits and started the blood bath, with a roar. The wolf started ripping out jugulars, crushing skulls in his jaws and literally tearing people limb from limb, only to beat them those same limbs.

(Yeah I have a twisted mind sometimes)
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(I think it's hilarious, imagining a wolf slinging a arm or a leg around in a circle yelling. xD )

Alli snorted, watching. She cooks feel Cory under her tail, hiding most likely. She didn't like jer being touched, but as long as Cory felt safe, she guessed it was okay...

By the time Hunter had finished the walls, floor and roof had been painted red, and he was covered in blood. Shaking to rid his fur of the excess, he padded over to Alli, "So what do ya think, to much of not enough?" Male asked, normally he wasn't like this but had grown bored after a few weeks without a fight that he could let loose in.
"Not too bad," she chuckled, "need to learn to save your energy more, dunno what'll be aroind the corner that's bigger." She walked past him, running her tail over his blood red back then flicking it across his nose as she walked up the stairs to the top, wanting to finish this.


(Going to bed, night!)

Hunter blinked when the blood hit his nose, before following the white furred hellhound up the steps.
Cory followed the two with little jumps, not wanting to see the mess behind her. "I wanna helllpppp." She whined.

Alli chuckled, looking back at the little animal. "You can help." She said, reaching the top of the steps and letting Hunter go past her, since it was his job in the first place.

Elizabeth looked back to see the dire wolf and griffon disappear into the forest. Letting out an inaudible sigh, she shifted forms and took off in the direction they had gone. After a few minutes she had reached the gates of Evergreen. Not bothering to change forms, Elizabeth continued in, looking for either Hunter or Priscilla. It didn't take long to notice both near the center of the town, though Hunter quickly took off with two unfamiliar figures. Elizabeth quickly shifted and stood by Priscilla. "He's very mission-oriented isn't he? He doesn't really seem to have the time for those who can't keep up." Her golden eyes glanced over at the white-haired girl.

"M-hmm, i suppose we need the money, i hope he splits it. Taking me all the way out here and leaving me without anything would be an evil thing to do..." I wondered, not really paying much attention to what i was saying or who i was talking to @Deadly Darkness
Hunter walked past the hellhound coming across a door, merely kicking it in he found the boss bandit who quickly changed into a jaguar. His armor having an enchantment as noted by the fact it changed to suit the animal, "Well this won't take to long.

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