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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Her happy attitude fades before popping back up as she bounded after him. "My name is Cory! What's yours?"


(My god she's like a chihuahua)
(Agreed, but you made her that way!)

"Hunter, the (In)famous mercenary." He said nonchalantly as he found a pub and walk in, before ordering a drink.
(It makes her cute.. In her own way. xD )

She dutifully follows, strong beside him on a bar stool and spins around in a circle, smiling. "Nice to meet you Hunter! So uh... What's the animal you shifted into? It looked like a wolf, but it was too big to be a normal wolf. I, for one, am a Thylacine, known as the tasmanian tiger, a terrifying extinct species." She beamed at him again.

"Dire wolf." He answered as gulped his drink in one go and ordered another, "and you seem a bit to hyper, so what drugs you on?" (that's gonna be a running joke)
She giggles, "no drugs. I'm just.. Naturally hyper. Runs in the breed." She winks at him before spinning around again, giggling louder then watched him drink. "That's a lot of alcohol Hunter, that can make your liver muddy."

"Runs in the breed." He shot back taking another swig, "seriously, some dire wolves reached lion sizes, so we usually have a liver to match." Hunter spoke as he got up and placed the gold he owed on the bar, before walking out of the tavern.
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"No, ones a snow griffin, another a panther, a snake, and a deer. Yeah were a weird bunch." He said as

they reached the town square. He looked around for city hall until he noticed it noticed it was in the pine tree at the center of town.
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She made a face of "oh" then looks up at his face, "maybe you guys could use a Thylacine!" She exclaimed, a hint of hope in her Australian voice.

Hunter shrugged, "There maybe another cat in the group before the day is out, but it's a group discussion in the end." He said before finding a bench to sit down on.
"Oh.. Alright." She looked at him and the bench then without asking, sat beside him and crossed her legs. "How tall are you? I mean, you're obviously taller than me, I'm 5'2.. But how tall are you exactly?"

Hunter shrugged, "5'9, 6'0. I never really cared." He said as he started to watch the clouds float by lazily.
Hunter shrugged, "Not big on them but I'm bored." He said never taking his eyes off the clouds.
She smiled at him kindly, her fangs glistening. "So what do you do to pass time then? I go in search for new things, or chase weasels."

"Fight, hunt, drink, do a job." He said hoping to pass the time, he usually gets anxious after long periods of doing nothing.
Alli sat in a dark corner of a bar, sitting at a table and her long, black, clawlike nails tapped on the table. She was waiting for someone to come for an interview, but that person was 10 minutes late and she was getting very agitated. She was only doing this for her dad, he wanted to hire new "recruits" or the word Alli uses, "experiments," her ears twitched around as se listened to all the noises, but none of them sounded like the one she needed. She was gonna leave soon. When 20 minutes have passed, she got up, the screech of the chair scraping the ground as she pushed it back and walked off, slamming the door open in a fit of anger. "Never again." She muttered to herself, putting on her dark sunglasses once the sun hit her.
She got the curious look to her face. "Next time you have a job, can I hop along?"

Alli reached the center of town and looked around people that was passing by her. She made a crisp look on her face, all their fears and nightmares popping into her head for her use. She was in a pissy mood, and really wanted to use her powers on someone..

Cory could tell he was getting anxious about his friends, so she sighed, "what's it like having friends? I've always been alone.."


Alli felt eyes on her and she turned around to look at a boy, a low growl setting in her throat. She didn't like it much when people looked at her, but maybe she could use his gaze.. She looked back at him, his fears popping into her head. A smile spread across her face, thinking about what she would do, then shook her head and broke the gaze. "Nope.. Not evil. I'm pissed, not evil.."
Hunter didn't flinch when the long eared girl met his gaze, he felt the fear magic enter his mind, the only problem was he didn't really have any fears. Yes there were things that made him anxious, but he didn't fear them, "It depends, having a friend is like having some one to talk to when family can't help." He answered Cory
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Cory nodded, "I've never had any of both. I mean, I've had a family, yeah, but.. I don't know where they went.." She noticed his gaze was directed off into the distance and she followed it, seeing it was a girl with white ears and hair. She grinned, "she looks friendly. Let's go meet her." She shot yo from the bench and started waving, "hello!!" She called.

Alli looked at the overethusastic girl and rolled her eyes behind her sunglasses, "oh great.. A chihuahua like Thylacine." She muttered.

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Hunter merely followed the energetic girl to the other female, and heard the girl speak, "I'm still convinced she's on some type of drug." He said his arms crossed.
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Alli laughed at that and smiled, "wouldn't doubt that actually. All the thylacine's I've met or known are all.. Calm." She chuckled, seeing Cory make a pouty face and shook her head dramatically. "I don't take drugs!!"


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