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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

I readied my scythe. Holding it with one hand while my other was extended in front of me, wisps of freezing air falling before it, ready to cast spells if need-be
He nodded and ate the Herbs, his face distorted slightly at the bitter taste, "I'm paranoid because I can't pinpoint what kind of cat, so for all we know it could be a feral saber tooth."
"You're right it could be, but by being in such a hostile stand you may only scare them into fighting or hostility." Elizabeth explained. The light sound of rustling leaves snapped her attention to its direction. "If you'd like to come out you can, otherwise we're just passing through." She called out in the general direction, scanning for a figure among the trees and bushes.

@Trust @oOLittleBratOo @kenryuko
"You don't realize, ferals attack on sight with no hesitation, but your right I suppose." Hunter said shifting back to human form and gestured for Priscilla to lower get weapon, but he was still on guard though.
Elizabeth smiled and waved. "Hi, it's ok. You don't need to be afraid of us. We don't bite, well at least most of us." She joked in an attempt to break up any tension. She coaxed for the girl to come out and join them. A kind smile stayed attached to her face.
Hunter pinched the bridge of his nose, "Biting jokes never work to break the ice." He mumbled as he watched the newest girl carefully.
"Neither does a lion sized dog." Elizabeth mumbled loud enough for Hunter to hear. "Don't worry, you're not bothering us. I'm Elizabeth, this is Hunter, Priscilla, and Aizan." She said, pointing to each person as she listed them.
"I'm a wolf! And you forgot the native snake girl Nelly." Hunter said in matter of fact tone insulted at being called a simple dog, even though he loved all canines, before giving a nod to if recognition to the girl.
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Elizabeth smiled, glad that being called a dog gave her the exact reaction she expected. "It's a pleasure Amara, and my apologies Nelly. So what brings you out here in the forest?" She inquired curiously.
Hunter watched the to females interact, before looking around and noticed Priscilla sitting Down away from them, he walked over to her and sat down next to her, "So what bugging you?" He asked gently

kenryuko said:
Hunter watched the to females interact, before looking around and noticed Priscilla sitting Down away from them, he walked over to her and sat down next to her, "So what bugging you?" He asked gently
"Nothing..." I say a little downly "just thinking about home and such" which was partly true, a white lie
"Why do I doubt that's all? Priscilla, I'm not gonna push you to tell me, but I'm here if you want someone to talk to." Hunter spoke with a sincere voice as he smiled gently.

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Elizabeth nodded before looking over her shoulder to see a rather gloomy Priscilla. She contemplated approaching her and asking what was wrong, but she had never been really good at comforting people so instead she remained where she was. Besides, it seemed like Hunter was already trying.

@Trust @kenryuko
kenryuko said:
"Why do I doubt that's all? Priscilla, I'm not gonna push you to tell me, but I'm here if you want someone to talk to." Hunter spoke with a sincere voice as he smiled gently.
"i'm fine" i said sternly, a cold breeze surrounding me as i turned my head away from the hunter
Hunter sighed and shook his head, standing up he turned to look at everyone, "I suggest we start moving, cause here we're just wasting daylight." He said shifting, and readying himself for another run towards Evergreen, "And this time no stops until we're there." He said with a tone of finality.
I reluctantly entered my griffon form once again after giving my scythe to Nelly and lifted her onto my back, unwilling to reveal my animal form to the newcomers
Cory was in her best form, sniffing the ground through the feral forest as her ears turned and twitched repeatedly. New smells made her curious and she wanted to see where it was coming from. She sniffed up to a red flower, sneezing as the pollen got in her nose and continued.
Hunter didn't take the time to check if anyone else was ready before running off towards Evergreen, he dodged any trees that got in his way and the environment looked like a blur that he merely ignored, including the blonde blur he had just past.

@Comet, @Trust, @Deadly Darkness, @oOLittleBratOo,
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Cory's head shot up as she saw a blur and she sniffed the air. She let out a little yip then followed t at a trot, a curious look on her face. She always got into something when she gets curious... @kenryuko
Hunter saw Evergreen coming into view, the giant pine being the defining feature, and stopped about two yards from the front gate. Looking back he noticed a thylacine had followed, "What are you doing here?" He asked with in a few barks in case the little creature wasn't a shifter.

She cocked her head then replied in smooth barks, a little Austria accent to her tone, "I was simply curious. I saw a blur and I had to investigate." She padded up beside the bigger animal and looked up at the gates. A human look came to her ever more curious eyes as she asked, "what is that?"@kenryuko
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"The gates to a town called Evergreen, I'm heading in there when my friends get here." He replied before sniffing the air to see if if his pack was nearby, "They might be a while so I'm probably going to get a drink." He said before shifting, his wolf ears atop his head twitching slightly as his tail swayed lightly
She looked at him with a surprised look then barked wildly. "I can do that too!!" She said, shifting quickly soon after and beamed up at him with her brown eyes and her ears standing straight up. "See?!?"

Hunter wasn't really surprised seeing as everyone had the possibility to shift, it was whether or not they chose to, "Cool, not that impressive though." He said with a shrug before walking into Evergreen.

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