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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Hunter moved out of the way, to make sure he wasn't hit with the ice boulders, "Did she really use ice against something that breaths fire?" He asked himself as he watched the boulders fly towards the mother leviathan wondering what the beast would do in now.
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The leviathan smashed its neck through the boulders before sending a gout of fire towards Priscilla.
The huge, sharp icicles stab through the creature's neck, i try running from the fire but get singed as dive onto the ground. "Owowowowowowowo it hurtssssssss...." I moan, clutching my burnt side
Hunter sighed shaking his head, there was alot to teach Priscilla, he then realized that they would need some back up, so after changing to his wolf form, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and howled, the sound echoed around the forest before another howl responded. Not long after the returned howl yellow eyes appeared in the surrounding forest, as a pack of around 20 grey wolf stalked out of the dark, "Met our back up guys!"
Nelly stepped in front of the beast turned around and held her arms up. "It'sss okay!" She yelled in a hiss. "She will not attack us anymore." She looked to the beast and it came down and nudged her. She gave it a kiss and it broke the ice and descended back into the water.
Hunter raised an eyebrow at the retreating sea serpent, "What did you do Nelly?" He asked as the wolf pack he had summoned was waiting for orders.
Nelly looked at Hunter confused. "What do you mean? She understands you are not here for her or her child and she will protect us from the lakeside while we rest." She looked around. "Do you think I would let anyone hurt another serpent?" She glared.
Hunter deadpanned, "With how crazy you are, kinda sorta, especially if they it was trying to kill you." He's said before barking at the pack to retreat, which they followed and returned to the forest.
Hunter walked over to Priscilla shifting back to his form again, "Any team us rough in the start, this one is no exception." He said as he picked the scythe wielder and carried her close to the water, and gentle started to pour some on the burns to try and ease the pain.
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I wince at first but after a while the burns better. "Thanks" i mumble to the hunter, still clitching at my side
Hunter nodded, "You think you can handle this for a while, so I can get my shirt and jacket?" He asked as he continued to try and ease the burns.
"Yeah, I'm fine! Just ya know, got hit with a fireball and stuff, no biggy" i say, my voice heavy with sarcasm
Hunter smiled, "Great, you now know an average day in my life." He said completely serious, he then winced slightly as he felt sudden pain, and looked at his arm and noticed a shard of ice in his arm, and pulled it out, "Oh well, another scar to add to my collection."
Elizabeth sat on the outskirts of the forest, watching clouds drift by peacefully. It had been yet another uneventful day for, but at least being out of the city made that a good thing. Birds and insects chirped while animals tread through what they knew as home. It was nice to get away and see the beauty of the natural world.
Hunter stood up and walked over to were his shirt and jacket were, and put both on before walking back over to Priscilla and put her on his back gently before shifting, "We'll need to reach Evergreen for better medical attention." He said getting ready to run again.
Silently the horned girl walked among the trees. She had discarded her shoes long before and let her bare feet absorb the energy from the land. Elizabeth turned suddenly at what most people would consider nothing, but she had heard something, or rather someone. She quickly transformed and silently ran towards the voice. She stopped just outside the line of view, spotting a wolf with a girl on its back.
Hunter took a quick sniff of the air, and smelled a deer close by, and looked in the direction of the scent, "Whosever's there come out I can smell you." He got slightly defensive in case of attack.
Elizabeth merely stared from between the foliage with her large golden eyes. She mildly stunned by the sudden voice of the wolf, but soon assumed he was a shifter like her. She took a few steps forward, allowing herself to be seen, though she remained in her beast form.
Hunter stared down the strange doe in front of them, she was smaller than himself (Dire wolves grew up to about African lion size) "Seeing as you understand me, and your strange horns, I guess your a shifter. So, who are you?" His eyes turned steely cold, instead of the usual warmth they would hold.
The deer remained silent and simply tilted her head up towards the sun, enjoying its radiating heat. After several moments she looked back to the wolf and took a number of steps forward, moving closer to him and the others. Her golden eyes steadily held the cold gaze of the large wolf.
Hunter watched the Doe, not once taking his eyes off of her. When she started walking towards them he bared his fangs, ears flattened, and growled a warning.
"Is a deer really that much of a threat?" Her voice flowed melodically like a tune. "If anything I should be the one afraid, not you." Slowly she shifted back into her human form. She rolled her head, getting used to her human form once again. She brushed a strand of blonde hair from her face as she watched the wolf.
"it's not the deer I'm afraid of, it's what the person can do to someone injured that I'm afraid of." He said still being cautious, he had learned no matter the form, someone can kill. "You still haven't told ud who you are."
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