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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Hunter looked at the rising sun, they had been moving all night through the forest, He stopped when the came across a clearing with a lake, "Ok this is a good place to stop." He then laid down to let Priscilla off, "Hey wake up were stopping for a while."
"...okay..." I slowly get off your back, wioe my eyes with the back of my hand while i yawn and then stretch. "Where are we?"
Hunter watched the snake girl with a small smile, "near half way to the town (Still need a name for it) and now would be a great place to try and teach some things with the scythe." He gifted back to human form and stretched making several audible pops, "Hey Nelly where's that scythe!"
Nelly popped up and smiled as water dropped form her hair. "I thought I left it by the tree..." She started as she looked and realized she took it with her. "Never mind, it's at the bottom of the lake." She laughed a bit.
Hunter face palmed when he heard Nelly, "Great, Just Great." He said his ears twitching with annoyance, "I guess I'll get it." He then took of his jacket a t-shirt, letting the scars that he had got over the years be shown to the world, he then started with a run toward the lake and dived in, swimming to the bottom.
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"T-thank you!" I yell over the sound of you splashing into the water. "Why does he have so many scars..." I wonder to myself "he must be some sort of war veteran then. I hope my scythe isn't damaged" i say right before i begin gasping for air, as if something was crushing me beneath it's weight even thoguh nothing was there. I drop to my knees, gasping
Hunter saw the scythe and swam to it and picked it up, then felt like he was being watched. Hunter looked around trying to figure out why he felt like that until he saw an open maw coming towards him, making him plant his feet on the lake bed and push up, which caused him rocket towards the surface, on his way up Hunter grabbed Nelly in his free hand, before bursting out of the water and landing on shore.
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As you burst out of the water, i suddenly feel relieved that i can breathe again. I cough a few times after get a few, good lungfuls of fresh air. "I-is that a water serpent?!?" I scream, pointing out the obvious
Hunter was silent his face hardened into a serious expression, he then turned around to face the beast, after he put the girl in his arms down, "Leviathan, still young." The leviathan then released a gout of fire from it's maw. Hunter readied the scythe in a single hand, before jumping at the monster slicing horizontally, the blade out ward, trying to cut the jugular of the sea serpent.
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Hunter raised an eyebrow at Nelly talking to the creature, he then tossed the scythe to Priscilla, "that thing is way to young to be alone." As he said this the lake started to boil and steam, then a much larger leviathan burst from the water with a roar and flames, "And there's momma."
Nelly laughed. "You are such a bad boy running off from your mom." She said as she started to walk to the edge. "No miss we mean no harm, we are simply staying nearby as we travel. Is that okay if we stay near the waters?" She asked then the bigger beast lunged at Nelly.
Hunter rushed in front of the serpent grabbing it jaws and pushed, letting Nelly have enough time to do whatever she was gonna do, "IMMA GUESS SHE SAID NO!" He was straining to keep the beast back and was starting to be pushed back, his feet digging into the ground.
Nelly just smiled. "She just wants to make sure her child is protected. She as to worry about her child more then us." She said as she pulled out a knife and licked the sharp part of the blade applying some venom onto it.
Hunter just strained a nod, "Thanks for the info! NOW CAN YOU GET HER TO STOP TRYING TO EAT US!" He yelled, his strength running out faster than usual.
Nelly laughed. "Only if we win." She said as she ran up behind Hunter and jumped of his back onto the beast and slashed at her eyes to try and blind her.
Hunter saw Nelly on the mother leviathan and moved out of the way of the beast letting it crash into the ground with a roar of pain, panting heavily Hunter back off some to gain his strength back slightly.
"That works." Hunter spoke in slight surprise from the suddenly frozen lake, "So any idea as how to deal with Ms. Pepper Breath, besides tickling her."
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Nelly just laughed as she got by the beasts ear and whispered something to it. Then she jumped off and ran towards Priscilla grabbing her at the waist. "You should hurt the mom." She said a bit to excitedly. "I want to see you fight." @Trust
Dkingow said:
Nelly just laughed as she got by the beasts ear and whispered something to it. Then she jumped off and ran towards Priscilla grabbing her at the waist. "You should hurt the mom." She said a bit to excitedly. "I want to see you fight." @Trust
"I-if you insist..." I summon some large, boukder-sized, extremely shadp icicles and throw them at the mother for afar, aiming for it's body

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