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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Alli didn't get to answer Hunter's question about making him flustered before she was introduced to a new girl. "Nice to meet you." She said, a smirk across her muzzle then she followed Hunter, walking by him. "It was quit an adventure." She chuckled, Cory agreeing sleepily with a nod as she yawned, her mouth opening all the way before closing and quickly falling asleep.

Alli looked ahead of her before replying, "the question you asked me earlier, yes I do it out of fun and to get you flustered, also to see how you would react." She chuckled, rubbing the side of her face and body against his shoulder before bounding off ahead with a laugh, "and also, I might also mean it. You'll never know the difference."

Hunter rolled his eyes, before trotting after Alli catching up, "You want to see my reaction, huh? Well here's one." He said giving her cheek a quick lick before getting away with short sprint.
Johnathan soared through sky. He beat his wings against the air, lifting himself higher in the air. He then tucked his wings in around his body as he began fall through the sky. He let out a cry of excitement. He quickly expanded his large, white wings, slowly his descent substantially. He let out a laugh before shifting back into his human form. He landed down on the ground in a crouch with a wide grin. Johnathan loved the feeling of adrenaline that pumped through his body as he pulled stunts similar to the one he did a moment ago. He looked around, questioning where he was. Quickly identifying the large evergreen tree in the center he nodded. "Evergreen, huh? Didn't realize I went that far."
Alli whined and tried to rub the wetness off her cheek. "Actual kisses I don't mind, but licks I do. I'm not a huge fan of saliva." She rubbed her face into the ground, standing back up and smirking at him. "Great reaction though, but weak one." She winked at him before catching up In a few short bounds, her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth like a normal dog.

"oh you try giving a kiss when you only have a muzzle, and thylacine drug addict on your back!" Hunter said an almost comical look on his lycan features.
Alli laughed, bumping her shoulder against his. "True true. Hey, we're almost to Evergreen." She said, seeing the town in the distance and speeding up, going past him.

Elizabeth slowly made her way back to her jacket, it sat where she left it. The path still remained empty, though as she bent over to retrieve her jacket it was suddenly snatched out from in front of her. Her head whipped as she looked for who had taken it. In front of her was an abnormally large, white raven. She stared at the creature with mild agitation as she tried to snatch her jacket back. The bird then transformed into a boy who laughed and yanked back on her jacket as if they were playing a game of tug-o-war. "What are you doing?" Her voice rose in anger as she spoke. She wasn't usually one to get mad so easily, but something about this boy just put her off.
Hunter watched the hellhound run towards Evergreen, keeping his slower pace deciding to enjoy the peace. While yes he did enjoy the fast lane of life he always took time in his life to stop and smell the roses. The wolf then started to hum a tune that his mother sang to him when he was young.
The boy used all of his force, suddenly pulling Elizabeth in. He twirled her jacket above her head before wrapping his arm around her like they were dancing. "Stop!" Elizabeth yelled, pushing free from the boy's grip, which instantly loosened as she pushed.

"Sorry," He laughed with a wide grin. "It's just such a lovely night, isn't it?" The boy twirled on his heel. He stumbled, but it only made him laugh more. "Here," He handed Elizabeth back her jacket. She snatched it from his grasp in frustration. "My name's Johnathan." He stuck out his hand. Elizabeth only stared at his hand coldly before brushing off her coat.

"Elizabeth," she said between clenched teeth.
Alli waited at the gate for the wolf, sitting down and resting. She looked at everything, bored actually. She shifted back into her human state and sat in the grass.

Cory mumbled sleepily, "what is that tune you are humming?" Picking up her head from Hunter's for to look at him.

After shuffling around for a bit, i found numerous rings, a couple of necklaces, a couple of notes, a sword which i tried taking but was too heavy and a blood-soaked jacket. Even the cold needs a little warmth sometimes. I walked after everyone wearing my new, many sized too big jacket, looking a little hungrily at the hunter but not asking for food. "Hey... Do we get our own food or what?" I asked him
Hunter looked at Priscilla before answering, "If you want. Just don't kill anyone." He said before turning his head to look at Cory, "it's a song my mother would always sing to when I was young." A nostalgic look crossing his features as the gates of Evergreen closed in.
"Ohhhh.." Cory said, nodding as she hurried her face back in his fur and dozing off.

Alli saw the two in the distance and stood up on her feet, brushing dirt off herself.

Hunter chuckled when Cory tried to sleep in his fur, before going into a trot when he saw Alli stand up. Reach her quickly he nodded before continuing into the town, and to the square.
With her coat in hand, Elizabeth began back towards the square, Johnathan on her heels. "Don't you have someone else to bother?" She called over her shoulder. Johnathan smiled. "Of course not." Elizabeth sighed in exhaustion. "You know," he began. "It's said that first impressions are usually entirely wrong. So I'm going to assume that you don't actually have a pole stuck up your ass and that you're actually a lovely girl." Johnathan's comment threw Elizabeth off guard; she had read that in a book somewhere when she was little, but couldn't put her finger on it. She tried to hide her faint smile at his comment, but he had already seen it. He grinned in satisfaction as they reached the town square.
Hunter nodded, "not like this

though, but Cory seems comfortable." He said motioning to the thylacine snuggled into his fur, "And I also plan on splitting the pay."
"Yeah and I still want some!" He said as he saw Elizabeth with a man he didn't recognize, but chose to ignore it in favor of a bench. He jumped onto the public seat and laid sown resting his chin on the arm rest, while he took up a large amount of the bench there was still enough for someone to sit down near his midsection.
Alli took that opportunity and sat down, rubbing his head and looking at Cory. "Exactly why are you sitting down..?" Alli asked, wondering why he wasn't getting his reward.

"How professional do you think having a thylacine on your back as a wolf is?" He asked closing his eyes to enjoy the feeling of his head being rubbed.
"And ruin someone's sleep? No thanks." Hunter said turning his head to look at Alli from the corner of his eye, "So any plans after this?"
Elizabeth spotted the familiar wolf walking over to one of the benches, followed by Alli. Johnathan followed her gaze to the group and smiled. "Are those your friends?" Elizabeth simply nodded, her gaze still fixed on them. "Well let's go say hi!" He said cheerfully as he took her hand and pulled her over towards them. "Johnathan!" She managed to blurt as she was dragged along. "Hello friends of Elizabeth's." Johnathan bowed with a goofy smile; his carefree and silly nature made him seem like a jester.
Hunter glanced at the male that was with Elizabeth, giving a nod he went back to resting his chin on the arm rest with his eyes closed, and fell asleep like the marsupial on on his back.

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