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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Soon the drone that had gotten the request and came upon Recon and Jet. He froze, Recon looked up and widened his optics as he saw the drone. The visor covered his optics, making the gold have a purple tint to it from the mixed colors. He hoped the drone wouldnt know better, "What is it, soldier?" Recon asked, forced to break the hug and turned to him. "Knock Out needs a ground bridge ASAP" The drone said, in which Recon nodded and grabbed Jet's servo and hurridly walked out before the drone would think about him. "Slag, that was close" He growled to Jet, audial antennas straight up to listen for anymore Cons coming.
Shadowstrike furrowed her optic ridges in confusion. "What would be taking them so long?" She felt a stab of alarm in her chasis. Had they been caught?
The drone shook his helm and opened the ground bridge, in which it appeared before Knock Out and Shadowstrike. Knock Out sighed in relief before helping the femme Con through the ground bridge and looked at the drone. "This didnt happen, keep your mouth shut and your spark remains" He threatened the drone before quickly walking away and toward the med bay.
Jet was also extremely aware of any cons after the encounter with the drone. "Too close... What do we do now?"

She asked, her optics sharp, looking for any movements along the cooridors. She had no plan coming to mind, other than hiding or getting a groundbridge away, or possibly disguising Recon.
Shadowstrike sighed in relief as they made their way to the med bay, glad no one had caught them. "Hopefully everything else goes smoothly." She muttered, not wanting anything to happen, or both of them would more than likely in a lot of trouble
Recon stopped, hearing footsteps and could have sworn they were in front of them and turned around, ready to lead Jet somewhere safe, when he smacked right into Knock Out and Shadowstrike. He stopped when Knock Out barked at him angrily. "Watch where your goi- Wait, who are you?" He asked. Recon pulled Jet behind him. "Err..."
Jet was suddenly pulled behind Recon, for the third time. If neither Knockout nor Shadowstrike knew Recon, then he could get away with a fake identity. But she didn't know if she was thinking that, and if he was, then she'd step out from behind him. But Jet just stuck with his actions, watching the hall behind Recon.
Shadowstrike narrowed her optics, giving Knock Out a confused look. She glanced at Jetstream, raising one optic ridge. "Jet, who is this?" She asked, gesturing to Recon. He certainly wasn't a Decepticon; she had never seen him before
"I'm, err,Oildrain.... Yea" Recon came up with a name on the spot, and he wanted to face-palm. Oildrain? Really? No going back now. "I'm the new recruit for the scout, Jetstream is showing me around" He lied. Knock Out raised an optic ridge, "Oildrain? Your carrier hated you or something?" He asked. Recon was about to say something when two red eyes appeared behind Knock Out. "I dont remember Blitzwing hiring a new scout" The all too familiar voice growled from behind them. "Or the medic having to repair an injured Shadowstrike" Knock Out jumped and stiffened, "C-Commander Starscream, sir!"
Jetstream instantly saluted aswell, nudging Recon slightly to do the same. She felt her spark about to burst out of her Chassis, as she felt her Energon boiling with fear.

So this was Starscream... scrap, scrap, scrap, don't do anything stupid Jet...

She heard stories about Starscream snuffing con sparks for failure, and not being one with too much mercy.
Shadowstrike's optics widened when she saw Starscream. Slag. She thought, straightening up as best as she could with her injured leg. "Commander." She said, forcing respect into her voice. Luckily, it came out smoothly. She tried not to hold her pede up off the ground, trying to hide her injury. It didn't work though, and a spasm of pain shot up her leg when she tried. She forced herself not to wince as she held her pede up again
Recon saluted, stiffining. This son of a glitch killed so many... He resisted the urge to attack the Commander. Starscream looked down at Knock Out and Shadowstrike, "Getting cozy are we?" He snarled, noticing Shadowstrike's dried energon on her leg. "Let her go" He demanded Knock Out, who wanted to object then slowly let go of Shadowstrike. He then looked at Jet, "I contacted Blitzwing, if this new scout is real he will know"
"Yes sir."

Jetstream stiffened. She wanted to dunk that petty little face in a melting pit and slowly watch him burn, feeling the pain of all his victims put together. But now, she needed to focus on what to do when Blitzwing noticed Recon.


I can't, I'm still a con.

Then don't be anymore.

The thought hit her like a bullet, but she kept a very straight expression.
Shadowstrike was grateful Knock Out let her go slowly, or she would've fell. She slightly stumbled but righted herself before she fell. She was forced to put weight on her leg, and she hissed in a breath through her teeth. "Is there a reason you wanted me to stand on my own sir?" She asked Starscream, fighting away sarcasm entering her voice as she said sir.
Starscream shoved Knock Out aside as he walked around Shadowstrike then slammed his pede into the back of her injured knee. "You test my patience so, Shadowstrike" He hissed. Knock Out reached forward though Starscream turned to him and gave him a nasty look, making him back off. Meanwhile Blitzwing grabbed Jet's shoulder, turning her around to look at him. "I vuz told I recruited someone, who is zis?" He snarled.
"Oildrain, sir."

She flinched at his touch. But there was a somewhat rage building up inside of her.

They weren't going to hurt Recon, even if it cost her her spark, those glitches had better kept their currupted servos off of him.
Shadowstrike crumbled to the ground, biting her glossa to keep from crying out in pain. And you test mine. She thought to him, but refrained from saying it. "Commander Starscream, I am sorry about earlier. I was being foolish." The words made her want to rip her own helm off. But if she pissed him off any more, she was certainly going to get her spark ripped out.
Starscream smirked, "Now you know your place, but I still am sure you dont give a scrap about me or respect me. I could offline you because of you being disloyal" He snarled. "Sir, I-"

"Shut up!" Starscream yelled at Knock Out. Blitzwing narrowed his normal optic, and Recon hit his chassis to show respect. "Sir!" He didnt foresee him turning on his radio when he did. (music)First let me hop out the motherfuckin' porsche, Ion want her if that ass don't sit like a horse..(music) He jumped and hit his chassis trying to turn it off with an embarrassed smile. Halfway through the song it finally went off. "Err...."

(BTW, thought that song fit Recon because he's a silly dumbass. Dont like that kind of music XP)
Jetstream used all of her strengh not to burst out laughing on the floor, puffing up her chassis and biting her glossa, her mouth threatning to turn upwards as she looked straight ahead. She pratically stared at Blitzwing, really wanting to know what his reaction would be.
Shadowstrike would've laughed if she wasn't in immense pain from Starscream's hooker heel wasn't digging into her wound. She was glad that Knock Out tried to stop Starscream from hurting her, but it wasn't working. "I haven't done scrap to betray you. I still fight for you don't I?" She pointed out, gritting her teeth. "And get your damn hooker heel out of my leg!" She snapped, looking up at him with her optics full of anger
Starscream snarled, "I cant do a fragging thing without someone slagging up!" He punched to the side and hit a drone and knocked his helm off. Knock Out snickered at the comment about Starscream's pedes.

Blitzwing's face changed and his insane side came out, "Ooh, I love zat song!!" He said, "Chachacha!" Recon was weirded out by Blitzwing's change in personalities, before the triple-changer's personality changed again back to the cold one. "You are not vun of my scouts"
Jetstream was getting nervous, feeling like she wanted to help the other cons which were getting attention from Starscream. But her attention snapped over to Blitzwing, and a look came into her optics that she hadn't used before. It only stayed for half a second, though, as she felt her energon flowing faster, with the heat of a possible incoming battle for Recon's life.
"What did that drone ever do to you?" Shadowstrike asked innocently, a smirk on her lips despite the pain in her leg. She clenched her servos as she tried to ignore the pain. She wanted this idiot Seeker off of her. She could already tell her leg was more messed up than it originally was
Starscream growled and grabbed her throat and held her above him, slamming her back into the wall. "You will learn to respect me, femme" He snarled. Knock Out tried to think of something to get Starscream off her without causing more trouble.

"Sir, I was recruited by someone else" Recon said. He didnt know the recent Decepticons, so slag. "By whom?" Blitzwing asked. Recon tried to think, who did he know? "Err.. Soundwave sir" He finally said. "Funny, Soundwave isnt a recruiter" Blitzwing said. Recon's optics darted around and noticed that there was an opening he could break out of. He held his servo out for Jet in case she wanted to make a break for it with him.
with a sigh Loudmouth put her guns away and resting her servos on her hips, she looked Angel up and down. She didn't believe this... pink... whatever, could really be that much of a threat to her, so she let her guard down. "Okay, but what side are you on?" She looked at Angel with an optic ridge raised up, but fairly soon after saying that then did Matriarch appear out of a ground bridge. She stared at Matriarch for a moment, then shoved Angel and shouted, "GO!" before transforming to ATV mode and driving off.

@RedTeam Grif @Yonsisac

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