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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Shadowstrike barely managed to avoid being hit by Knock Out, and She grabbed onto him to keep him from flying back into the building. A low growl rumbling in her chasis, she released Knock Out and stalked towards Cyrax, her energon sword at the ready. "Enough of the games. Commander Starscream will be pleased once we bring your body back to base." She was balanced on her pedes, ready to spring at any moment
"I'd like to see you try, Con" Cyrax growled at her, his own sword at his side though he didnt look so aware although his optics watched her every move. "First some questions, what are the Cons doing here?" He asked.
"We could ask the Autobots the same thing." Shadowstrike replied evenly, her optics tracking his every move. She was wary of him, and knew she would have to avoid answering his questions. If she gave anything away, Megatron would have her aft
"Too bad, we have no clue just like you. You dont know whats going on either, do you?" Cyrax asked, his own optics connecting with hers. "Did it have to do something with Megatron?"
Shadowstrike shrugged. "I don't know, you tell me." The truth was she didn't have a vague idea of where they were, or how they got there.
"I a not a con, I dont know what goes on in your ship. Another question, when you found the Autobot scout, did you take anything from her?" He asked, thinking of ways to attack and asking questions at the same time.
"No, I didn't. But I can't speak for my comrades." Shadowstrike's interest was peaked at this question. Were the Autobot's missing something valuable to them? Or at least to the Autobot she had almost fought?

(Going to bed. Night)
"Weird, for some reason I thought Cons thieves." He said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Alright, well if you dont have anything I need or have no answers then I suggest you get your friend the help he'll need"

Shadowstrike knew he was right, but if she turned her back on this Autobot, he would more than likely attack her. "I can't turn my back on you. You'd attack." She stated simply, debating on whether she'd be able to kill him quickly or if she would have to leave him
Jetstream drove inside the groundbridge, loosing the last of her re-assurance. When she got through the swirling colors, she transformed immediatly. The femme wanted to have her mask covering her face, so they wouldn't see her actual face plates. But she knew she couldn't, that'd cause suspisions, probably. So instead, Jet just stayed as still as a rock.

How much trouble did she get herself into?
"You arent even worth my time" Cyrax scoffed, putting his sword on his back and crossed his arms. "You turn away and look back I'll be gone" He said, "I dont think I really need to attack you"

Blitzwing, once through the ground bridge along with Jet, turned to her and crossed his arms. He was suspicious about her, he didnt trust her one bit. He waved the drone away from the area and when he left Blitzwing started talking. "I dont vant to trust you. I vant to say your lying about somesing, so I vill ask again, did you meet anybody outside of zeh borders?"
Jetstream looked him straight in the optics.

"No, sir."

She paused.

"But I did pass through a small abandoned human town, I suspected someone was there, but that's when I realized I was out of the Decepticon territory, sir. So I headed back."

Jet gestured with her hands slightly as she talked, but stopped and looked, watching his facial plate expressions.
"Is zat so? Hmm, it so happens zat I tracked your location zer ven I met zeh mech. Odd sang vuz is zat your signature stayed right zer in front of me ven zeh mech vuz zer. Must have been a glitch, aye Jetstream?" He asked. Blitzwing's calm personality had always been smart, though even he wasnt sure about this one.
Jetstream shrugged.

"It probably was a glitch in the system, sir."

She was curious about Blitzwing, he was the only cybertronian she knew, or heard of, that was able to switch his personalities. She was guessing that he was in a calm state right now, though she knew he was probably waiting for one mistake, one sign that showed she was lying.
Blitzwing didnt say anythng for a minute before he turned away. "Close zat ground bridge, if an Autobot slips srough it zen ve bose go offline" He said as he walked away, leaving her to close the ground bridge. He was going to see if there really was a glitch in his trackers, he did not want any of his scouts getting involved with any outsiders. Before the ground bridge could be closed, guess who popped in. "Wow, that mech really needs to loosen his bolts" Recon said.
Shadowstrike hesitantly put up her Energon Sword, cursing this whole situation. She was supposed to have come here with Knock Out and find the other Autobot, or find one to kill. But here she was having to back off because Knock Out was injured. "Get the slag out of here Bot." She hissed, backing up before turning and crouching by Knock Out. They would probably be in a loaded of trouble once they got back if Starscream found out about this.
Cyrax smirked as she turned away from him and he grabbed his pistol and shot her in the back of one of her knees before turning and walking away. "Consider it payback from our scout" He said as he walked away.
Jetstream was tooken back abit by his sudden appearance.


Jet said quietly, keeping her tone quiet, even though it was cheerful. Her facial plates suddenly turned to all kinds of concerned.

"What are you doing here? If someone sees you, they'll contact everyone onboard, and Megatron!"

She said, walking up to him and looking around frantically.
"They wont see me" He said, pressing the button to close the ground bridge. "Its been forever since I have actually met someone coming across the borders, I realized that I really didnt want to be alone out there" He explained, keeping his voice down as well. "And admit it, your ecstatic to see me arent ya?" He asked with a smile.
Jetstream lightly pushed his shoulder in a playful way.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be? Other than being concerned for your safety."

She smiled at him, not as tense as she was before.

"Well, I won't be leaving your side, so no worries about being alone anymore."

Jet chuckled, before another shot of pain went through her frame again, making her cringe for a few seconds, but she quickly swept it off.
(I sense that Jetstream and Recon will become sparkmates xD )

Shadowstrike cursed, "Frack!" As she was shot, letting out a pained hiss as she looked at the Energon leaking from the wound. Scrap. Looking over at Knock Out, she put a servo on his chasis, "Knock Out, are you alright? You need to answer me. We need to get back to the Nemesis." She told him, hoping he would be okay. If not, then how was she supposed to tell Starscream their only medic is dead?
(Oh rlly?)

Recon grinned when he had heard he didnt have to be alone anymore, not catching her grimace of pain just yet. "Thanks Jet, appriciate it. A lot actually" He said, grabbing her in a metal bending hug, lifting her off the ground. "Say, you arent the same scared little scout I met out there" He commented.

Knock Out took a minute to start functioning again, sitting up he shook his helm. "What happened? Ow..." He rubbed the side of his neck where Cyrax almost offlined him. "That hurts" He growled, though figured he could repair it back on the Nemesis. "Scrap, you didnt happen to kill the Autobyte did you?"

Shadowstrike averted her gaze, as if ashamed. "He said I wasn't worth his time. I let him get away because if you turned out to be offline, I would be put offline by Lord Megatron or Commander Starscream." She explained, cursing her descicion. She should've killed him. This was going to come back and bite her in the aft. "How are we going to explain this and our wounds?" She asked, gesturing to the shot behind her knee
Knock Out stood up, offering his servo to help her up as well. "Easy, we dont. I am the mest medic ever, I can repair what has been broken before Lord Megatron or Commander Starscream even notices we came back" He reassured, obviously not losing any of his self-confidence and self-esteem.
(We'll see what the words lead to x3)

Jetstream let out a little squeak, attempting to hug him back.

"Conceal and don't feel, during battles, anyways. You taught me that. I guess the first battle is always the scariest, heh."

Jet said this in a very happy tone, she was overjoyed that he was here. The con ship was such a cold place for her most of the time, always filled with fear or concern, and occasionally crude humor.

"...I really appreciate you being here, to. Your my first actual friend, Recon."

Jetstream's smile grew, her words filled with emotion.

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