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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Shadowstrike nodded gratefully to Knock Out as he helped her up, favoring her injured knee. "Good." She wasn't ready to face Starcresms wrath again. Or Megatrons. "We need to find a place out of sight before you fix our wounds." She was glad for his self confidence, it somehow made her feel better.
Recon let her down, "Real friends are sometimes hard to come by, glad it was you I found" He said with his signature smile. He hadnt fixed the plasma burns on his chassis but as far as he was concerned it was fine. "Did that one Con hurt ya when he found ya?" He asked, a sort of protective glint in his optics.

Knock Out nodded, looking around and found a sort of low hanging structure that cast a black shadow across the ground. He gestured over to it, "I would be careful with that knee if I were you, dont want it hurt more than it already is" He commented.
Jetstream remembered the random shocks of pain.

"Well, he throat-grabbed me for a while, and since then I've been getting little shocks of pain, but nothing too much. Are your wounds still hurting?"

She asked, extremely aware of any passing cons.
Shadowstrike nodded, "I'm trying." She replied through gritted teeth, her pede halfway dragging on the ground as she tried not to bend her knee. She made her way over to the dark area, sitting down on a piece of rubble, keeping her leg out to keep her knee from bending.
"Dont mind me, if your having these weird pains then maybe he did some damage. Let me see" He said, gently turning her head to the side so he could take a look at the circuits. He growled low when he saw the damage done to them, "That fragged Con, your smaller than him!" He growled, pissed off at Blitzwing.

Knock Out crouched down beside her, first looking the circuits over before he took a small box looking this from his upper leg and opened it. "Portable tools, very useful" He commented, grabbing a few before tying to mend the circuits back together. "This is not your lucky day" He said to Shadowstrike.
Jetstream's optics trailed up to look at the ceiling.

"He said that he didn't trust me, and kept asking me questions. I'm pretty sure he was somewhat convinced that his trackers were glitching. I think he'll probably pay more attention to my signature for a while..."

She flinched as he touched one of the damaged wires, the same pain shooting through her frame again.
Shadowstrike watched him, her servos clenched from the pain she felt. It had been while since she was shot. "Tell me about it. Let's just hope we get back to the ship and get in unnoticed. Your wounds seemed pretty bad? Will you be alright?" She asked him, tilting her helm
Recon moved back, "Do the Cons have a medic around here or is it just do or die?" He asked. He figured the Cons might have a medic but he never was sure about these Cons, he hated every one of them except Jet.

Knock Out shook his helm, "It is barely a wound, he just hit some nerves that blacked me out for a minute. I'll be fine, did you tag his signature?" He asked, looking back up with a pause.
Shadowstrike nodded, "I managed to get it before he shot me. He didn't notice either." It had been a last minute instinct for her to do that, and she was glad she did.
Jet nodded,

"Yeah, Knockout. I've never had to go to him before, but I heard he's okay, personality wise."

She brought her own servo up to feel her throat again. It was probably going to be a requirement to go to him if she ever wanted those circuits fixed, if no one else was a medic.
"Then it will be a lot easier to find him now if he is in the area" Knock Out said, at least they did something right this whole time. He tried getting the circuits to join back together, narrowing his eyes in thought.

"I wish I had taken up those medic lessons right about now" Recon growled. "Looks like you'll have to go to him sometime, or now. Whenever you think to go now, but I wish I had followed ya'll earlier so you didnt have to get hurt"
Shadowstrike nodded, looking around them to make sure nobody was around. Once she was sure no one was, she looked back down at Knock Out. "Is it bad? Tell the truth."
Jetstream smiled at his concern.

"I'm fiiiiiinnnnnnneeeee, Recon. And I think I'll go later."

She paused, before looking around.

"So, what did you want to do?"
Knock Out looked back up, "Well, the circuits that are fried can be fixed with new ones. We'd have to get back and I can get some extras from my medic center. Which means you'll be limping in the Nemesis" He said.

Recon sighed as she said she was fine, but he wasnt going to let that go until the circuits were fixed. "Well what can we do without getting in huge trouble?" He asked, raising an optic ridge. "I dont exactly have the best stealth"
"Slag." Shadowstrike cursed, slamming her fist down on the rubble in frustration. That was just wonderful. "I'll have to try and avoid our Commander and Lord Megatron then. Hopefully the Drones won't say anything." She told him, not liking this idea one bit.
Jetstream looked around, letting out a small 'hmm'. She didn't know if she was supposed to be staying on the Nemesis, or if she was allowed to get out and scout again.

"I don't know.. Blitzwing didn't exactly say what to do after closing the groundbridge. So, we could get out of the Nemesis, or- Recon, are you a well known around the Decepticons?"
"The drones follow orders as they get them, if I tell them to keep quiet then they will. The real problem is Soundwave, the mech is always everything and sees everything. Kind of creepy when you think about it" Knock Out said, standing back up again. "Would you say you'd need help walking?" He asked, "The wound has got to be sore from me working on it"

Recon thought a minute, "Err, I killed a few back in the war on Cybertron. Or more than a few, but if you mean by good terms then probably not. Why?" He asked, curious about what she had in mind. "Hey, how many scouts are on this ship?"
Jetstream simply nodded, considering the idea. She figured it probably wouldn't work under these circumstances. Her processor racked it's memory file to find about how many scouts were on the ship.

"I think there are around 10 total, so that may leave around 5 or 4 on the ship."
Shadowstrike nodded, "I didn't even think about him." She chose to ignore Soundwave most of the time. The idea of someone spying on everyone on the ship wasn't appealing.

"It would be nice to have help, it does hurt pretty bad." She admitted, hating her weakness
Recon put his servo on her helm and drew his servo toward his chassis, measuring the height difference. She was as tall to go to the middle or near the bottom of his chassis, "Wow, your pretty short. Might have to nick name ya shorty" He said with a smile and laughed lightly.

Good thing Shadowstrike was a small femme, Knock Out wasnt too tall but he was taller than a Cybertronian with a motorcycle alt. He hooked the box back to his leg and held out a servo to help her up. "I can help you walk, but we have to make it fast"
"So if I'm shorty, then your tall-y?"

She laughed a bit, reach her servo up to touch the top of his helm, before sliding it over her head.

"Or single swordy? Or Buffy?"
"Or we could just stick to our names" He laughed, his audial antennas twitching here and there. "Your my bestest femme ever" He said, sounding childish though his voice was deep. He hugged her again, though not a big metal bending bear hug but a more normal one.
Shadowstrike nodded, "Agreed." She took his servo and pulled herself up, making sure not to apply too much weight on her injured knee. She didn't need to damage it more. "Let's get out of here."
Knock Out helped her stand, a servo around her waist and her servo around his shoulders. "Requesting ground bridge" He said over comms, in which a drone answered with a yes sir. "Lock on my coordinates" Knock Out added in which they had to wait for the drone to open the ground bridge. Too bad Blitzwing had told them to leave so the mech could talk to Jet so it took longer than it should have and still the ground bridge didnt open. "Whats going on?" Knock Out asked.
Jetstream giggled like a little femme sparkling.

"And your my bestest mech ever."

Her arms returned the hug, her facial plates slightly heating up. She noticed a screen on the left blinking with a "Requested Groundbridge" written across the screen in Cybertronian.

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