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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Shadowstrike tried to pull Starscream's digits from her throat, glaring at him. "S-sir, I d-didn't mean a-anything by it. I w-was acting like that because of the p-pain." She gasped out, trying to say anything to get him to let her go. "Surely you do that?" She asked hopefully, thinking she would try some of his own tactics that she had seen him use with Megatron
Jet noticed his servo, and she grabbed it. She caught his gaze, also noticing the opening. Jet was ready, all she needed was any kind of signal. Her miniguns were already slightly heating up inside her shoulder plates, ready for instant shooting if required. She knew what would happen if she broke out with Recon.

Probably certain injuries, and she'd be gone from the Decepticons. She wouldn't be their scout anymore, for 25 Eons she always never got their violence, and if she can't understand them, leave them.

She would be not be a sparkling acting like a con anymore, she'd be a sparkling with no controller. Her processor was practically spinning with the utter action.
Starscream rose an optic ridge, she was begging? Good. "Well, I dont know femme. If you say it and it might be true then I wonder. Fine, whatever" He dropped her, though kicked her to the ground. "Knock Out, fix her up" He growled, in which Knock Out helped her back up as he walked away.

Recon pulled her into him and slammed into the opening, breaking the thin metal and they free-fell. He was too heavy to hold up so he prepared to hit the ground. He let her go so she didnt hit the ground, but if she didnt start hovering then he would be her shield so she didnt hit the ground.

Matriarch, in her dino form, roared as she saw the two. "Dead bots!" She screamed, stalking toward them with teeth bared and claws ready to cut. If she could grab one she'd have her next meal. "Run, bots, run!" She cackled her laugh.
"Like i said..None! But ya dont worry about that Parthner!"she said as soon she was Inerrupted seeing a Bot come out of a Br- SCRAP IS A DINO,she would soon get shoved by but she dint care,Looking at Matriarch with slight focuse she come to her seanses wen Bob screams "ANGLE DONT STAND THERE RUN!!!!"he yelld angel shaking her head and would turn around and begine to break a Run for it,as she did she would soon turn to her Alt form boosting Thrusters at max Power and Begine to fly,do not far from the ground,peeking up speed she would soon change to a Green militia like color and would say "Ok Bob....lets try and Hunt this Dino!.....Crazy but Not Running!"she said only hearing a Gulp,gaining height she would turn around in her alt form and begine to accelerate towards the dino begining to Fire her Dual Machine guns at it as she Flew towards it.
Jetstream had a feeling, it practically drove her into a wonderful sense of freedom.

She turned around mid-fall, lying down in the free fall. She turned her head up, and brought her servo up to her helm, saluting and swinging the salute to her right.


Jet let out a loud laugh, her mask snapping over her facial plates, her miniguns popping out of her shoulder plates and blades ready. She focused on landing, watching Recon. He was heavier then her, so she was more concerned about him landing than her. She bent her knees more, but not too much to the point where she'd collapse on her knees. Her body shifted straight, so she'd land on her pedes. There was no way to completely avoid damage due to this fall, but they wouldn't have their spark snuffed if they landed right.

"Recon, Do you have control of the fall?!"

She had to yell for him to hear her, seeing the ground come upon them at incredible speeds.
Loudmouth drove in a frantic zigzag pattern, making her a harder target to hit, she opened her comms system desperately. "Hello?! This is Loudmouth to base, come in base, please!" She shouted, angling the mirror on her handlebars to look behind her.
Shadowstrike winced as Knock Out pulled her up, gripping onto his arms tightly as she leaned her forehelm against his chasis, trying to regain her balance. Her leg was screaming in pain, along with her neck. "Let's...get out of here." She gritted her teeth, resisting the urge to turn her helm and glare at Starscream
Knock Out felt pained to see this femme in so much pain, picking her up and being careful of the back of her knee and when they got to the med bay he set her down carefully. Turning, he got some supplies to fix her injures and now he had some stuff to get the stinging of Starscream's claws off her neck.

Recon nodded, "YEEHAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled, getting closer and closer to the ground before he landed with a thud on the ground and yelped as his pedes hurt like all scrap. "I'm alright!" He called, raising his visor.

Matriarch roared, pissed that they were faster though she had longer legs. She hissed and let out a frequency that would hurt any Cybertronian's audials anywhere around her. "Get back here! I hungry!"
Jetstream landed with a thud, her knees bending, intense pain shooting through her body. It was gone after a few seconds though, and she shook her legs.

"HEEWH! That felt amazing!"

Referring to the feeling of seperating from the cons, her mask snapped up, revealing a grinning face. She walked over to Recon, pain shooting up her legs with each movement, but the pain eventaully faded.

"Thank you, so much." She looked up at him, grateful for that rebellious moment.

She looked back up at the sky.

"You think they'll chase us? They still have my energy signature."
Shadowstrike sat up halfway, watching Knock Out as he gathered the supplies. "Sorry about you having to see that." She said after a moment, rubbing her neck with one of her servos. "Even though I'm sure you've seen it before."
Recon stood up, laughing. "Oh I dont think so darlin'!" He said, coming up behind her and hugging her in a bear hug, pressing her to his chassis. "Glad you left with me, you are definitely not the scared scout I met" He head.

Knock Out shook his helm, :It doesnt matter, I have seem almost worse" He sighed, walking over to her and tilted her head so he could see the scratches and applied some stuff to help it. He saw her optics were closed and hesitantly reached forward though stopped himself from holding her faceplate and put his servo back down.
(Oh waitwaitwait, I got it! STRIKEOUT! YES! And- Restream? I need backup!)

Jetstream lifted her helm up to look at his optics as he held her from behind, her smile close to a grin.

"Fear isn't a very long-lasting thing, Recon."

She let her weapons retreat before lifting her servos to hold onto his.
Shadowstrike opened her optics, and looked up at Knock Out as he pulled away. "You didn't have to pull away you know." She told him with a playful smirk. "I was able to listen to your movements and gauge what you were doing." It was a skill she had picked up on from her years of being an infiltrator. It sometimes was useful when you couldn't see your enemy.

(Ooh, I like them!)

Recon leaned down and nuzzled his helm against hers, his own engine purring. He liked this femme, she had the same spark he liked and she was really pretty. "So are you going to stay with me now?"

Knock Out's faceplates got a bit hot as he chuckled. "How, you are talented if you heard me that well" He said, still applying the stuff to her neck. "I suppose you should not be underestimated huh?"
Jetstream leaned back against Recon, her optics closing. She felt her faceplates heat up, nuzzling back at him somewhat.

"Yep, until my spark disinegrates..."

Her voice was soothing, as she relaxed under his helm.
Shadowstrike smirked, tilting her helm to show make it easier to apply the stuff to help the scratches. She could already tell it was helping with the stinging. "I guess not. I just haven't got a real chance to show my skills lately. And at this rate, I don't think I'll be able to go back on the field for a while." She said somewhat sadly.
Recon grinned, picking her up and bundled her up to him as he started walking toward where he stayed. "Y'know, I find it funny I couldnt wait to see you again I breached the Nemesis to see ya again" He commented, smiling at her.

Knock Out met her optics, "Well I dont want you getting hurt like this again until your fully healed. So you'll stay on the ship until your okay" He said, finishing up on her neck and then gestured for her to turn on her side so he could get to the back of her knee.
Shadowstrike laid down on her side, sighing. "I figured you'd say that." She pushed herself up only halfway, her elbow holding her up. "You'll probably be seeing a lot of me then, since I won't be getting run ragged with missions." She slightly smiled at him, moving her injured knee to make it easier for him to work on.
Jetstream grinned up at him.

"Aww, you really do care."

She poked his chassis with a digit, not minding being carried. Her green optics sparkled with all positive emotions, not the least bit worried when she was with him.
Knock Out worked carefully as he always does, quick and more or less painless. "At least you will be under the best care in the galaxy, I am the best medic ever seen after all" He said with a smirk.

Recon nodded, "Why wouldnt I? I like you after all, I-wait...." He just realized he let his feelings slip to the one he did like. His faceplates got extremely hot, "Oh slag... heh...."
Jetstream's faceplates got hot too, as her optics watched his with a curious look, which shifted into a content smile. She leaned up, placing a kiss on his faceplate, pulling back.

"I fell for you too..."

She hoped she said the right thing, even though her femme instincts helped her along the way.
Shadowstrike smirked, "I'll remember that." She laughed, looking down at the table beneath her. After a minute or two of silence, she spoke quietly, "My knees worse, isn't it?" She didn't know why she asking, when she already knew it was.
Recon widened his optics, faceplates now really red as his radio went off again. (music)I'm in love with an angel, heaven forbid. Made me a believer, with the touch of her skin. I'd go to hell and back again, stay lost in what we found...(music) The song Angel by Theory of a Deadman played until he shut it off.

Knock Out sighed, "Unfortunately, yes" He said, trying is best to salvage what was left of the circuits. His eyes glanced over to her aft and stared at it for a second then shook his helm and focused again. Really Knock Out? His thoughts said to him and he shrugged.
Shadowstrike sighed, shaking her head. "That's just wonderful." She commented quietly, feeling her spark sink. That meant longer time off the field. At least she could stay in here with Knock Out. It would be nice She slightly smiled at the thought, dragging her digit across the table absentmindedly. "I wanted to tell you thanks for trying to help back there with the Commander."
Jetstream's faceplates probably couldn't get any hotter. She wrapped her arms around Recon, laying her helm on his chassis.

"You're really quite the mech, you know that?~"

She complimented after the song was over, more flattered than she's ever been before. Her engine returned the purr, looking up at Recon with a friendly and romantic smile.

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