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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Jetstream walked over to Blitzwing, her mask still on. She brought up her blade, and brought it down as fast as she could.

Right on his wing, cutting off half of the wing. She took in a sharp, shaky breath,

"Blitzwing, don't follow us."

Her blade slid back in, feeling a pang of guilt stab her in the spark. Which made her tone seem somewhat like that of a carrier telling her sparkling not to run away again. She hoped that was enough to convince the mech not to follow them. She felt the desire to atleast stop the running energon, and just let him feel the pain, but-

Blitzwing hunted you, he would've just snuffed you and Recon's sparks, if this situation was turned around!

Jetstream knew she was done with the decepticons, and she knew Blitzwing didn't like her, but she just let the guilt flow, despite her thoughts.
Angel saw the chance as she would aim and this time aming at the same leg she shot earlier,if she had a mouth she would have a Grin by now,soon she Pull the Triger and once again a Loud BOOM can be heard pushing herr back as she Fired,Glass nearby breaking from the strong blast,the Rifle Opens up as steam starts to burst Out of the wepon,angel would pull the bold making the case pop out and steam exit,she coverd her face from the heat as she prepared to get a round...Needed to cool down first do...but atleast she could assist loud mouth from afar...this dino must go down!

(sorry for short)
Knock Out smiled and nodded, "Definitely, you stay here until my say so. I dont know if Starscream's pushing his heel into your leg caused any real permanent damage so small I cant see yet" He said regrettably.

Blitzwing's insane personality switched on, yelling in pain and actual energon tears threatening to come. "Muzer fucker! Vait, did I curse in human? AHAHAHAH--- *cough*" He switched back to Icy, punching the ground in pain. Recon smirked, having no regrest of what they put the mech through. "C'mon Jet, he'll probably ask for a ground bridge sometime" He said, starting to walk away. Blitzwing groaned in pain, energon from his wing and neck pooling around him. If he didnt get his throat fixed fast, he was offline.

Matriarch got the shot square in between her shoulders, making her scream in pain. It felt horrible getting shot with full force like that in a particular sensitive part. She turned toward Angel, teeth bared and limped toward where she is. She winced in pain everytime she moved.
Jetstream nodded, and stared to follow Recon before saying something to Blitzwing, lowly, so Recon didn't hear.


She wasn't even sure if Blitzwing heard her since it was quiet even for a whisper, but she quickly caught up to Recon, walking by his side. She didn't know why, she just had to say it. But Jet just brushed it off of her mind, her visor rising.

"Race you~"

She smirked, immediatly transforming and revving up her engine, shooting into the distance as her engines roared, encouraging Recon to race her.
Shadowstrike looked down at her knee, moving it slightly to try and test it. She winced slightly as she stretched it out further, quickly bending it back to its original position. It hurt more the further she stretched it. That's not a good sign. She thought fretfully. "If there is permanent damage, I'll have to get off this ship. I'll get put offline if someone finds out. I'd have a slight limp probably. Any weakness gets taken care off line here." She whispered quietly, her gaze distant
Recon smiled as she raced away, blinked his optics and raising his visor up out of his optics. His right optic was gray, he was now blind in that optic, the sniper bullet had severed a few wires and it made him go blind in the optic. He transformed and raced after her, revving his engine and moving fast.

Knock Out nodded, "I'll make sure it isnt too noticeable if it is permanent" He promised, thinking of ways to do just that. "But we will find out if it is or not when you recover fully and try to walk. If it hurts, cover it up enough so nobody will see it." He then thought of something, "And about being a Decepticon, I think I will follow you"
Jetstream spunaround, the car suddenly driving backwards at high speeds. She beeped her horn twice, before swiftly turning and returning to full speed once more. She switched on her comm, speaking to Recon.

"Finish line is in 100 meters!"
Angel would see the dino Making its way towards her,seing it was Injured she would grin and would let go of her Rifle,reaching her waist and wilding her dual pistols,as she would begine to Fire rounds at the dino,do aming at its limbs once again,seems she dint have any intentions on killing the dino...but why dint she just pull the Triger and Fired at its head? but she seems to be trying and Criple it "Ya have No match Dino fool!...Give up!"she said as she would soon begine to run towards the dino as she Fired rounds at it....even the strongest can fall

Far off south............

And then I Push him down the stairs and he just Rolled down! HAHAHAH! And all i hear was just "SKYWARP!" By Primus you shoold have seen he look on his Face thundercracker! He was not happy at all! Blablablablablabla"Skywarp was Flying in its Alt form at full speed with Thundercracker as they have been sent on a scout mission,but dint seem was that fun with the talking kywarp was giving,as he ha been talking of how he push 2 cons down the stairs and aswell something of geting a painjob EXACLY similer to Starscreams to Mess around acting like him and so on,he aswell said omething about soundwave being the "Royal smart ass" or something,he talks alot so was not easy to understand,as he flew he was making his way back to base do was a long way and seems....thunder needed to hear hi Loligaging.
"I'll try. I can probably mask my limp if I need too." Shadowstrike nodded, starting to think of way that she could do just that. When Knock Out said he'd join her in leaving, she turned to him in surprise, "What? Knock Out, are you sure? You're the medic! Starscream will hunt you down and kill you if you betray." She told him with alarm, her optics wide with worry and shock
Thundercracker let out a slight sigh, making a light turn as he stayed flying by Skywarp's side. "Skywarp, aren't you ever worried about getting scrapped for pushing the limits?" He said in a lightly amused tone, referring to the gossip and pushing cons down stairs. Did they even have stairs on the Nemesis? The con did a slight roll, just for fun. Sometimes he really rather have his audials be ripped off instead of suffering the never-ending chatter that radiated off of Skywarp for Eons. Thundercracker didn't try to stop him, though, only giving some warnings here and there. Skywarp was like his comic relief, he didn't know any other con as anti-serious as his fellow seeker.
Recon honked in acknowledgment. He sped up but didnt see the whole wall on his blind side and a nasty skreeeeeeeeeeee sounded as his whole side scraped against the rough stone. It didnt feel good either, his growl of pain heard over the comms. "Slag"

Matriarch hissed as she was fired bullet after bullet at her. She roared as loud as she could, the frequency could probably hurt any Cybertronian's audials. The bullets fell into her circuitry, making it very painful. She started slowing down, putting her head to the ground and trying to keep the bullets from hitting even more circuitry.

Knock Out shrugged, "I'm smarter than him and Soundwave combined, Shadowstrike. I can get up to where no ground bridge could lock onto our coordinates and nobody can ever find us. We can be free for once, doing what we want" He said, talking about it excitedly.
Shadowstrike couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm, finding it cute. She actually started to feel hope that they could get out of there and never come back. "Do you think we can really do this?" She asked, her optics full of hope. Being free from the Decepticons and able to just travel with Knock Out, it sounded almost too good to be true.
Jetstream turned, hearing the screeching, and driving over to Recon's side.

"Are you alright? How bad is it?"

She died down her engine, observing his side, seeing disturbing scratches along his side.

(Everyone's gonna go rouge, eh? xD )
Angel would continue to fire none stop before she would stop and lower her wepons....a sigh escapes her mouthless helm a she would say "Even old Dinos are not strong....hehehe"she said befor walking towards the Injured Dino Bot and would raise one pistol aming at her head,as she would ask "allright mate!.....Ya wana live? Ya better answer me question understand?"she ask aming the pistol at the cons head wating for a responce...she was not gona tolerate this and would surely shoot her if she needed to.

"Um...No....why you say that Thundercracker?..well...yea kinda..."he responded Flying beside thundercracker,Honestly he could not see if he was anoying or anything as he was always like this,and Overral geting scrap? dint matter much...so?...But sill if i was for pushing people down stairs its his Life! He has push mostly everybody Exept for one being Megatron....do that wont be easy but its his life goal to do it even if he gets scrap down to bits!
Loudmouth looked at Matriarch and blasted her a few times in the back, growling angrily and blasted Matriarch a few more times, going for her limbs, then rushing over and kicking Matriarch over, and jumping on top of her. "Well Matriarch, what are you doing out here, huh? Wheres the rest of your ilk?" She hissed, pressing a pede again Matriarch's head. But somewhere in the distance, there was a long chilling howl in the distance. Loudmouth looked up, wondering about what that was.

@RedTeam Grif @Yonsisac
Knock Out nodded, "I know we can, but we cant just jump out like the other two. We need a plan, so our existence can disappear. Which, I am sure I can do easily" He said, patting the top of her helm. "Dont worry your little helm about it"

Recon transformed, keeping his optics averted from Jet and hoped she didnt notice his blind optic. "N-not bad darlin' I think its just a scratch" He said, rubbing his arm that was missing all kinds of paint now along with his side.

Matriarch actually sat down, laying down and putting her big helm on the ground and curled her tail around herself. There was almost a purring out coming from her now, her back spike flicking. She didnt say anything, licking her shoulder and acting like nothing happened.
Shadowstrike's faceplate grew hot, and she playfully pushed his servo away, "I can't help I'm smaller than you." She muttered, looking up at him. "You're not that tall either." She pointed out, poking his chasis with a digit.
Jet transforming, frowning. She walked infront of him, noticing his grey optic despite his efforts. A gasp escaped her voice box.

"What happened to your optic??"

She tilted his helm towards her, also checking his arm to see the damage.

Thundercracker would've shrugged if he was in his bot form. "Eh, it doesn't matter. You've been doing it for Eons, I don't think anyone would snuff your spark now." He said in a comforting tone, feeling particularly calm today. He focused on his radars, seeing if there were any signatures around, but also watched the ground.
( @crypsalis wait were are we xD ? we landed?)

Angel would see the dino con not responding,she look up and saw Loudmouth and shrug....shoold they put it offline? she dint know hey she was not afraid of sinking a Bullet inside its head anyway,a sigh escape her mouhless helm as she would hera bob say "all i can say is Finish her.....dosent seem of any use"Bob said as angel would look at loudmouth and shrug as she dint know what to do
Loudmouth blinked several times and her optics widened, her helm tipping to one side in confusion, then she looked up at Angel, then back down at Matriarch, "Just do me a favor and keep that gun on her? Okay? Angel? Please?" She looked up at Angel one more time, before she turned one arm back to a hand, and very carefully, just out of curiousity, began to... scratch Matriarch behind the audials.

@RedTeam Grif @Yonsisac
"alright parthner....um...what are ya doing?"she ask keeping one of her Pistols aming at her head as she was curiuse what she was doing...Um...she dint know but still this was a CON and dint trust it that much in anyway eeing how fears and all they are.

"Exacly!...Anyway do me a favor and contact starscream that we are close?..pleas?...."he said as he Flew beside Thundercracker,he really felt slothy so he dint whant to do mostly anything so beter tell thunder do the work,and Overral he was nice enough....right?...But still they wree close and closing in to base as in a few Moments they would be ready to land
Knock Out chuckled, "I'm still taller than you, love!" He teased, hugging her with a purr. He didnt hear Blitzwing come in, who had gotten ground bridged back to the Nemesis after he had requested one, and he stood there for a minute while Knock Out's optics were closed and helm nuzzling hers.

Recon sighed, "That first sniper bullet hit me, severed optic wires only on this eye. But I'm okay, I just cant see to my right side" He said, putting his servo on the side of her face. "Really"

Matriarch growled, but it wasnt a violent growl. Her tail slammed the ground and her leg scratched the ground. Her tail wagged, actually wagged! Nobody has ever done this and it felt so good! She rolled over onto her side, purring.
Shadowstrike laughed, purring as she playfully nuzzled him back, smiling. She eventually blinked open her optics and she froze as she saw Blitzwing. "Knock Out..." She whispered, slowly pushing her away as alarm coursed through her. Scrap, Scrap, Scrap. If he told Megatron or Starscream, they were dead
Jetstream's words dripped with worry.

"Is there any way we could fix it?"

She brought her servos down, straining to remember any medical lessons she learned. But now that she was a rouge, she guessed she and Recon would have to learn on their own, or by observing.

"Alright, but if he screams at me for telling him the obvious, you owe me."
Thundercracker commented, starting up his comm. "Commander, sir, we are close to base." The Seeker kept a serious, formal tone, waiting for a response as he had the base in view. He was aware that Skywarp could do it himself, but was probably too lazy to.


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