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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Knock Out nodded, "The Commander is very hot-headed, more so then Blitzwing's angry personality. I didnt like how he bullied you, its not right and especially when you tried to help and kill an Autobot" He said with a scoff, replacing circuits with newer ones so the burnt ones wouldnt be too painful to her.

Recon, once at the place where he stayed, sit down with her in his lap and lay his forehelm against hers gently. "Never thought that I could get a femme like you" He said quietly, his engine making the most noise.
(Red Angel was flying towards you and shooting at you xD )

Angel would see none of her shots hit,she sigh and would flye over the Evil femme...or was it? she dint know but i was fast indeed!,as she flew sudently she could hear bob say "Try slowing it down!"he said towards angel only for angel to repond "Alright Boy! Just let old angel take care of this!" she said as she would soon turn around as she flew over he enemy Femme,seeing hat she was running but angel was faster do,seeing she was slightly far behinde the enemy femme maybe 10 Meters away she would tranform and turn in her bot mode amidiatly Unfolding her sniper from her back and yell out "HEY! YA TON OF SCRAP! WHY YA NOT TAKE BRIGHTER COLORS YA DARK WALKING STICK!"She said with a slight chuckle,plaving one Knee on the ground wile the other was bent infront,Poping the scope up as she was geting ready to shoot the Femme from behinde...do she knew angel was there now.
Shadowstrike shrugged, "I honestly think he only does it because it makes him feel more powerful. Especially since Megatron is usually beating him up." She didn't say it particularly bothered her. Starscream deserved it in her opinion. "I don't know how many Drones he's killed out of his anger." She laughed
Jetstream giggled.

"I never thought I'd meet a wonderful mech like you at all."

She watched the distance, content with the moment as she leaned into him.
Matriarch's armor was tough, it was hard to kill a Dinobot. She roared, her tail whipping and lashing as she smelled the air to track down her target. She looked around, her back spikes up and crest covering half her back as it was big and almost unbreakable. She roared again, "Where are coward Autobot?!"

"I dont know, but I have fixed so many injuries from him it is hard to tell what he punches daily" He growled, shaking his helm and stood up and walked over to her and crouched down to be at her level and pay a servo on her shoulder. "I'm all done. Feel free to bend your leg but be careful"

Recon sighed contently, closing his optics. He loved it, the happenings right now. He didnt notice the laser pointer and there was a loud shot as an energon bullet was shot. He yelled in pain, the shot missing his helm though go so close it more than grazed the side of his helm and he covered that side of his face as energon leaked out the side of his face. "Move Jetstream! Sniper!" He yelled, telling her to run.
Shadowstrike nodded, and slowly bent her leg, and was surprised at how little it hurt. There was still a dull pain, but it was manageable. "Wow, you really are the best medic." She smiled at him, before hesitantly reaching up to place her servo on top of his,her face plate hot.
Jetstream jumped up, her mask snapping over her face, her blades quickly sliding out and miniguns searching for the sniper. She ran backwards, glaring at her surroundings as she searched for the predator. Her optics constantly switching back to Recon, waiting for the next action.

(Gotta go to bed, night!)
"Yep she is ignoring you...well what ya wating for...SHOOT!"Bob yelld as Angel Finishes up unfolding and would sigh placing her Optic in the scope,she was aming at the dino but Notice the armore...Might be hard but Pure energon case can do damage,this was a Moded one,but she did expect this Dino to be resistent,as she aim she was aming for its Limb Joints were she could Criple the dino,she only had one shot "What in primus you aming for??? SH-""BOB! shut up Parthner! I need to consetrate!"she said as she would continue aming and have the chance,taking one last second she would say "Smile to the flash to Filthy Wanker...."she said pressing the Triger,a loud Boom is Produce by the Rifle as it Opens up leating heat come out,clear steam comes out as the barrel was red hot,the Bright Blue Bullet gose as Incretible speeds towards the Dinos leg hoping to Criple it,as she fired she was push back slightly as she was not laying down and Overral the forze.

amidialy after she fired,she pull the Bolt back making a Long steam cloud to come out from it,Moving her helm out of he way from the heat she would reach her hip and grab a Nother case full of pure energon,she started to wait leing the rifle cool so she could insert the case,as she waited she kept repeating "
Pleas fall,pleas fall,pleas fall,pleas fall"hoping the dino was Injured.
Knock Out's own faceplates got warm, turning his own servo over and closing his sharp digits around hers. He said nothing, his engine starting to purr. Then he decided to say something, "Wow, didnt think I'd actually feel my spark glow" He murmured.

Recon jumped up, ducking under another shot. "Hide! I'll take care of this glitch" He growled, taking the sword off his back. He was going to protect his new bondmate no matter the cost. He tried bringing up his energon shield though he forgot that it was shattered. He cursed and moved aside from another shot. "Wow, this is one bad sniper" (Night)

Matriarch hissed, the shot hitting though her size did absorb some of the shot but not all. Roaring, she turned around and ran full force into the building, hitting it repeatedly over and over again and trying to knock the sniper from her perch. "Get down!" She did limp a little.
Shadowstrike's own engines started to purr as she heard Knock Out's. "Me either." She admitted quietly, and acting on instinct, she nuzzled her helm against his, smiling.
Jetstream ran to his side, bending on her legs and miniguns tracking the place where the shot came from.

"I'm fighting with you, Recon."

She said lowly, staying close to his side and firing up the miniguns. She started firing at the place where she thought the sniper came from for a moment, before stopping to see if there was any movement.
Knock Out sighed contently, returning the nuzzling. He sat on the side of the table, turning toward her and bundled her up to his side. He then wondered something, he thought back to when the fake scout and ex scout made a run for it. He had heard Blitzwing was going to kill any scout of his that betrayed, and that meant he'd go hunting. There was no doubt that the triple-changer, multi-personalized Con was dangerous, and would do anything to kill who he really wanted to. He was getting tired of seeing all the Con violence to themselves, and now he had Shadowstrike. They were around Cybertronian predators that went into a frenzy at the smell of fresh energon. His processor was racking itself trying to figure out what to do.

Recon wanted to protect his bondmate but he couldnt stop her from figthing. And why should he? She was a good fighter. There was no movement where Jet shot at, then out of the dust showed two glowing orange circles and Recon narrowed his optics. "What is that?" He asked, stepping closer to hopefully get a good look at whatever it was. Before he got there the dust cleared and it was Blitzwing charging his guns, "Peek-a-boo!" He laughed, his insane personality on as he shot at Recon, who had quickly moved out of the way. "Watch out, Jet!" He yelled.
Shadowstrike rest her helm on his chasis, sighing contentedly. She had never thought she'd end up bondmates with someone. She looked down at their joined servos, smiling. Her smile faded as a thought hit her though. If Starscream found out about them, they would be taken offline for sure. She didn't want that. It made her realize how much she was starting to despise being a Decepticon. "What are we going to do? If Starscream or Megatron finds out about this we'll surely be taken offline." She whispered after a moment
Jet ducked and rolled out of the way, seperating from Recon's side. She got back on her pedes, blocking some shots with her swords, Her miniguns returned to favor, doubling the small plasma shots. She figured when fighting shooters, that the strategy wouldn't be head-on. Plans started listing themselves down in her head, which was a habit of hers built over the Eons.

She ducked behind a sand dune, her optics flashing over to Recon before snapping back to Blitzwing. She continued shooting at him, occasionally ducking behind the sand dune again. She'd slowly make her way towards him, but she had to take her time.
"I dont know, the best bet is not to let them find out. I dont know how long that will last, I am still worried about Soundwave lurking about" He said, thinking. "Lets give the thought some time, I'll think of something. In the mean time, I think and hope Soundwave wont or cant see what goes on in here so he wont suspect anything"

Blitzwing was getting tired of standing behind a wall. Recon noticed what Jet was doing and decided to distract the big bad Con. He ran at the wall Blitzwing was hiding behind and the Con responded with running at the rouge and they clashed. Stabbing at the Con, Recon tried keeping the Con's back to Jet as they fought. "You bose vill go offline!" Blitzwing yelled, his pissed off personality switching.
Jet ran towards Blitzwing, occasionally ducking under cover and being close to object incase Blitzwing turned around. She stopped firing, and sped towards him, with her swords. She thrust one below his chassis, and the other one in his upper leg, rapidly firing at his throat. She was very aware of Recon's sword, making sure to avoid it, and watched Blitzwing's guns.
Shadowstrike nodded, shifting a bit so her injured knee wasn't bent so much. "Hopefully. If he is able to see in here, he will surely tell Megatron or Starscream." She said quietly, lifting her head off his chasis to look up at him. She wanted to tell him what her feelings on being a Decepticon were, but if Soundwave was listening, she was surely going to be taken and shut offline. Her optics shown with worry and apprehension. "I don't know if I want to be a Decepticon anymore." She told him, her voice barely above a whisper
(@RedTeam Grif well guess you are not gona fix i can go with it,its ok ^_^ )

As angel staded ontop of the Building she would look down spoting the dino trying to make her come down,the dino was limping so that was Good very Good,looking down she would feel the shake a it smaches its self on he building,angel Holds on but Soon slip from being to close to the edge,a loud Clang can be heard as she hits the concreat,raising her head in slight pain would see the dino close,her servos go wide a she would stand up and begine to run for it....the dino was faster but she needed to run.

as she did she would pull out one of her handguns and aim backwards and begine to start pulling the triger shooting at the dino,she could transform and escape but all the Buildings and cables in the way wont be easy without crashing.
Loudmouth was driving away loudly, but when she looked back, Angel was fighting Matriarch! She was absolutely crazy to face Matriarch like that- Loudmouth came to a stretching halt, transforming back into her bot form and looking back, watching Angel, looking around, then growled angrily and rushed back over, running at Matriarch and bringing out her guns, firing off several rounds at the Dinobot.

@RedTeam Grif @Yonsisac
Blitzwing gasped, the shots being fired at his throat now making him understand nobody was going down without a fight. He tried to hit Jet though Recon blocked the fist and punched him across with a right. "C'mon Con, cant take two enemies?" Recon sneered. Blitzwing was getting nervous, the shots being fired at his throat were going to hurt him gravely.

Knock Out blinked, could they just leave the Cons? If they did leave they might be hunted down like the other two? If so, then would they be okay back near the Autobot base? If they knew where that was. "That is a dangerous risk of taking, Shadowstrike. I dont know if they'd let us leave online" He sighed.

Matriarch roared, getting shot from both sides. The pink bot shooting at her face while she was getting shot from behind by the other bot. She snarled, backing up as to not let the bullets hit any useful circuity though she roared in pain as a few stray bullets hit the small opening between her crest and helm. She hissed, the shots from Loudmouth hurting her as they were shooting in the joints. She lashed her long tail, trying to hit Loudmouth. Energon dripped from her helm and leg joints, but she was a strong Dinobot! She would win! She was the strongest! She roared, "Nobody beat Matriarch!"
"I know." Shadowstrike shook her head, dismissing the thought. "It was foolish of me for even saying it." She sighed, looking down and resting her forehelm against his chasis. He probably thought she was a fool now. He probably wanted to stay here. "It's probably just the anger in me talking." She told him, but she didn't sound so sure herself
Jetstream brought both of her blades to his throat, only cutting a few wires, which would injure him gravely. She hadn't noticed it before, but a plasma shot had hit one of her shoulder plates, immobilizing that gun. Jet looked over at Recon, giving him a questioning look. Should they offline him, she was sure they'd be hunted with much more intensity, since Blitzwing was important to the Decepticon cause. But if they let him go, he'd might keep hunting them, or he might give up. She couldn't predict what Blitzwing would do if he escaped, but she wanted Recon to decide his fate, not her. She didn't have the engine to take away his spark, for some odd reason.
"She is angry!"


She yelld out towards Loudmouth as soon Angel would reach her back and unfold her rifle,seeing it dint have a canister she would pull the bolt back and lip a case inside,she would smash her Fist on the top of the rifle as the scope would pop up and the barrel would close as it was cooling down,she would take aim at the Dino a gulp sound escape her voice box as she would take aim and say "Hold steady......Come on now....still...."she said taking aim,as the dino was accupied with loydmouth she would have a shot!
Knock Out shrugged, "I dont blame you for wanting to leave you know, its just a normal reaction I would say." He purred, laying his helm on hers. "Dont worry, I will figure something out okay? I will be right here"

Blitzwing spazzed out, though he covered his throat as energon dripping through his digits. His icy personality switched on, he needed these cuts fixed stat. Recon thought for a minute, looking at Blitzwing before putting his sword on his back then looked at Jetstream, then back at Blitzwing. "Your going to regret messing with us" He hissed. He walked over to one of Blitzwing's wings, which all wings are very sensitive, and he grabbed it and looked at Jetstream. "You want to do the honors?"

Matriarch had been too pissed off at the new bot she had completely forgotten about Angel. She tried biting at Loudmouth, her head low and tail lashing from side to side with the blade hitting the building. "I hungry, eat bots!" She snarled.
Shadowstrike's engines started purring again, and she hugged him tightly, holding herself closer to him. "Good. I need you here." She whispered, closing her optics with a contented smile on her face. "I guess I'm confined to the med-bay now." She laughed quietly

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