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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

"I um.... I saw a bunch of humans doing this to an animal called a cat once.... It appears to be pleasurable to them... the cats, or maybe the humans. Miko tells me that cats are kind of indifferent towards humans." She held back raucous laughter and continued scratching Matriarch behind the audials, "I'm honestly having a little trouble comprehending that this is actually working...." She snorted and covered her mouth and bit her glossa, trying to not laugh.

@RedTeam Grif @Yonsisac
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Angel look confused as she would jusr raise a eyebrow and could not belive what she was seeing,angel would look around and would look back at...thi very ood happening and would say "So ya telling me...she is like a cat?..."she ask as craching the back of her helm as she slowli lowerd her wepon.....what in Primus was this socery? she has never seen this...especially seems to be "Taming" the con.....she dint know this was....No words for this,angel just watch as she lowerd her wepon and would look at loudmouth and say "so....we dont kill her huh?"

skywarp mentally exited,as he got thundercracker to do it! wille flying he would say "yea yea I know I know no need to tell me Thundrecracker"he said as he would continue Flying seeing the base in the distance,as he did he would have a sudent thought and tell thundercracker "Hey....shoold i push him down he stairs again?...hehehe...wana hear him once more"
Knock Out looked over at Blitzwing, who's insane side kicked in and he laughed. "AHAHAH! ZOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!" He laughed, then icy switched back. "Decepticons who get close become weaknesses." He snarled. Knock Out stood up, standing in front of Shadowstrike. "Look triple-changer, I dont think your in the position to do anything." He said. Blitzwing growled, "Vaht do you mean?" He asked. "I mean if we die, nobody is left to fix you. Have you looked at yourself? Your dripping energon and you paint job is horrendous."

Recon shook his helm, "Dont worry that much, Jet. I can still fight and I'm find with ruined paint, as long as I'm able to protect you then I am A-okay" He smiled, the bullet hole visible now. "Okay?"

Matriarch flicked her tail back and forth as she then let out a loud call, kind of like purring but different. She liked these two, they were nice to her! Maybe they could be her new commanders? She wrapped her tail around Loudmouth, looking over at Angel and blew steam out of her mouth at her.

Starscream answered back, "If your near the base then get your afts in here immediately!" He yelled over the comm at them. "Also, did you happen to see anything out there?"
Jetstream let out a concerned sigh, and put a servo on his shoulder plate.

"Okay. That means I'll have to be your right side."

She smiled, trusting Recon with his optimism, even though she was worried to no extent for his well-being.

Thundercracker winced, "Yes sir, and we found a small shard of red energon, sir." The red energon was sitting in his cockpit, as they got closer to the base. The con ignored Skywarp, not responding to him, since Starscream would hear him. Thundercracker sped up, only a few meters away from the base.
Shadowstrike clenched her servos in her lap, not knowing if she should say anything or not. She decided not too, keeping her mouth shut until she stood up and murmured to Knock Out, "I'll move so you can treat him." She limped away from the table, although the limp wasn't as bad as before
"If your going to stay on my blind side then make sure I see your pretty face once in a while alright?" He asked, standing up and rubbing his arm. He didnt think being half blind would make him not see a wall.

Starscream widened his optics as he heard red energon. "Bring it to me, I will know what to do with it" He said, now he had dark energon and was about to get red energon! As long as Soundwave didnt know anything then he was safe.

Knock Out started repairing Blitzwing as he sat down on the table, the triple-changer not showing it but teeming with anger. "So, how did you get these wounds?" Knock Out asked. "Stupid scout leaving zen Cons for a rouge mech, zeh disloyal glitch" Blitzwing growled. Knock Out continued working, "So the mech and her teamed up against you?" He asked in which Blitzwing nodded.
Jetstream laughed a little, nudging him slightly.

"I won't always stay on your right side, but I'll look out for you at all times."

She said, her gaze shifting into the distance.

"Do you think they have any paint in those human stores? I haven't checked inside one, yet."

"Yes, sir." Thundercracker replied, before turning off the comm. "Well, we won't be getting yelled at today!" The con said happily, before suddenly transforming in mid air and landing with a thud on the landing deck, turning and waiting for Skywarp to land aswell.
Skywarp would frown mentaly as he was Ignored and would see him started to pick up speed,as he would aswell following,as soon they were close skywarp whanted to test his Teleportation skill and see how good he was...or he was just showing off,"Yep! well Gona test something!" he said but once near he would turn in his bot form in mid air and soon start to shimer and POOF he was gone,sudently he would appear on the ground near the base but he still had speed sliding across the ground and headbutting the wall,placing both of his servos on his helm and Grone he would chake his head and would Rub it "Owww!....atleast i got better now!"he would look at thundercracker and smile at him Proud way he did it and dint get stuck on a wall again!

Angel would Gigle slightly seeing it was Friendly,she Holster her wepon and would look down at the Bot and smiled...iif she had a Mouth but her eyes say she was smiling,as she would extend her hand towards Matriach and Pet her "
Now are ya the cutest dino here!.....well..loudmouth what ya wana do?"she said as she was kneelin down peting the Bot..well it was not small but kneeling to its height atleast as she pet it....they needed to heal its wounds awell
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Shadowstrike grit her teeth as she heard the anger in Blitzwings voice at the mention of Jetstream and the mech she had fled with. She didn't like the anger in Blitzwing's voice at the mention of them. If her and Knock Out were found after they betrayed, they would surely face either Starcream's, Megatron's, or Blitzwing's anger. She shifted more of her weight onto her uninjured leg and hesitantly spoke up, "Sir, what are you going to do about them?"
"I have never looked either, worth a shot" He said, started to walk. He did lag a little to the right because of his blind optic, moving his right servo around to make sure he didnt run into any walls.

Starscream could hear Skywarp's thick helm hit the wall outside of base and he sighed, facepalming. "Oh my little brother, always such a fool" He growled to himself. At least Thundercracker wasnt bad about doing something stupid.

Matriarch started to stand up, picking up Angel in her jaws carefully and throwing her up. She moved so the pink bot landed on Matriarch's back and then she did the same thing with Loudmouth. Her back spikes straightened around them so they didnt fall off sideways. She roared, starting to limp.

Blitzwing looked over at Shadowstrike. "Sometime, I'm going to find zem and I vill take zeh mech offline first. I vill make Jet vatch as her uzer half goes offline slowly, zen I vill offline her vis zeh mech's vepon"
Shadowstrike felt her spark drop, but she didn't show her horror. That could happen to her and Knock Out if they weren't careful. Just stay calm. It will all be fine. She thought to herself, before nodding. "They deserve it." She told Blitzwing, easily falling into the part of acting like any other Decepticon would. She just hoped Knock Out didn't think she actually meant it
"I... I uh... I don't know? I'm really confused right now... This is odd... I never thought of something like this happening?" Loudmouth looked confused, and squeaked when Matriarch proceeded to wrap her tail around Loudmouth, making the femme tense and stop scratching, not sure what to do, "Ummm.... ummmmmmm....." She looked at Angel, optics wide in confusion, then suddenly they were up and on top of Matriarch, and she looked around, not sure what else to do.

@RedTeam Grif @Yonsisac
As soon she fell on The Dinos back she would Look around and Notice she was confused,giving out a chuckle she would look at her and say "Its alright Mate!.....First of all we have to atleast heal her up...old me dont know much of healing but atleast removing them Bullets won hurt ya know!"she said as she would look at the dino and pet is side to get its attention befor saying "Ok Mate! Lay down we gota remove them Bullets of ya leg alright?....dint seem like he best Introduction but sorry for what we did to ya"she said scraching he back of her helm as she is so nice after they shot her and all....well they needed to repay that and be sorry atleast.
Thundercracker chuckled a bit, commenting sarcastically, "It'll be good when you teleport atleast a few centimeters from the wall." He turned to Starscream, walking inside the base and opening his cockpit to grab the red energon and handed it to Starscream. "We found it 200 miles away from the base." He informed, keeping a straight expression.

Jetstream moved to his rightside, keeping a servo on his optic to help him walk straight.

"Maybe we could even find some tools to repair damages!"

She exclaimed, while searching for a building in the distance.

"Are you still good for driving?"
Rubbing his head he shrug and would walk in with thundercracker,taking a breath and placing both hands behinde his back and beside Thundercracker as he handed the red energon,he was seriuse as this was starscream not some Other con he could push down the stairs so he needed to be seriuse and Overral staright or he would be push down the stairs....well he never was push down but Meh still dint whant that to happen as it was his job.
Knock Out blinked in surprise at Blitzwing's venom, apparently he didnt like his scouts betraying. It did look bad on him, any mistake like that could cost the mech's life. Blitzwing nodded at Shadowstrike as she agreed then held still for Knock Out to fix his wounds.

Matriarch plopped down on the ground, letting them off. "I smell Autobot, but when I tired and want rest both bots help make Matriarch feel better. Con never do" She said, licking her shoulder again.

Starscream snatched the energon, looking it over and nodded. "Is this all you found?" He asked, looking back up. "And Skywarp, please make sure the wall wasnt dented where you hit it"

Recon, with the help of Jet, walked straight. "Err, I think. Wont hurt to try!" He said, transforming and revving his engine. "C'mon!" He started to drive, again he lagged to the right though he didnt notice.

Jetstream transformed aswell, driving to Recon's right side.

"You're drifting off to the left a bit, careful.".

She noticed, as the side mirror got closer to her.

Thundercracker shook his helm. "That's all we retrieved. The Energon seems to be in small porportions in a spread out area, sir." He explained, glancing over at Skywarp.
"Well... Yeah, I mean.... I spent plenty of the time with the Cons, and.... They are nothing like the Autobots. The Autobots are fair, and kind, and..." Loudmouth blinked a few times thinking about all the good times she'd had with the Autobots as she worked to fix up Matriarch, "They respect all beings, no matter what they are... Human, Cybertronian, or otherwise... They know how to have a good time, and they also know when to be serious, but above all... they care..."

@RedTeam Grif @Yonsisac
Skywarp would amidiatly turn around and walk out of the door...Look left towards the wall and see it was slightly bent with a small crack...did he do that?,he would walk back in and look at starscream and shake his head and say "No sir the wall is not bent....more Broken"he said with a straight face and full Honesty as he said it....wow...he dint bent it he just broke it slightly and made a Hole with his helm....that explains the small bent on hi head that he has no notice yet.

Angel would jump off the dino and look at her and hear how it sais that they treated her well and not like the con,angel would look at her leg seeing 2 Bullet holes of her sniper,angel sigh and heard loudmouth speak and hearing the Thruth about autobots....Yep that is True "
What she said...cons dont Ya know"she said as she began to pet the Dino keeping it happy as Loudmouth work on her Injuries
Shadowstrike didn't like the idea of this possibly happening to her and Knock Out. She hoped Knock Out was able to make them untraceable to the others, or else they were deep trouble
Recon sighed, "Oh man, this is going to take some getting used to" He muttered, veering more to the other side so he gave her some room to drive. "So where are we headed again?" he asked.

Starscream nodded to Thundercracker before looking at Skywarp with an irritated look. "You imbecile! Now I'm going to get blamed for that, even though it shouldnt matter so much" He then scoffed, putting the shard behind his back.

Matriarch nodded, "Only reason I stay with Cons, Shocky" She said. "Shocky is best mech ever" She added, with a purr. She didnt mind these two bots helping her, they were nice! "What names of bots?"

It actually took a while, Knock Out had to replace the missing part of the wing and reconnect the wires back on his throat. He had to feed energon via IV. "There, good as knew. I would say it should only take an hour for your energon levels to stabilize"
Shadowstrike was quiet for a while, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. She needed to talk to Knock Out about what they were going to do. She couldn't just say she needed to talk to him alone, it would draw suspicion. So, she had to use her injury as an excuse. "Knock Out, my knee is starting to hurt again. Do you have anything to help it?" She asked, hoping he would catch the hint that she needed to talk to him
"....My time with the Autobots has been the best time of my life..." Loudmouth looked around then she looked at Matriarch, then closed the channel, running a servo down Matriarch's spine. "I'm Loudmouth.... Do you mind if I call my colleagues to come heal you properly? We have a medic that can fix this in a snap..." She mumbled to Matriarch.

@RedTeam Grif
Knock Out looked up, realizing she needed to talk, he nodded. "I will be right back, I have to get something for Shadowstrike." He said, walking away and grabbed Shadowstrike's servo and led her back. "Yes?"

Matriarch nodded though wasnt sure about this, she had been told to hate Autobots but they made her speak words of forgiveness and friendship. "Not hurt Matriarch, right?" She asked.
Angel look at the dino as it ask her name,she gave a smile if she had a mouth and aid "Im angel!"he said with bright Optics at Matriarch as she would poin at herself,hearng loudmouth say she was gona call her companions and aswell the dino dint seem so sure,but as far angel knew autobots were nice Overral,she would look around wondering were was teddy and would say "Honestly old me has always been alone...a Rough if you can say that mate but have seen both sides"she said with a nod as she has never chosen a side as well dint seem much use and Overral seem not the best choice for her.

Skywarp would gulp silently as he hears starscream and would say "
Starscream its just a small bit of wall...how bad can it be....its even hard to notice anyway"he said with a shrug as wa not much but yes was his fault as he dint minde starscreams insults...i mean...this is like the 1 Million time he get calld that anyway

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