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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

After a minute or two, Knock Out came back with a new data pad and looked around. "Where's Blitz-" He stopped, seeing how Shadowstrike was and he set the datapad down. "Shadowstrike? What is it, love?" He asked, walking over to her.
"Blitzwing." Shadowstrike rasped, looking over at Knock Out. "He...he questioned me. He wanted to know what all the secrecy was about." She slowly sat up, wiping the energon off her neck. "I told him it was just my leg. He didn't believe me." She explained, looking down at her servos.
"Warriors never did use their processors, well I guess he did this time" Knock Out growled, grabbing the stuff he used before and started filling up her wounds again with careful digits. "I cant believe I left you here alone with that savage"
Shadowstrike shrugged, "It's not your fault. You had no way of knowing." She assured him, trying to put him at ease. "I'll be fine. I just don't know how much longer I can stay here safely."
"Then we need to leave soon" Knock Out said, having to fill the deeper wounds Blitzwing caused. He set down the stuff and hugged her, this has gotten scary now that Blitzwing almost killed her.
Shadowstrike took comfort in his hug and hugged him back tightly, her optics closed as she rested her helm against his chasis. "What are we going to do?" She asked him quietly. "I'm afraid that Blitzwing will tell Megatron or Starscream."
"I am going to erase us from this whole ship, and I have to get to Soundwave's database. If that doesnt work, I want you to meet up with those rouges and forget me. Soundwave is a very dangerous adversary, but as am I"
"Dont talk like that. You'll be able to do it." Shadowstrike whispered, not liking the idea of trying to forget about Knock Out. He was the first Cybertronian she ever really trusted, and if he died, she'd probably never be able to trust again. "I guess I don't have the option to go with you?"
"If you go offline, I will be a wreck and you would be offline. If I happened to survive, and you went offline then you would lose everything you had of your future then what? All this would be for scrap" He sighed.
Shadowstrike sighed, "You're underestimating me. Our odds of doing this are better if I help you." She tried to reason with him, but she figured he would still say no because of her knee. They didn't know if the damage was permanent or not. "I'm just worried." She admitted
Knock Out sighed, "Alright look, I will let you help but leave the really dangerous stuff to me. After all if we're going to be rouges then we need to do this perfectly" He said, nodding. "Good enough?"
Shadowstrike nodded, relieved he was letting her help with something. "Sounds good." She looked up at him with a somewhat nervous smile. "When are we going to act?"
"Sometime, I dont know when though. If I could actually get into that database, I could sign you off as non-exsistant" He said, "Same with myself. I think this will work smoothly"
"I hope it does." Shadowstrike whispered, nuzzling closer to him. "We should act soon, before Blitzwing changes his mind and says something about this to Megatron."
"Soundwave is our biggest problem, the mech is everywhere all at once. But maybe if he was distracted by someone, say yourself, then he just might leave his database unguarded." Said Knock Out, thinking. "And hopefully unlocked. I am not sure if Soundwave uses a lock on his files, but if he does and he leaves it then I will haveto think of something else to get the data"
Jetstream mentally smiled.

"Thanks. I prefer them over guns, they do a lot of damage if you get up close. Your amazing with your sword, too. I just wish there was a quick way to fix your shield."

Thundercracker nodded. "When do you want us to continue scouting?" Firecracker asked, he wanted to make sure of the details so mistakes weren't made as often.
Recon sighed, "My shield was created by a real Cybertronian who knew his way around the weapons of defense. Too fragging back he was offlined by the Cons, they just killed him with one swipe. I had to watch as his helm rolled..." He snarled.

"We will go now" Starscream said, walking away and putting the red energon into a hidden compartment before walking past the two seekers and opened a hatch and transformed before blasting off.
Shadowstrike nodded, "I can keep him busy long enough for you to get in there and get our data erased. It will be easy." She was trying to sound confident, but she didn't known if it worked or not
"Okay, but be careful. Soundwave is sparkless, he wont hesitate to kill you if he knows your betraying" He said, looking over the new datapad and blinked. "I can deal with this never" He said, tossing it to the side before nodding to Shadowstrike and started walking.
Meanwhile as Ratchet patched up Matriarch, a lone plane flew overhead of the Autobots. Sniper found it curious that Matriarch was just laying there while the Autobots surrounded her, but he didn't attempt to engage them, just continued flying toward the Nemesis, continuing to fly off.

As Ratchet finished patching up Matriarch, he put his tools away and looked at her, his optics narrowed before he grumbled and walked off through the ground bridge, leaving Bulkhead and Loudmouth behind. Bulkhead stared after him, then shrugged and followed soon after, "Don't take too long." He then dashed into the ground bridge. And after a moment, Loudmouth stood up and sighed, "Allllright, fine. Come on Bee, l-lets get back there." She walked off towards the ground bridge.

@RedTeam Grif @Yonsisac
Shadowstrike nodded, "I'll be careful." She assured him, standing up and starting to follow him, hiding her limp pretty well
Jetstream let out a sad 'oh', and eventually said something.

"I'm sure his spark rests with Primus happily.... I used to know this femme during training, and she was really sweet... After she graduated to Scout, she was sent on a mission to hunt out and kill Autobots... She came back, and said she couldn't do it, and she wanted to be an assistant medical instead... They pulled her spark right out of her chassis, in front of all the other scouts.."

She let out a shaky breath, glad she was away from that death trap.

Thundercracker nodded, following after Starscream and transforming, following him. "You coming?" Thundercracker asked Skywarp over a private comm they had.

"Nice name...can i call ya Mat? Just for short"Angel said towards the dino with a smile,she whanted a nickname for the dino so it would be easy to name her and aswell not be to complex to tell...well the name was a Little but she dint minde just whanted a shorter name for her and fast to say Overral,angel would look at ratchet and back at Mat and smile.

"Yea! On my way!"he said Turning around and Ruching out of the doorway turning in to his Fighter and flying off high trying to catch up,soon he was with his Parthners soon to say "Haaa....i remember wen we ue to do this more Often....goodtimes...and then get attack and shut down"he said via com to Starscream and Thundercracker as flying like this brings good memories of being shot down and attack by autobots...

Matriarch looked up, standing up and trying to follow though Bee beeped at her to stay. She growled, exercising her leg and growled at him. They were going to leave her? Nobody wanted her around anymore. She roared, snapping at Bee in which the black and yellow Bot jumped back and realized she was going to try and hurt anyone around. Bee turned and ran at Loudmouth, picking her up and dashing though the ground bridge. He beeped at Ratchet to close it, though Matriarch was already halfway through. The dinobot just wanted to come with her newfound friends!

Knock Out nodded, "Get him far from his database and keep him distracted until I comm you and tell you its alright for you to let him come back alright?" He asked Shadowstrike, nervousness in his spark.

Recon's engine gave out a loud and pissed off growl, "Those Cons, who do they think they are? Just because someone wants to give up being on the field and in the med bay that doesnt mean they have the right to offline them!" He snarled, "I will kill as many as I can in my life span, I promise"

"That was before, now we are more equipped to deal with possibly Autobot threats. And what was fun about being shot down exactly? Its highly painful and being near the Autobots, its so sickening. They are unreasonably uptight" Starscream growled, slightly ranting.
"Wha-?" She looked around, then suddenly she was swept up by Bumblebee and thrown over his shoulder, which made her blush, but she soon realized that Matriarch was trying to follow them through the ground bridge! "Whoa, whoa, whooooa! Matriarch, no!" She rolled off Bumblebee's shoulder and stopped Matriarch, "You have to go back to the Decepticons, you're not an Autobot, it's one side or the other! Or none at all!" She said, blocking Matriarch's path and moving towards her, herding her out of the ground bridge.

@RedTeam Grif

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