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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Matriarch whined, her tail slamming the ground. "I want to go too. Cons hurt Matriarch" She growled, energon saliva dripping from her many-teethed maw. She whined again, though the Cons had Shockwave with them and she wanted to be around Shockwave as well. She sat down, growling.
"Really? You're about to join the Autobots? You realize that means the ones you call allies now with be your enemies. Shockwave? He will be your enemy...." She herded Matriarch out of the ground bridge, "All I'm saying is, you should think about that before you go making decisions .... I'm sorry." She looked at Matriarch warily, then jumped back through the ground bridge and shouted, "RATCHET NOW!" And in a flash, the ground bridge was gone.
Matriarch plopped onto her chassis, her chin on the ground and sighed. She then tensed, someone was coming. She went completely still and acted like she was dead. The Autobot was Silvershot, walking over and nudged the Predacon with his pede. "Err, looks like... Huh. Maybe the others know about this" He said, leaning against Matriarch's helm and commed in on the Autobot base. "Ya'll know there is a dead Predacon out here, right?" He asked, his legs right by her teeth. "I think that-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He was heard yelping in pain and a terrible scrapping sound was heard. "Not offline! NOT OFFLINE! Its chompin me, I--" His voice stopped with a nasty crunch sound and all that was heard was static. Bee beeped, expressing his want to go now in case Silvershot was alive.
Jetstream let out an acknowledging engine growl, as the town was now in sight. She transformed when close enough, skidding to a halt and looking around. It didn't look like anyone was here. Jet looked around, and a large store with the words "LOWES" printed across the top. The door was large, as if it was used to get large vehicles in and out of the place. She walked over to it, looking inside. It was a very large building, with a high enough roof for them to walk around in it. Jet looked around,there was huge shelves with all types of things, like wooden planks, metal planks, and plenty of human tools on the sides for creating things, or melding. Jet popped her head out of the frame, looking over at Recon.

"I think I found the place!"

Their metal was different, but there were plenty of things they needed in

This building.

Thundercracker let out a low chuckle. "But those said Autobots ended up in the scrap yard, when shooting at the Seekers." The con also enjoyed it, as he scanned the ground below.
Recon transformed, looking at the place with a nod. "Looks like a place to find stuff. I cant believe that there isnt any humans around to take care of this" He commented, walking up to the building and inside it. He knocked stuff over because of his size and lag though he didnt mind.

Starscream agreed, "True, we are the strongest Seekers you could possibly find! The Decepticons are blessed to have us at their side!" He exclaimed, making sure the sky was clear. "See anything?" He asked Thundercracker, watching for any Autobots who think they can be stealthy.
Jetstream nodded. "Do you think they're back at their own planet, living life normally?" She asked, looking around. She let out a sound of accomplishment as she found paints lined up. She picked up a black which was the color of her shoulderplates. Jet looked at the decepticon insignia, her one sword sliding out of her arm. She brought it up to her shoulder, scraping it off with a slight wince, since it was forcefully burnt on. Once it was gone, Jetstream opened the lid of the paint with her sword, and poured it on the scraped shoulder plate. She only had one Decepticon insignia, thank Primus. A sudden shock went through her frame, as she was reminded of her injured throat.

"Hey, there's some paint over here, so you could get your side fixed up. And do you think that we could fix the wires on my throat with some of these tools..?"

Her optics scanned over the tools.

"I'm picking something up on my radars, it shows to be a large Decepticon signature. Matriarch's, a few miles ahead of us." Thundercracker strained to see ahead, and indeed, the Dino bot was there, and it seemed to be attacking something.
"I can help you get your throat fixed, how mad is it?" He asked, walking over. "The tools look primitive, but I will see what I can do with them. I will also try to make it as painless as possible" He added.

Starscream saw Matriarch as well. "Looks like someone needs to put a leash on that thing. I guess we should see what she is attacking" He sighed in irritation. He hating anything to do with Matriarch or Dinobots honestly. He started to tower himself and land, transforming. As he came closer he saw that Matriarch had Silvershot severed in two, upper body in one half and lower body gone.
Shadowstrike nodded. "Okay. Any ideas on how to distract him long enough?" It wasn't an easy thing to do. Soundwave wasn't easily fooled, and he was emotionless. She racked her processor trying to think of a way to lure him away for long enough
Knock Out thought, "Hmm, well perhaps you should talk to him about something concerning about Lord Megatron or the database itself. I dont know what would keep the mech from the database but I trust you to think of something on the spot. Like fighting moves"
Jetstream nodded, sitting down and making herself comfortable.

"Thanks, Recon. Take your time."

She sat there, optics looking around. Everything seemed abandoned, random carts full of supplies and vehicles left around. What had happened? Jet thought it reminded her of some alternate dimension, but she wasn't sure if that's what happened. It was all just so... sudden.

"Recon, do rouges help eachother out?"

Thundercracker lowered himself to the ground, transforming mid-air and landing on the ground. He raised an optic ridge, observing the half bot.

"She made a meal of an Autobot, it seems." The con heated up his lasers quietly, incase things got rowdy.

Recon started working with what he had and his knowledge of things. "No problem darlin" He nodded, then thought about her question. "Well I guess, loners would be ones who stayed alone all the time and kept to themselves. So I would say yes"

Starscream nudged the side of the severed half and jumped back as Silvershot's torso, arms and head continued to drag itself across the ground, making a nasty scraping sound and leaving energon smudges on the ground. He groaned in pain, wires and circuits falling from the opening at the bottom. He reached out, then went limp and died. "Disgusting" Starscream snarled.
Shadowstrike furrowed her optic ridges, thinking. "Okay...hmm...this won't be easy, but I'll do my best." She wasn't sure if her best would be enough. She had no idea on what to say. "I'll improvise if I have too." She was a strategic thinker, not an on the spot thinker
"This is why I am not liking putting you on the line like this" He muttered, then stopped as they approached Soundwave typing on the panel. "Alright, just, think of something alright? I can do the rest." He said, then kissed her quickly. "Good luck" He said before disappearing in the shadows.
Jet looked at him the best she could, with her helm tilted upwards.

"Do you think rogues could team up together and create a neutral society...?"

She knew if this ever happened, which was unlikely, then Decepticons would target them, most likely. But there was the chance, that maybe the Autobots and rouges would be alliances, teaming up to fight and destroy the true cons. Perhaps even have it so decepticons who truly didn't want to be decepticons could join the rouges or Autobots. Jet didn't know how many rouges were out there, but power usually came from teaming up.
Recon shrugged, "Lemme tell ya somethin' darlin'. Rouges are stubborn, most of them anyway. Ones that was an ex Con are very unusual, your the only one I have ever met who has had the metal to do so. But if we meet any of them, and if they're like me, they are very stubborn and have piss poor decisions about things, or anything, to do with the Cons or Bots." He explained. "But it is worth a great try, I will follow you with anything you decide"

Starscream turned back to his older brother. "Looks like the she-thing left, I-" He cut off as a loud roar from Matriarch sounded and Starscream let out a femme-ish scream and jumped in behind his brother when she appeared.
Loudmouth listened to that, pacing, then growling and throwing the bridge herself, running out and dragging Bumblebee with her, Ratchet closing the ground bridge behind them. The sight that greeted her shocked her. "S....Silvershot? ....Oh Primus.... Th-this is my fault...." She looked at the scene, optics wide. That was when she noticed Starscream and his companions. Upon seeing Starscream, Loudmouth felt a growl roil in her engine, old hatred run anew.

@RedTeam Grif
Jetstream smiled.

"It's worth a try, right? I feel like this war is a never-ending cycle."

Thundercracker jumped a bit, raising his lasers at Matriach, aiming for the optics and sensitive parts. Uppon seeing his brother hide behind him, he readied his stance, his Sonic boom heating up. One of his red optics caught sight of Loudmouth and other Autobots, and he moved one laser to point at them. The con let out a low growl, thinking of the advantages the seekers and the Autobots had. The Dinobot could be a threat, or maybe it wasn't. He wasn't all too sure, so stayed prepared.
When Starscream saw the Autobots he pointed his own weapons. "Autobots? Attack them!" He ordered Matriarch, who stomped forward and loomed over Loudmouth and Bee. Bee stood in front of Loudmouth protectively, raising his weapon up at the Dinobot.who roared and whipped her tail from side to side. "Att-!" Starscream was in the middle of yelling when Matriarch;s tail snapped him and threw him a quite a ways. She roared loudly, energon saliva dripping from her mouth and blowing steam out her mouth that well.
(Oh my God Starscream xD )

Shadowstrike watched him go before clenching and unclenching her servos nervously, slowly approaching Soundwave. Her limp was barely noticeable, but that was only because she was masking it. She stopped a bit away from Soundwave and dipped her head respectfully. "Soundwave sir? I hate to bother you, but I've over-heard a couple of our soldiers in the med-bay speaking of betraying Lord Megatron when Knock Out wasn't there. I know you're in charge of monitoring talk of betrayal, and there aren't any camera's in the med-bay. I thought I'd let you handle it appropriately." She was surprised at how strong her voice was. Hopefully, he would go investigate the med-bay, and when he realized they weren't there, he'd search areas near the med-bay, giving Knock Out enough time to erase the data
Thundercracker let out a noise of surprise, before instantly transforming and attacking from above. He had the advantage of the skies, now. The seeker burned his lasers at Matriarch's faceplates and at the Autobots below, his sonic boom ready. He released it, and the sound ringed painfully in the target's audials. "SKYWARP, GO ATTEND TO STARSCREAM!" His voice boomed over the comm, yelling by instinct of battle.

(First starscream hides behind cracker, then gets flicked away like a ragdoll- ouch xD )
(Both his dignity and frame hurts now.... Okay his frame, at least that's there)

Soundwave looked over his shoulder at her, saying nothing. He hesitantly turned around, if that was true then he had go see what was up. He walked past her then looked over at his shoulder at her, showing he wanted her to follow him.

Recon (forgot him <.>) nodded. "Its worth all the tries, all of them. If this comes to work then we will have the best team with us in the whole galaxy. And it was all because of your smart processor that thought all of it up. I am sure happy I got a bondmate who's smarter than I am" He laughed, nuzzling her forehelm with his before continuing to work.

Matriarch screamed at him, shaking her helm and covering her audials in pain as her audials started to slightly bleed. She hissed at him, turning around and jumped up and snapped her jaws at him, trying to catch him.
(Starscream didn't have any dignity to start with lol)

Shadowstrike felt nervousness coil in her chasis, and tried not to show it as she started following after Soundwave. At least the nervousness wouldn't be suspicious; almost everyone was nervous around Soundwave. Hopefully Knock Out was quick. Because once Soundwave realized she had lied, she would have to make a run for it. Or lie and say the soldiers were there, but she didn't know where they went. He probably wouldn't believe her though.
Jetstream' s faceplates heated up.

"Recon, your just as smart as I am, I just piece things together and test them out in my processor."

She put a servo on his leg, closing her optics as she felt her wires getting fixed one by one.

Thundercracker went higher, out of Matriarch's reach. He continued using his lasers, but realized they were burning his firepower quickly. He switched to his gun, shooting 100 flammable rounds per minute, shooting at both the dinobot and Auto bots, which he found difficult.
Soundwave made his way to the med-bay, looked inside and saw nobody. He stared around for a minute before looking back at Shadowstrike and grabbing her throat. He said nothing, but it was obvious he wasnt happy with her wasting his time.

Knock Out had gotten on the database and quickly looked through it. He started deleting, one by one by one by one did he work. This was frustrating, the deletion called for a few seconds to delete and a few seconds is too long.

(Holy balls, I cannot remember Recon worth a shit!)

Recon chuckled a laugh, "You forget that I dont piece stuff in my processor, I let my sword do the piecing itself. More or less putting the pieces together or taking them apart, same difference." He said, covering her servo with his for a brief moment then continued to work.

Matriarch growled, standing over the Autobots and shielding them with her frame. She showed her crest, the near unbreakable metal getting the brunt of the attacks. "You no hurt friends!" She roared at him, her tail wrapped around the two Autobots.
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Shadowstrike stayed calm, barely trying to struggle in order to not make Soundwave angrier. "They were here sir! I swear! Maybe we should check around here?" She suggested, hoping her wounds on her neck didn't open back up

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