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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Knock Out was about to get ready to fight, then Soundwave stepped to the side. On his visor, you could hear Megatron's words, 'No Soundwave, if they are to betray, then the chase will be much more satisfying.' This sent a small chill down Knock Out's spine though he hesitantly stepped forward with a glnace back at Shadowstrike.

Starscream shook his helm, "Why were we bridged here?!" He demanded to Jinx who shrugged. "Beats me sir, but looks like it got you both away from the Autobots. And it looks like you poor mechs need some medical attention. You cant transform can you?" She asked, in which Starscream shook his helm, "Same for my brother" He said. Jinx thought Thundercracker looked in worse shape then Starscream, "Do you need help walking sir?" She asked, flicking her wings. Too bad Knock Out walked out on the Cons.
Shadowstrike felt fear coil through her spark, and she slowly followed Knock Out, her steps hesitant as she glanced around them. She kept her energon sword out, in case anyone made a move to attack.
Thundercracker shook his helm. "I'm stable." He nodded, his gaze looking over the landscape. This was around where he had found the red energon, he recognized the hills and dunes of dirt and sand. The pain was numbing him, and he had no idea what that meant. He cringed at the thought, and decided that he'd just do things that were necessary, and keep all his energy saved up.
Knock Out started up the ground bridge himself, nodding to Shadowstrike and grabbed her servo and ran in without hesitation once it came up and they appeared in the same place Recon and Jet were. Knock Out widened his optics in surprise, pointing his weapon at the two. "State your names" He demanded.

Recon was about to say something when Knock Out and Shadowstrike came in and he set Jet down and grabbed the sword off his back. "No, you barged in on us! State your names!" He shot back, the mech being way bigger than Knock Out and Shadowstrike.

Jinx nodded, comming for a ground bridge for the three though none came. "Hey, what gives?" She growled, crossing her arms in irritation. "Ground. Bridge. Fuckers!" She snapped in the comm, still nothing. "Stupid scrapped... Well we have to wait"
Shadowstrike pointed her sword at Recon, her eyes narrowed. "You're the rouge who tried to claim he was a scout." She growled, before her optics fixed on Jetstream. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again." She commented, her voice cool.
"So what? You back to try and hurt Jet? You'll have to go through me first, I wont let anything touch her!" He snapped, in which Knock Out rose an optic ridge. "Calm down, lover mech. We are not Cons anymore" He said, putting his weapon away to show it. "We ditched those frag faces"
Shadowstrike put up her sword and raised her servos to show they meant no harm. "We don't want a fight." She told Recon, her voice calm. "We're on your side."
Jet jumped a bit, standing straight up with her mask snapping over her face. She listened, and loosened up a bit. Jetstream wasn't sure if she could completely trust them, but they seemed sincere. Her mask lifted, and she put a servo on Recon's chasis, stepping forward.

"I'm glad to know you guys left the cons safely. But can't they track the groundbridge?"

She asked, not aggressively or sarcastically.

Thundercracker bit his glossa. What in Primus was going on up there? The seeker Sat down, and tried to reduce the energon flow with his servos. It helped a little bit, and a lot of tension was relieved from standing. The mech had a feeling this wasn't his offline spot, but it would probably be a close call.

(Gonna sleep, night!)
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"Close it up!" Recon snarled before Knock Out could say anything. "I would, but I cant close it here numbnuts" (see what I did there, nuts and bolts. HA!) Knock Out rolled his optics. On the other side the ground bridge was being recorded at the moment, preventing another one from opening. Soundwave was going to keep a close optic on them.

Jinx sighed and shrugged, though Starscream grabbed her throat. "If you dont open a ground bridge then we are stuck here. And if Thundercracker dies it will be your fault because you cant command a few drones!" He snarled. Jinx yelped, "Sorry sir, but I cant control what they are doing!" She said, in which he shoved her away, irritated.
Shadowstrike shook her head and cursed quietly. "All four of us are probably in danger now. Megatron told Soundwave to let us go, to make the chase more interesting." She was starting to feel bad about this. She knew it wasn't her fault the Ground Bridge had opened up here, but now Recon and Jetstream were in danger because of them.
Loudmouth mumbled something, then suddenly she realised that Bumblebee was so close. She looked up at him, then proceeded to blush profusely, walking through the ground bridge that Ratchet threw open, with the help of Bumblebee.

"What happened?! Where is Silvershot?" Ratchet said furiously, closing the ground bridge again, his optics narrowed. Loudmouth didn't offer to answer, just closed her optics and shook some as if she was trying to not cry.

The predacon that was carrying Matriarch ran off into the wilderness, seeming to have no intention of hurting her. He continued to run till they were alone and far from the places the bots and cons fought and put Matriarch down, loooking down at her in his alternate form, his orange optics staring at her.
Bee explained what they saw, the top half of the Autobot mech mangles and painted with his own energon. It disgusted him, even for a Predacon that was horrible. And what made it worse was that the mech was still alive and was able to drag himself a few feet before finally dying. He shook his helm, then added that Loudmouth needed medical attention.

Matriarch looked back at him, her tail around herself and around her hurt leg. The bullets and lasers she took from both Starscream and Thundercracker hurt though she would through those. She was still in his bot form, tilting her helm at him. "Who are you?" She asked.
Jetstream glanced at the groundbridge, then at Shadowstrike.

"We can take them on, or run. We're not as weak as they say, or think we are."

She smiled slightly, no con was invincible. Jet eyed the groundbridge, as if expecting something to jump out of it.

Thundercracker looked up at the two. "This isn't my offline spot. Apparently, the only choice we have is to wait for the groundbridge, or maybe Jinx could possibly get to the Nemesis." He looked back down at his wounds, the mech cringing as emerging flowed between his digits.
The wolf stared for a moment, then he returned to his bot form, slowly, as if he hadn't done it a long time. His orange optics glowed in the shade of the trees, then he said, "I am Romulus. I was formerly a Predacon, but now, I am nothing. I fled the Decepticons because I could not willfully follow the word of a tyrannical leader that harmed his own allies. You may call me Romulus or Rom, as you see fit." He narrowed his optics at her, then said, "Do you have a name?"

Ratchet widened his optics as Bumblebee explained what happened, then looked at Loudmouth with a look, "I told you that you shouldn't have bothered with that Predacon, what were you thinking? That you could tame it? Those things are animals that only listen to Shockwave!" He looked scolding, then suddenly he seemed to notice Loudmouth's shaking. "...Er... Loud-" Suddenly, she shoved past Ratchet and limped off deeper into the base, ignoring all her pains and limping off.

"....I just made something worse, didn't I?" Ratchet said, looking at Bumblebee, then covering his face with a servo and sighing,\

@RedTeam Grif
Shadowstrike looked over her shoulder at the Ground Bridge, and nodded. "You're right. We'll have to do what's best when the time comes for us to take action." She was tense, waiting for anyone to come out of the Ground Bridge
Recon gripped his sword, ready for anything. The ground Bridge stayed there then randomly shut off. He sighed in relief, "Why'd you two come out here? Kinda interrupted something too" He said, putting his sword on his back and crossed his arms. Knock Out already knew he wasnt going to get along with this mech, "We decided to ditch" He said.

Jinx nodded, "I can get to the Nemesis, sir! I-" She was cut off at a comm and listened to it. "Yea, finally! Lock on my coordinates" She growled at the drone, a minute later a bridge opening. "There we go!" She smiled. Starscream limped into the bridge, not waiting for anyone.

"Yea, I have a name. Matriarch" The Predacon nodded, her tail wagging slightly. Another Predacon? It had been so long since she had seen one, and this was awesome! "I dont know what I am anymore, Con or Bot"

Bee watched after her before walking after her. What Ratchet said was true, but he didnt really need to say anything about it now. He walked up behind Loudmouth, beeping and asked what was wrong.
Shadowstrike nodded in agreement to Knock Out, "We were tired of the Decepticons ways." She told him, figuring it would be best not to say anything about her knee or about Blitzwing almost killing her.
"It's MY fault..." Loudmouth sad, sitting alone in the med bay. She looked very somber, and seemed pained but she also somehow managed to ignore it. "It's MY fault he's dead, Bee..." She stared down at the floor.
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Knock Out nodded in agreement with Shadowstrike. Recon narrowed his optics, "So your telling me, you got off that Primus forsaken ship without anyone even knowing your gone. And used a fraggin ground bridge! How is that not noticeable?"

Bee stood there for a minute before stepping over and sitting beside her. He beeped, saying it wasnt her fault and that Silvershot shouldnt have gone near the Predacon in the first place. He didnt understand how it could have been her fault.
Shadowstrike looked down awkwardly, shifting her weight to her good leg. "Well..." She gave a sheepish shrug. "Megatron and Soundwave may know we got away..." She trailed off into a cautious silence.
"Oh no... That's not cons you want following you...are you two going to go rouge by yourselves? A while ago, I was actually thinking maybe me and Recon could team up with other rouges, for better defense and attack, since probably most Decepticons are hunting us."

Jet felt opportunity here, if the two agreed with the idea of teaming up, then that would be the start of a small rouge group, and better defense against the hunters.

Thundercracker wobbled, walking inside of the groundbridge. He immediately supported himself with the wall, a servo leaning on the wall.

(Gonna go to sleep for the night, goodnight!)
Recon growled lowly, "You could lead them straight to us!" He snapped at the two, in which Knock Out crossed his arms. "Excuse you, there is no need to get all pissed off because of something that can be solved by hacking" He said simply. "You dont use your processor do you, shortstack? Soundwave is not one you can just hack that easily" He scoffed. The two were soon in each other's faces, arguing about one thing to another.

Jinx trailed after them, "Are you sure you dont need help? You look pretty beat" She said, wincing at all the energon flowing from him. \

Shadowstrike rolled her optics, and stepping forward, She placed her servos on both their chasis' and pushed them apart. "Enough! Both of you!" She snapped. "Arguing won't solve anything here." She looked between them both, annoyance showing on her face

Recon and Knock Out were pushed apart though it was obvious this wasnt over. After a minute or two Recon spoke again, "First of all, your gonna need to get rid of those Con enigmas. Second, this is my femme. Dont touch her or you got yourself a one way ticket to getting fragged up" He growled the last part, specifically at Knock Out, as he put an arm around Jet. "Wouldnt think about it, I already have a bondmate and that's Shadowstrike" He said with an obvious bite back of annoyance at Recon. "Then we have similar rules then" Recon said and Knock Out nodded, "Looks that way" It was going to be a hard time with these two in the same room.
Jetstream couldn't help but laugh a bit, resting her helm on the side of Recon's chassis.

"You mechs are like duplicate Starscreams fretting over energon."

Her optics trailed over to the door, something was bugging her. She felt as if the peace wouldn't last for very long, but if it did, thank Primus.

Thundercracker tried taking a step forward, but the energon loss was too much. He did need help. "Actually, could you help support my right side?" The mech said it quietly, as if it was an undignified law being broken.

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