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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Jetstream laughed a bit, too.

"Everyone's smart in their own way."

She protested, as in mentally smart in their own way.

(Repeat Recon for 30 seconds over and over again xD )

Thundercracker stopped firing, and began circling them from above, like a vulture. He was charging up his sonic blast again, to full power. Hopefully, his brothers would join him soon enough to fight with him.
(I cant be the only one that tried that)

Soundwave still said nothing, holding her up by her throat before dropping her. He pointed at the med-bay in ask of what did they say but then again he said nothing at all.

Recon laughed, finishing up on her neck and leaned back to look her over. Hey, looked good! He then stood up, walking in front of her to check if he got the front of the damage fixed. And he looked over more than her neck, whistling. "Y'know you are one nice lookin' femme" He commented.

It took Starscream ages to actually get his aft up as he saw Thundercracker. He figured he could try and attack Matriarch from a ways away so he didnt have to get to close. He aimed and the rocket on his arm fired and luckily it hit her in the side. She roared, looking over where the rocket came from and began to prowl over there.
(.....I didn't try.....)

"They were talking about how they were going to leave the Decepticon's and try to form a group to kill off some of us." Shadowstrike explained, the lie slipping easily. She saw a couple og drones out of the corner of her optic, and she knew what she had to do. "That's them!" She growled, pointing at the pair with a digit. The drones stopped and looked over at Soundwave, and Shadowstrike could sense how alarmed and tense they were. Sorry guys. It had to be done. Shadowstrike thought to herself, feeling bad. Hopefully Knock Out would be done with the data by the time Soundwave took care of the drones
Jetstream' s faceplates nearly got to the melting point, her optics averted in an extremely flushed matter. Her optics trailed back to meet his, and a grin formed on her faceplate. A flirty grin. She put a digit on the side of his helm.

"And you're a hulk of handsome, Mr. Flirty."

Jet's engine purred, as her digit trailed down his helm, to his throat, and stopping at his lower chassis.

Thundercracker noticed the missle, and continued shooting at the back of Matriach, his sonic blast almost at full power.

Soundwave looked over at the drones, dropping Shadowstrike and grabbing them both before dug his sharp claw-like digits into their chassis. He ignored their yells of pain, digging deeper and deeper until he wrenched out both of their sparks and crushed them. He dropped the sparks and looked at Shadowstrike then started walking in the direction of the database.

Knock Out heard the screams and he started to get panicked. He tried working faster and by the time Soundwave got there he was gone and the mech started his typing again.

Recon couldnt suppress the shiver he got, but it wasnt at all of disgust. "Damn femme, you turned my engine right on" He said, which was backed up by the loud purring of his engine. "Didnt think I'd have such a weakness" He added with a flirtatious growl, catching her servo and brought it up to his faceplate, kissing her digits.

Matriarch didnt know who to attack. She transformed to her bot form, turning and running up the building on all fours, scaling it, before jumping on the seeker jet known as Thundercracker. She dug her claws it and bit his wing, tearing metal. Starscream cursed, transforming and shooting his own gun at Matriarch but getting Thundercracker as well.
(I just tried it for you Grif)

Shadowstrike made her way back to the med-bay, pacing in there despite her aching knee as she waited for Knock Out to return. "Primus let him be okay." She whispered to herself, watching the entrance for someone to walk in. If he had managed to erase the data, everything had went smoothly.
Jetstream bit her glossa, her faceplates getting red from the heat, which meant that she was at full flush. She pressed herself against to Recon, her other servo travelling to his back. Her other servo trailed away from his kisses, to the back of his helm. She pulled him down, and made their mouths connect for a long, spark-desired kiss.

Thundercracker yelped in sheer pain, immediatly heading for the ground, spinning out of control. The mech transformed, figuring less damage would be done if he transformed rather than crashed at that speed, which would utterly destroy him. Thundercracker whammed his fist into Matriach's optic, and released his sonic blast right then and there, his own audials immune to the sound.

(Going to bed for the night, goodnight! :D )

After a minute or two, Knock Out came back and bowed to his bondmate. "And that is how you hack" He said, straightening up and beckoning her over. "How all we need is an escape, in which I think I have covered" He said.

Soundwave, as he typed, replayed everything he saw on his visor from what the security cams picked up and saved it. So Knock Out and Shadowstrike were betraying?

Recon's engine actually revved loudly, his optics about as wide as they could be. Alright, he probably melted a few circuits but he couldnt deny the fact he liked every second of it and pulled her ever closer if he even could.

Matriarch would have attacked again in the sonic blast didnt knock her away. She writhed on the ground, servos covering her audials and energon tears leaking out because of her audials hurting so badly. Starscream had gotten out of the way, thank Primus, and transformed and landed with his pede on her chassis. "I am actually proud of you, Thundercracker"

(Dammit Soundwave!)

Shadowstrike laughed, sauntering over to him and stopping in front of him with her arms crossed. "So let me hear this plan." She smiled, looking up at him. She couldn't believe they were actually doing this
(He too smart)

"So, you will think I am the biggest genius ever alright? So, we go into the control room and open a ground bridge" He said, impressed with himself. "So, what do you think? Pretty clever?" He asked.
Shadowstrike slightly laughed, "You are so smart." She grinned. Even though anyone could realize to open the Ground Bridge, she thought she'd humor him a bit. "I would've never thought of that myself."
Violent screeching erupted from the Autobots, and Loudmouth came streaking past Bumblebee and plowed into Starscream, arms wrapping around his hips and sending the pair of them flying, Loudmouth growling angrily as her overall hatred towards Starscream boiled over and she tackled him down, growling angrily, "Get your claws off that Predacon!" She shouted full blast in his face, and somewhere in the distance another lone howl, which made her look up briefly, before she looked back down at Starscream and screamed in his face, taking her clawed, sharp fingers and digging them into his helm, scratching his face up.

@RedTeam Grif @crypsalis
Jetstream's engines hummed, loving the moment. After an unknown amount of time, she pulled back, a smile planted on her face. That was probably the bravest thing she's done during her 25 Eons. Her optics flickered a bit, her processor deep inside of all positive emotions.

Thundercracker nodded towards Starscream briefly, but he'd have to see if that proudness would last. With the sudden move the Autobot made, thundercracker drilled his bullets at Loudmouth, energon leaking from the seeker. He also used his other arm to fire a continuous lazer at Matriach. His attacks weren't as strong as they were before, since the wounds on his wing sheered incredible pain through his frame.

Knock Out had his oh so smug smirk on his face, "Shall we be leaving then? I hear anywhere but the Nemesis is wonderful" He said, now thinking back and then turned and started walking for the control room. He then gasped, optics wide as he saw Soundwave standing in front of the entrance to the control room. "Hello sir" Knock Out said, slowly pulling Shadowstrike behind him. "May we get through, there is some important business we must take care of" He said. Soundwave's voice didnt speak, only the security cams watching Knock Out erasing data on his visor spoke for him. He knew.

Starscream was very surprised at this, was this the one ex Con? She is as loud as ever... He balled a fist and hit her faceplate from the right, a right cross. "Get off of me, you stupid Autobot!" He growled, managing to get his leg up and kicked her off. Matriarch hissed at Thundercracker, though kept low to the ground as the laser was hurting her. She stayed in bot form, she was fast enough in that form to have a chance to attack him. Bee ran forward, jumping and plowed both his pedes into Thunderscracker's side, bucking back up as he hit the ground.

Recon's engine was probably the loudest it could ever be, He stood up, pulling her up with him. When he did, he picked her up and looked up at her, his servos on her waist. "That was better then a full scaled one-on-three fight with some Cons! And that's sayin' somethin" He said. These two were totally unaware of the fighting going on mostly everywhere. There were perks of staying outside of the borders!
"Scrap." Shadowstrike whispered, her optics wide. This wasn't going to be as easy as they thought it would be. On instinct, she flicked her wrist and her sword came out. They were going to have to put up a fight. "Let us through Soundwave. We don't want a fight."
Jetstream grinned at him, giggling a bit.

"That was better then punching Megatron in the face, and that's shouting something~"

Her spark was probably rolling around in her spark chamber, in absolute delight. If she could live the rest of her Eons like this, then she would no doubt be the happiest femme alive. And probably dead, aswell.

Thundercracker growled, digging his pedes into the ground, after stumbling backwards. His side was probably going to have dents in it, by the end of the day. He shifted his shooting to bumblebee, Starscream could probably take on the femme himself.
Loudmouth hissed loudly, flying through the air, flipping around through the air and dashing back at Starscream, growling and clamping her hands around his throat and kneeing him in the gut, then hauling him up with a bit of effort and throwing him into Thundercracker, sending the two cons tumbling. "I see you recognize me Starscream. I'm not that easy to get rid of, am I?" She shrieked, balling her fists.

Meanwhile, something came running from the nearby wilderness. A large blue predacon ran out of the wilderness and plowed over Thundercracker and Starscream, straight to Matriarch and turned to look at the two cons, growling menacingly, it's hackles raised, long energon fangs bared, before it grabbed onto Matriarch with care and began to run off with her.

@RedTeam Grif@crypsalis
Knock Out put a servo behind his back, moving his servo to tell her to move when he signals. He wondered how to attack Soundwave, where is the mech's weakness and how can he hit it? Hmm, well the only Cybertronian he would listen to wound be Megatron. He looked at a drone behind Soundwave working the controls and nodded. The drone looked from him to Soundwave, what should he do?

"I must be good at this sorta thing if that was better than punching the nasty mech's grill in." Recon said, tapping his digit on her back in a rhythmic pattern. "Hey, do you know anymore rouges that we could possibly team up with?" He asked.

Starscream was ran over by the big Predacon, getting his leg smushed and he hissed in pain. Scrap, now these Autobots could attack them openly. Worst thing was if he tried to transform with a smashed leg then he could get stuck in mid-transformation because of broken gears. He made himself stand up in which Bee was already there and slammed his fist into the seeker's face, making the mech fall back from lack of balance.

Matriarch yelped in surprise as she was carried off. She smelled the air, the thing carrying her smelled like her. She refrained from moving around too much, she was already half deaf from the sound blast from Thundercracker and was hurting from all the hits she had received.
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Jetstream though about the question for a moment.

"No, but we could always go looking!"

She had an enthusiastic smile on her faceplates, thinking of where to go.

"Hey, Recon, how much of this planet do you think we could explore? Do you think all the Cybertronian things are still here?"

Thundercracker fell backwards, landing on his back uncomfortable. The blue predacon' s claws had pierced clean holes into Thundercracker' s leg, a muffled yell escaping his voice box. He was at low, critical energon loss, and would probably go offline if he didn't stop this leaking energon soon. He had to keep fighting, though, despite the pain. Thundercracker stumbled up, his frame shaking from the incredible pain. The mech took a shaky breath, all of his support coming from his left leg as he raised his laser. The mech burned the laser into bumblebee's faceplates. The seeker's servo curled into a fist, there was no way he could take flight now. He was definitely pissed off to no end, but the reality of how close to going offline he was right now burried that rage. His other arm went up to drill bullets at Loudmouth.
(Damn Thunder, kill em!)(Also, I'm giving the Cons more people, so I'm making an OC but I will fill the form out when I get the chance)

Bee beeped in pain, the laser hitting him and it didnt feel too good. He had to back away from Starscream in which the mech ordered a ground bridge. Nothing happened for a minute before one opened up and Starscream beckoned Thundercracker to follow him. Once they were through it, they werent aboard the Nemesis but somewhere else outside of the borders. "What the?!" Starscream snarled, furious.
Loudmouth sneered at Starscream, eager to see to his downfall, but too late she remembered Thundercracker. She took many of his bullets, the things burrowing into her plating painfully. She squealed and fell to her knees, energon leaked from her many injuries. She coughed, and bit into her glossa to keep from screaming. She watched Starscream and Thundercracker disappear into a ground bridge, before she gave in to the pain and collapsed.

@RedTeam Grif
(Dayumn, Thunder is not a cracker-) (And yay, more fight fuel! xD )

(A human jumps out of nowhere and in the middle of the intense battle yells; "MOOORRRTTAAALLLL KOOMMBBAAATTTT!!!")

Thundercracker limped through the groundbridge, grunting a bit. As he got through it with starscream, his optics widened. They were in critical damage, and some glitch-head decided to take them to the outside borders. Thundercracker raised a servo to his comm. "We need a groundbridge to the NEMESIS!" He somewhat yelled into the comm, his voice box getting clogged with energon, and energon was trailing behind him. He didn't know what kind of slagging joke this was, but he wasn't in the condition to argue.
(*Mortal Kombat music plays* *Thundercracker rips someone's head off* Fatality)

Bee put his weapon away, hurrying over to Loudmouth's side and helped her up. He beeped, telling her Ratchet could fix this. He helped her walk, an arm around her waist and he put her arm over his shoulders. He beeped to the Autobot base they needed a ground bridge.

Starscream was about to say something when a battle cry was heard and he got the bottom of a pede to his face. "Hiya! Come at me, Auto- Oh scrap, sorry sir!" Jinx said, her wings pricked in surprise. "Wait, why are you both messed up?" She asked.
Shadowstrike switched between watching Knock Out, Soundwave, and the Drone behind Soundwave. Hopefully the Drone would help them. She didn't known if she'd be able to run for a long time yet, with her knee still injured.
Thundecracker raised an optic ridge for a moment, energon leaking out of the side of his mouth. "We were attacked by Autobots, and Matriach betrayed." He simply said, really out of energy with two huge gaping holes in his right leg. Plus to say his wing was also punctured by fragging predacon teeth, and his side ached. Other than that, he was surprisingly standing upright with only one functional leg. The seeker' s optics were half closed, since there was no reason to keep them wide open.

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