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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Shadowstrike nodded in agreement to Jetstream, before crossing her arms and looking at Recon, "We'll get rid of our Con enigmas." She assured him, already able to tell that his and Knock Out's bickering was going to drive her crazy.
Knock Out grabbed Shadowstrike's servo and basically dragged her back to where the paint was then looked over at her. "Why is it, out of all the rouges that could possible be here, we had to run into the mech who is a total aft?" He growled quietly, "I dont have a problem with the femme, but he is already getting on my every nerve" He added.

Recon watched them go, "Looks like the Cons are loosing their own soldiers by the minute. Next thing we know Starscream is going to come walking through a ground bridge" He said, his audial antennas twitching back and forth. "So is this our base?" He asked, looking around.

Jinx nodded, doing just that. She was a smaller seeker then the two brothers, though still pulled enough around the Nemesis. "You know its not bad to ask for some help sometimes" She said to Thundercracker, helping him toward the med-bay.
Shadowstrike rolled her optics, "I'm sure it's just because he's stressed." She told him, trying to calm him down. "Dont focus on him." She moved to stand in front of him with a smile and took his other servo. "We did it. We aren't Decepticons anymore." Her optics shown with happiness
Knock Out nodded, closing his own long clawed digits around hers. "And it feels amazing" He purred, pulling her to him and nuzzled her helm with his. "We dont have to worry about any Decepticon matters anymore. We can just worry about us"
Shadowstrike's engine started purring as she nuzzled him back, her optics closed contentedly. "That sounds wonderful." She whispered, smiling. She felt as if a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders. She could actually be with Knock Out and not have to worry about them being told to Megatron
"How long do you think it will take to get this enigma off? If a long time, good. They can wait on us, I think I'd rather just stay here right now" He said, bot his servos now on the small of her back and pressing her against him.
Shadowstrike smiled, her servos resting on his chasis. "Who cares how long it should take? They'll be fine waiting on us." She purred, trailing a digit along along his chasis
Knock Out's door wings twitched as her digit slid over his chassis, his engine soft but still audible. "Perhaps your right, we just dodged a bullet." He agreed. He decided on kissing her for real with time instead of those quick and sweet ones. So he did, leaning down and kissing her.
Shadowstrike's optics closed as he kissed her, her engine purring a bit louder as she returned the kiss. She still found it hard to believe she had him in her life; had him as her bondmate
Loudmouth looked at Bee through clouded optics, then looked back down again, "If I hadn't told Ratchet to heal her, no, if I hadn't even tried to befriend the thing, this wouldn't have happened! This IS my fault!" She wailed, shaking the base before she hid her helm between her knees and mumbling to herself more. "It's all my fault... I could have prevented it.... It's my fault..."

"Ah. But you don't have to have some faction to be loyal to. You are your own independent mind. You don't need others to tell you what you should and shouldn't do." Romulus said, offering a servo to Matriarch to help her stand.

@RedTeam Grif
After a few long moments, Knock Out ended it with a huge grin on his faceplate, his engine still the same volume but nonetheless purring. "Weird, you ever kissed a mech?" He asked, curious about it.

Bee hated the feeling of anyone's death blamed on them, he knew how it felt. He put a servo on her shoulder, then brought her into a hug. He beeped, saying the Predacon could have offlined anyone close to it when its pissed. His beeps were low, trying to comfort her.

Matriarch blinked, what he said was true. She could do who she wanted, kill who she wanted and run where she wanted without getting yelled at 24/7. She obliged to the help, pulling herself to her pedes. "Well, I guess your right"
Shadowstrike looked up at him with a grin, "No. I've never even had a bondmate before." She admitted, tilting her helm. "What about you? You've ever kissed a femme?"
Knock Out hesitantly nodded, "I-uh-of course I have. More or less..." He said with a slight laugh. "Though never had a bondmate before, thats something new" He admitted.
Shadowstrike nodded, not surprised he had kissed a femme before. "Relax. I'm not mad." She told him, figuring that was why he was stuttering so much. "It seems like we're both new at this bondmate thing."
Good thing she wasnt mad though, "I never really thought of sincere bondmate until you came along" He said, his black and red eyes looking at hers.
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"I'd never even thought of having a bondmate." Shadowstrike admitted, giving a sheepish shrug. "I was always more focused on missions until I started hating them." It was true. She used to despise the idea of a bondmate. It was just another weakness that could be exploited
"You may wish to not rush into decisions, but I do suggest you go back to your Nemesis, so you may be healed. But you can feel free to run with me any time." Romulus looked at Matriarch, then huffed and returned to wolf form, howled, and ran off, hesitant to leave Matriarch alone.

Loudmouth whimpered, absolutely tearing herself apart, when suddenly she found herself wrapped up in Bumblebee's arms. She tensed a little, then suddenly, she relaxed, shivering slightly and trying not to start wailing again, and slowly, gently she embraced Bumblebee, clenching her fists and whimpering more, struggling to maintain her emotions.

@RedTeam Grif
"I was never really serious about it, no. I just kind of took what I got back on Cybertron, then when we transferred to wherever this place is then I didnt think that anything like that could possibly be achieved"

Matriarch watched him leave, her tail flicking back and forth. She couldnt go back, she attacked the Commander and his brother! What was this mech thinking? She shook her helm and sat back down in thought.

Bee rest his helm on hers, stroking her back in effort to calm her down. Silvershot was one of those mechs that kind of stayed near the borders, it was surprising he had come that far in to see Matriarch. Why did he assume she was dead? The mech had never been one for using his processor. Bee sighed, bundling her up to him.
Shadowstrike nodded, "Its hard to believe we did achieve it, giving where we came from and all that." She gave a quiet laugh, shaking her head.
Romulus watched Matriarch from a distance. He looked at her, then turned and walked away, deeper into the forest. Meanwhile another figure flew about overhead. Soon it came down to look at Matriarch, gliding through the gaps in the trees and looking at Matriarch with it's head tipped to the side, curious. It made a squawking sound and inched closer, with it's long tail swishing as it approached. It's blueish armor plating shone in the sunshine. It made another odd trilling like that of a bird, then sat down promptly.

Loudmouth shook, whimpering and, then suddenly made a gasping sound as Ratchet walked in on the two, and she blushed violently, and moved away from Bumblebee, looking at the ground awkwardly. "Er... Was I interrupting something?"

"No, of course not, what is it Ratchet?" She asked, crossing her arms. "I er...I wanted to apologize for upsetting you. I was not aware of how much it was bothering you... Do you want me to look at those injuries?"

"Injuries?" She asked, looking confused, then suddenly she remembered that she was badly injured and the pain came rushing back to her. Her legs shook and suddenly she collapsed, wailing and shaking the base again. "AHHHH PRIMUS I FORGOT!"

"How can you forget that you're in pain?!" Ratchet shouted, facepalming and groaning.

@RedTeam Grif
(Fooorrgggiiiiivvveee meeee D:")

Jetstream planted a light, sweet kiss on Recon's chassis.

"Calm down, hot mess. For a second there I thought you were going to turn into a predacon."

Jet smiled, watching Knockout and Shadowstrike leave to go get their enigmas off. The femme sighed, in a happy way. Despite the tension between the mechs, she thought that it wasn't going to get too bad. Jetstream just felt joyful, like all tensions were relieved from her shoulder. At the moment, there was nothing to worry about. Maybe later, but not right now.

Thundercracker limped with Jinx's help, following Starscream. He shifted his helm to look at her. "It's a weakness among the Deceptions." Thundercracker's voice was wary, and slurred. Usually he was the ready-for-flying strong type, but the energon loss just slagged his processor.

((Goodnight, sweet dreams!))
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Matriarch jumped at the sound and transformed into her Predacon form and made herself look big, her back spikes rising. Again as she did, energon saliva started to drip and she snarled at the bird creature. "What business here?" She asked.

Bee helped her back up, of course Ratchet would be the one to catch their moment. And of course he had to be the grumpy one, go figure. He beeped again, go easy on her doc he said, looking over at Ratchet.

(You are forgiiiivvvveeeennnn!)

Recon laughed lightly, "You havent seen hot mess yet" He growled flirtatiously. "But really, mechs like that grind my gears, and not in the good way" He seemed to almost pout. "But I guess I have to play nice while their around, huh? Alright, just until his scrawny frame gets in my way"

"Well yea, I guess.... But no big Lord Megatron around I think it would be okay." Jinx said, thinking. "Also, we did lose a Predacon and I'd hate to be the one to tell Lord Megatron about that but it looks like she about ripped ya'll up!" She didnt know about the other Predacon interfering. "But hey, your online. Fighting skills like yours keep you alert"

Knock Out shrugged, "Well we did leave, I guess all the cruelty in the Decepticon ranks didnt dim out our spark." He said, looking around at all the paint. "Should we go ahead and get started?"
Shadowstrike nodded, "Probably, before they come looking for us." She sighed, reluctantly stepping back from Knock Out, looking around them.
Ratchet grumbled some and moved Loudmouth onto the medical table and pulled his medical equipment out and began to work on her. Loudmouth looked at Bumblebee from the table and moved at Bumblebee, Sorry.

"Oh please!" The raptor said, suddenly changing to a robot form, still sitting. "I'm Songbird, by the way. I live with Romulus, and Magnus, and Skystrike! I've not seen another Predacon!" Songbird circled Matriarch, making more chittering sounds, then she promptly sat next to Matriarch, "Oh my goodness did Romulus invite you to stay with us, OOOO that's SO much fun! Come on I'll show you the way proper!" She sang, then transformed back to alt mode and went running off into the trees.

@RedTeam Grif
"So we have to get these off somehow... Hmm, well as they burn it into the metal I think we have to cut it off. Rather painful" Knock Out sighed, looking at his own enigma. "What a shame, its rather stylish"

Matriarch growled, this one was annoying. She didnt know if she wanted to follow, she kind of had to say sorry for what she did. It wasnt her fault that Silvershot had kicked her in a soft protoform spot. She let out a loud call, not knowing why but just did.

Bee nodded to her, then looked at Ratchet with a question. Do you think that Predacon will come back and try to hurt anyone that it came into contact with? He was wondering if he should be ready to try and protect anyone he could.

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