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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Shadowstrike rolled her optics, and without hesitating, brought out her energon sword and sliced her enigma clear off the right side of her chasis without any hesitation. "Done." She said, not even minding the paint that was gone now. She was glad that the enigma was off of her.
Songbird soon ran back to Matriarch, and shoved her to her feet, "Come on come on, I can;t wait foreveeeer!" She said in a singsong voice, then ran off again, chittering and cheeping the entire time. She was running off at a high speed.

Ratchet looked at Bumblebee, then back down to his work, "Well, I'd definitely exercise caution if you ever meet it again, and make sure that you never engage it alone." He looked up at Bumblebee again.

@RedTeam Grif
Knock Out moved a piece of his armor and forcefully made himself cut his off with a wince. "Never thought I would be doing that" He muttered, looking at the paint again and thinking of how to repaint what was missing.

Matriarch snarled at her as she came back though started following her. She was bigger then Songbird so she had longer legs and when she ran she didnt catch up that easily.

Bee nodded, dont worry, I wont. If I have to though I will take it on to keep someone else from getting hurt he beeped at Ratchet. It has already happened, and I wont let it happen again.
Shadowstrike turned to walk off, looking over her shoulder at Knock Out. "We better get back to the others before they come looking for us." She told him, starting to walk away
"Well." Ratchet said, putting his tools away. "I've done all I can. She just needs to rest and heal now." Ratchet looked at her pointedly, "You are going to stay in base till I say otherwise. Understand?" Before he walked out, leaving Bumblebee and her alone again. Loudmouth watched him leave, then stared for a moment after he was gone, before she glanced at Bumblebee and cracked a awkward, shy smile. "Hehe..."

@RedTeam Grif
Knock Out crossed his arms, "Ahem?" He asked, raising an optic ridge. "You are not walking around with that bad paint malfunction you have got going on" He said, beckoning her over with a digit.

Bee beeped at her, what? Dont like being alone with me do you? He asked, walking over to her and looked down at her. Is it weird? He asked again, he had already figured that she liked him. He wasnt stupid.
"What? No, no, no! Nonono, it's not that! It's just that- Well I- I mean- I just-" She blinked, then sat up and sighed, rolling her shoulders and stretching, "I-I mean, hehe, I just, you know I just-" then sitting back and looked at Bumblebee for a moment, then blushed lightly and looked away.

@RedTeam Grif
Shadowstrike stopped, turning to face him with an optic ridge raised. "Seriously? It's just paint. It's going to get scratched anyway." She put one hand on her hip. She couldn't believe he wasn't going to let her go anywhere with her paint scratched.
Bee laughed lightly, going over and nuzzled her helm with his. What? You like me, right? He asked, basically now leaning over her. Dont try to lie, I can easily see it in your optics.

"Just paint? Shadow, love, it is not just paint! Its your whole attitude! Now come here and fix it" He demanded, finding the right paint for her and, again, beckoned her over. "C'mere"
Shadowstrike smirked, crossing her arms with a defiant look in her optics. "No." She told him simply, starting to grin. "It's my paint, I can have it like I want." She knew she was being a brat about this, but it was fun
Loudmouth looked at Bumblebee, blushing with more intensity as Bumblebee approached and nuzzled her, which made her spark skip a beat, and and for once in her lifetime, she began to stutter and stumble over her worlds, "Uh, w-well, I, I uh, you see, I uhhhh, uhhhhhh.... Ohhh, alright you got me, is it really that obvious?" She returned the nuzzle, embarrassed that Bumblebee had figured this out so easily.

@RedTeam Grif
Knock Out looked dumbfounded, "Uh, yes. Come over here, or better yet I will come over there" He said, grabbing the paint and walking over to her and started to repaint her where it was gone.

Bee nodded, I could very well likely tell. But hey, its what life is, mechs and femmes finding each other attractive. I wont blame you at all, I cant say I dont feel any different you know. He said.
Shadowstrike rolled her optics, but otherwise held still as he painted the spot. "I don't see what the big deal is." She muttered. Her physical appearance was something that had never really bothered her. She has plenty of scratches and dents if you looked close enough, and it didn't phase her.
(Ahhhhh the ggguuillltt)

Jetstream laughed aswell.

"Well, just try to contain all that big hatred and rage."

She twirled a digit around, then tapped her helm.

"Don't let it consume you."

Jet smiled, leaning on Recon.

"So, where do we go after this?"

Thundercracker smiled lightly. "Fighting skills do more than just keeping me online. And I'm impressed by your warrior skills, Jinx." His tone used seemed formal, as he kept on walking. He and Starscream had to get fixed up before Megatron, even though the sight of them may or may not get them punishment.
Knock Out looked up for a moment, "It is important to look your best" He said simply, putting on the finishing touches before standing back and nodded. "Good, now you cant even see the scratch anymore." He added, putting the paint away before looking for his color.

(Its ooooookkkkkaaaaayyyyy)

Recon scoffed, "The only thing that could ever consume me would be a really big Predacon" He said, then thought a minute. "Well, considering we got these two, I suppose we could go anywhere. If anything attacks it will be 4/1, well more like 5/1 because I'm as strong as two bots, or three, put together" He said, flexing his arms even though the protoform plating was under his armor but the armor was bulky anyway.

Jinx blinked, her fighting skills were impressive too? And better yet, the most serious and impressive out of the seeker brothers. "Thank you sir, I never really dd think about my preformance on the battlefield really." She said, liking the fact he saw her fighting as impressive. Best day ever!
Loudmouth listened to Bumblebee, then widened her optics and looked at him, mouth open in disbelief then she began to giggle giddily, trying to form words, a stupid smile plastered on her face, "ehehe, well, I um, I just... I never thought, I mean... Ehehehe~" She started to wring her servos and mess with her fingers, giddy and happy, and excited, and all sorts of good feelings. It just made her feel all sorts of warm inside.

@RedTeam Grif
Shadowstrike rolled her eyes, slightly laughing. "Whatever you say. I have a feeling your going to worry more about how I look than I ever will." She said, shaking her helm as she watched him look for his paint.
Knock Out browsed until he found the perfect color of red and started repainting the scratch until it was fully okay. "There, much better. Now, I suppose we should get back out there?"

Bee found it amusing that she got this happy and everything about this, not that he wasnt happy though. He was glad that someone actually liked him back. He leaned over and tapped the cover over his mouth against the side of her helm like a small kiss to the side of her helm.
Shadowstrike nodded, "Probably. Though I doubt that they care we've been gone." She sighed, stretching out her knee before walking over to Knock Out and taking his servo.
"Wow, that's quuuuite impressive~"

Jetstream whistled, the way Recon had, and ran a servo over his flexing. Her faceplates were tinted red, she'd never thought she deserved a mech like this. Perfect in personality, build, and skills. She figured the others were probably having alone time, or maybe working some extra details with the paint, which Jet understood. But her processor was on Recon now.

Thundercracker gave Jinx a nod, then perked up his head, his optic ridges furrowing. They reached the med bay, but there was no Knockout. He hadn't spotted the mech anywhere around either, yet. "Where's the medic?" The Seeker didn't know of the event that happened recently, and asked no one in particular.
Knock Out nodded, curling his own digits around hers. "Say, I never did say but I think your colors work quite well with your frame. Dark colors are more you, I would say" He said as they started walking.

Recon had this smile on his face plate, it was a mix between smug and proud. "Like what you see, aye? I'm sure you'll be seeing more later on" He said, putting his arms down and picked her up in a big bear hug. "Your amazin, darlin" He laughed. When he hugged her to his chassis he done kicked his radio back on, (music)You, you're hotter than a cherry on a cigarette. Bet every dollar mom's a model but your better yet, just 21 and out on the run, turnin' every head. Your body's built just like a weapon and your usin it...(music) His radio usually played what song was closest to his feeling.

Jinx looked around, utterly confused. "Err, I honestly dont know where he is. Maybe someone else knows" She said, helping him over to the table and let him sit before turning and walking out until she found a drone and asked. "Oh, he left with an infiltrator" He said. Knock Out betrayed? Yikes... She walked back to Thundercracker, "Uhh, well the doc is kind of not a Decepticon no more"
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Shadowstrike rolled her optics, "It helps with the infiltrating." She then gave him a flirtatious smile, "Well I think the red is just perfect for you." She slightly laughed, hardly able to believe she was saying this. Primus, she had never imagined she'd be flirting like this with someone
"It is, isnt it?" He asked, making his way through the shelves and came upon the song and the bondmates Recon and Jetstream and tilted his head. "That noise is rather irritating" He growled, narrowing his optics.
Jetstream wrapped her arms around him in return, nuzzling her helm against his.

"I think you're more amazing."

She turned her helm, to look at Knockout and Shadowstrike. The glare made her raise an optic, but she let it go.

"Looks like you were never even Decepticons, great!"

Jet smiled, optics lit up.

Thundercracker's optics widened. Knockout betrayed?! He didn't seem like the most loyal out of all Decepticons, but Thundercracker definitely wasn't expecting this. "He betrayed?!" The seeker wasn't mad at Jinx, but rather extremely mad at Knockout. On the other case, now they didn't have a medic!
"Relax." Shadowstrike whispered, nudging Knock Out before she gave Jet a smile. "It feels good to be rid of it." She admitted, looking down at where the enigma had been

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