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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Recon looked over at Knock Out and Shadow, noting Knock Out's look and a growl emanated from his chassis. "What are you so disgusted about, shorty?" He growled at the red mech. "That repulsive sound you were making" Knock Out said evenly. Recon lightly put Jet down, "I'm going to put a hole right in that white faceplate of yours!" He growled, in which Knock Out let go of Shadowstrike's servo and crossed his arms. "Come at me, you brute" He challenged, in which the two mechs started walking toward each other.

Jinx nodded, "Yes sir, the drone said Soundwave knew about their betrayal but that is all he knew. He wasnt there" She said, hoping the seeker mech didnt try to hurt her like Starscream would have done.
Shadowstrike let out a growl of annoyance before moving to intercept the two, "Both of you, quit it! There's no way we can work together if you two are trying to kill each other all the time." She snapped, shooting Jet an exasperated glance
Recon stopped, "I aint about to hit a femme" He muttered, crossing his arms as Shadowstrike got in between the two. "As long as he dont bother me and get in the way then we can sort it all out" He growled. Someone could swear the two mechs were like two men filled with testosterone.
"Don't go blaming it all on Knock Out. You provoke it too." Shadowstrike growled to Recon, having to crane her neck to look up at him. She then turned to look at Knock Out, "And you need to relax and not take everything he says to heart, as the humans say it." She gave him a pointed look. She wanted to be able to trust them not to kill each other every time they looked away
Recon looked down at Shadowstrike, his optics narrowed and he sighed before walking away. He sat down and leaned against the wall, arms behind his helm and sighed. "Whatever"
Shadowstrike watched Recon go sit down before shaking her helm, letting out an annoyed sigh before grabbing Knock Out's arm and leading him away. "Let's give him some space."
"Perhaps rouges werent meant to work together" Knock Out said, though looked back. I figure we should talk to Jetstream though, get an idea of what we need to do and everything we can do"
Jetstream was also about to interfere, but Shadowstrike broke them up. she went over to Recon, sitting down next to him. How did one deal with fighting Mechs?

"Recon, everyone gets grudges, but the key to all of it is to contain that anger. Usually, you have to show that you're mature, and can work along side someone without interacting with them that could make the situation worse. Being a Decepticon, there were plenty of cons I hated. But you just gotta vent your anger out on something else, like a wall or during battle. Sometimes, it helps to just not pay attention to all the wrongs the bot does, but rather the rights."

Thundercracker rubbed his forehelm, slightly staggering. "Do we have a backup medic?" He lowered his voice, his energy drained from the words.
Loudmouth blushed heavily as Bumblebee 'kissed" her on the cheek, then giggled, "Stop iiiit, you're making me blush!" She said, shoving him playfully and with a big smile plastered to her face. It was rare that she smiled. She was like, as the humans, "A kid in a candy store". She never loooked so happy, and excited, and- well... you get the point.

@RedTeam Grif
Shadowstrike looked over at where Recon and Jetstream were sitting and sighed. "Maybe this was a bad idea. If that mech is going to pick fights with you all the time, how can we trust him to watch our back?" She whispered quietly, so they didn't overhear her
Recon looked over at her, "Containing my anger is one thing, another thing is when he keeps giving me dirty looks. Its just energon-boiling to think he thinks he is better then me in every way possible when that puny hunk of metal is just overly cocky" He said, though he figured he should still dial it down. They needed to work together, and that meant Recon needed to keep his temper.

Jinx thought, "Err... I know this is kind of weird but sometimes I maybe looked through Knock Out's procedure data pad, looking over the injuries he worked on and how they were fixed. Just in case I needed it for the battlefield. But I did learn a lot from them, maybe I can help?"

Bee laughed, Thats what I'm here for, Loudmouth. My job is to make sure your safe and happy, we're bondmates arent we? He asked, tilting his head and looking at Loudmouth. He too was happy with himself and how they were now probably bondmates.

Knock Out shrugged, "I dont know, the mech is big, but I wouldnt say Megatron big. But I dont know about his temper, it seems no more improved then a Decepticon's attitude" He scoffed. "But if he decides to hurt you or me then we're leaving"
Shadowstrike nodded, looking over at Knock Out. "Part of it could be stress too." She wasn't defending Recon, just starting a fact. "We're all under a lot of it now." She gave a smile, "Besides, if he's smart, he'll want to keep Dr. Sexy around." She stated it casually, but there was a flirtatious grin on her face. "You are the best medic after all."
Loudmouth's optics widened at the mention of bondmates. "B-bondmates? W-wow! I mean- Y-yes! Yes I think so! I mean if that's okay with you, it has to be okay, right? I mean, we've already done this, and and and, it's just- I can hardly contain myself! AHHHHHHH!" She squealed, then clapped her servos over her mouth, certain she had probably just blasted Bumblebee's audials. "S-sorry..."

@RedTeam Grif
Knock Out was about to say something when he heard her call him Dr. Sexy and about fell over then and there. His faceplate heated up, "If I couldnt contain myself, I would say I'd have you back out of sight and your engine purring the loudest it could go"

Bee nodded, though flinched at she screeched and laughed lightly. Of course I mean it, why would I say it if I didnt mean it? Your the only femme with the right spark and a liking towards me which is very mutual. His engine was purring contently.
Shadowstrike's faceplate heated up, and she gave him a flirtatious grin, "I'll remember you said that." She purred, her engine purring softly as she trailed a digit over his chasis. "Now I know what I can call you." She quietly laughed
Knock Out grabbed her servo, putting it up to his faceplate and kissed her servo. "I think that is a very fitting name, now I just need to come up with an equal name for you but I think your frame says it all, love"
Loudmouth covered her faceplate with her servos, blushing heavily and whimpering embarrassed. She was so unbelievably happy with this she was just lost for words. She had never thought any mech would ever look at her like that, much less Bumblebee who she adored and admired so much, she just couldn't stop her spark beating fast and...

@RedTeam Grif
Shadowstrike grinned, "Flirt." She teased, running her digits over the side of his helm. "I have a feeling you're going to have many nicknames for me." She laughed
Bee took her servos in his, pulling them away from her faceplate gently. He pulled her into his lap, resting his helm against hers. Dont hide your face, blushing or not its pretty and I dont want to see it covered up.

Knock Out smirked his signature smirk, "Oh I will have many names for you, I just need time to think of them" He added the last part, being honest. He liked the feeling of his metal being traced upon, it was very soothing.
Shadowstrike laughed, giving him a grin. "I'll be waiting." She purred, before stepping forward and hugging him, resting her helm against his chasis. "I'm one lucky femme." She told him with a smile
Loudmouth squeaked and began to mumble in a flustered mess. "Sh-sh-shhhhhuuuuuush! You're too niiiiice!" She whined, struggling to cover her face again.

Meanwhile, Songbird finally came to a stop, in a big clearing in the midst of the forest. At first it seemed that they alone, until suddenly another predacon wandered from the trees, liquid magma dribbled from it's square jaw, it's huge forelegs made loud thumping that shook the trees. It appeared brutish and heavy set. And then another more delicate predacon came from the shadow. It's chrome gleamed in the sunlight that filtered through the trees.

"Hi Magnum! Hi Skystrike!" Songbird chirped, waving a claw at the two.

"Who is that?" The brute asked, more magma pouring from it's jaws.

"Magnum, you're drooling again." The delicate one, apparently named Skystrike, said to the brute, Magnum.

"Oh? Oh! Sorry."

@RedTeam Grif
Knock Out hugged her back, "Yes, you are" He agreed with her statement, laughing though only a little. He stroked her back, his sharp digits being gentle as he slid them down her metal. "Almost smooth" He hummed.

Matriarch looked between the two, tilting her helm and being her confused self. Why was she brought here again? She didnt even know what to do now, though figured she should say her own name. "Matriarch" She said, she loved her name. It meant the highest of femme ranks.
Shadowstrike closed her optics, her engine purring softly. She found the action of him smoothing his digits down her back soothing. "Most of those dents are probably new." She told him, thinking back to when Starscream and Blitzwing slammed her back against the wall and table
(Sorry, forgot about Bee)

Bee held her servos tightly in his, not allowing her to hide her face again. C'mon, I'm supposed to be nice. He beeped at her, finding this slightly amusing. Just calm down, alright? He asked politely.

Knock Out huffed, "Those mechs like to beat up on ones smaller then they are, I am not surprised if they are the ones who caused the dents" He said, feeling a few. "Some are pretty deep, must be at least a little painful"
Shadowstrike nodded, "Some of them are." She admitted. "It doesn't really bother me, but I can still feel them." She shrugged, having dealt with a lot worse before. The scratches on her neck still stung, along with a dull pain in her knee.

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