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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Knock Out sighed, "Well most everything with medical awareness has to be painful, or that is what I saw on the Nemesis. I tried to make things painless, I guess. Cant say I did the same for the Commander"

Riptide put her sword down, not seeing any hostility any Con would have. "Err, we have a medic actually. You dont seem like your going to hurt me or anything, I dont see any hostility. C'mon now, think I'd offline someone who cant fight back?" She asked.
Shadowstrike laughed, "Starscream doesn't deserve not to have pain when he's treated." She grinned, taking his servo, "Relax, the pain wasn't bad at all. You did good."
Valor was confused at this side of a decepticon. "But to heal me you would have to shackle me. My anger still lies with megatron....... he destroyed my sire and carrier before i even got to know thier names." He got up and while doing so accidentally tore some bark off a tree. He noticed how sturdy it was so he put it over his gash. It felt better enough to walk but not to do anything more. "So... when can i meet this medic? and if you are not sure about doing that you can chain me to the ground.", he said before picking up his rifle and putting it in his back holster/turret.
Knock Out nodded, "I worked efficient but not to where I kept it painless. Though if I did that to Megatron then I would be offlined for sure" He said, and nodded at her assurance. "Alright, I will believe you"

"Decepticon?! Bull-slag! I'm a fracking Autobot, duh" She huffed, crossing her arms. "Its the optics isnt it? Look, my carrier had the same and she was an Autobot... More or less... Anyway, either way, I'm an Autobot. I pulled a weapon because I figured the whole signal thing was a trap, your clearly not a Con yourself" Riptide said, "I aint gunna chain no injured bot to no ground, got it big guy?"
Shadowstrike laughed, "Good. You better." She grinned, before speaking her thoughts aloud, "Do you think we'll ever have to work with the Autobots?" She asked quietly. Truth to be told, she didn't know if she would like working with them or not.
Valor was more confused then ever now. "It's not just your optics, the color scheme seemed a bit unusual as well. Well atleast your not Fortis, i'd rather be confused then crushed.", he said almost laughing a little. He then began moving a bit closer to the femme bot. "The only trap you'd be running into is if you went to help fortis, he is to helmstrong and he depends only on himself.", he said as he passes her.
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Knock Out shrugged, "Not sure, honestly. I suppose if we want to get anywhere in beating the Cons then perhaps we would need the back up for fighting reasons. So far we have three fighting class and one medic class. And then the Nemesis filled with fighter classed Cons"

Riptide sighed in irritation, "Whatever mech" She muttered, following. "I dont suppose you know where you are like the rest of us, right? First time coming here, got shot in the back of both fragging knees. But the only bot who can outrun me is Blurr so I got out fast. Doubt the Fortis mech you were talking about is too slow"
Valor turned around exposing his auto bot ensign on his right arm. "I apologize for calling you a decepticon, that i feel utterly idiotic about. Guess my proccessor got damaged on the landing. Though i do have a database on this planet, i don't have a map. I am guessing you should the way.". He said before turning around and hitting a tree out of the way. @RedTeam Grif
Riptide watched the tree fall, she was small but now she really felt small. "I guess we cant run all the way back" She said, running and started walking in front of him. "And I have no idea if anyone is manning the ground bridge about now. So we're hoofin' it" She even walked fast, watching around for anything moving.
He followed behind her, still trying to figure out the situation. "I hope you do know that i have not got a clue of what the situation is.", he said still limping behind her. @RedTeam Grif
"The situation is you turned up on the Primus forsaken place in which the Cons are still being afts about everything and your hurt. Now we're walking to the base to get you fixed up, any questions?" Riptide explained rather quickly and bluntly.
Valor just shrugged as they were almost at base. Finally they arrived to the base. Valor was just thankful to have survived. "I guess this is the base?", he asked. @RedTeam Grif
"Yep, this place is where we Autobots be awesome. Hold on, you gotta meet this guy. CYRAX!!!!!" She yelled the name, in which the mech in name came. "Easy Tide, your going to blow someone's audials" He said, then looked at Valor. "Looks like you brought more metal as well"
Valor looked down at Cyrax, "My name is Valor, are you the medic here?", he asked as he introduced himself. Meanwhile not too far from the decepticon base was Fortis, finally a little calmed down. Though it was luck that led him in this direction. And it wouldn't be long before he'd be showing up on the decepticon's scanner.
"I'm a, how you say, jack of all trades. I know medic procedures, yes. If you will follow me I can help you get that would fixed up and perhaps you could tell me how you got such a wound" He said, servos behind his back in a neat look as he turned and walked away. "PS, he is such a fragging tight aft. Its annoying" Riptide said quietly to Valor, in which Cyrax chuckled. "You werent made to be quiet, Riptide" He said as he kept walking.
He began limping again to stay with Cyrax. When he made it to the room. He found a place to sit and began his story. "I was assigned to a strange planet to help defend a waypoint, thats when i began combat with decepticons. By my experience and the grace of primus, i had beaten the entire squad, except for a mortal enemy of mine. He taunted and we were about to clash untill a large flash and what felt like falling forever until i lost sight of him and made a rough landing on a weird structure that was hard and grey. That is how i got here and how i got the gash.", he ended. Meanwhile Fortis didn't realize it but he triggered the decepticons alarm.
Cyrax nodded, "Weird, same happened with us. I cant remember if we were fighting last but I know the same happened. Perhaps Primus wishes to show us something new?" He suggested, cleaning off the excess energon from Valor's leg and started welding the metal shut after he did. It did take a minute though, a few or more actually. When the alarm went off, Starscream was going somewhere and happened to run into Blitzwing. "Get a tag on whatever tripped the alarm, I will see if Soundwave knows anything" The commander said to the triple-changer who nodded and ran to the nearest opening and jumped out. He transformed in midair, not taking long to see the titan class mech. "Sending visuals now" Blitzwing said over comms to the watching Soundwave and Starscream. "Subdue it, make sure its Decepticon" Starscream ordered. Blitzwing drew near, banking around Fortis until he did see the Decepticon enigma. "Clear, Decepticon sir" Blitzwing said. "Make contact" Starscream replied, in which the triple-changer linked his own comm with Fortis' comm. "Hallo? State your name"
Fortis's only heard static. He only continued walking foward. As for valor he got up right away after his visor started flashing blue and red, holding his head to a painful memory being restored in his processor. He soon sat back down and his visor returned to normal. Thanks to his advanced armor design his leg kept stable and began repairing nicely.
"Keep it away from the Nemesis! Its too big for it to climb on board!" Starscream about threw a fit in which Blitzwing had to engage Fortis. He started shooting ice at him, attempting to freeze the circuits or something, or at least stick him to the ground. He wasnt going for collateral damage, just to make the bit guy hold still.
As blitzwing fired at Fortis it only made him go into rage mode making it impossible to freeze him as his sytems were at 352 degrees and slowly climbing. He loaded AA rounds and shot multiple at blitzwing, crippling blitzwing's wings. Fortis then charged at his falling attacker until he was in reaching distance. He then wrapped his digits around Blitzwings helm. "WHY DID YOU SHOOT AT ME!", he yelled at Blitzwing thunderously. He could see the decepticon emblem so he showed his.
Shadowstrike nodded, "The Decepticons already seriously outnumber the Autobots, and they have more energon. It makes sense we may have to help the Autobot's."
Blitzwing pushed at Fortis's digits, "Stand down, I vuz causing no harm. Zeh command to keep you avay from zeh Nemesis vuz given by Commander Starscream, who speaks for Lord Megatron. I suggest you dont do anysing drastic" He growled calmly. Icy Blitzwing was always smart, he knew how to bend words and put them where he wished. Cyrax saw the violent movements from Valor and rose an optic ridge. "If you dont mind, what was that?"

Knock Out nodded, "If I know the Autobots, then I bet they would welcome us. Maybe not with open arms, but Prime will without a doubt. They would be the most logical bots to hang around, so I suppose we do need to head where any Autobot is ASAP"
Shadowstrike nodded, "I'd feel safer with them." She admitted, "I don't know if we can trust this mech here." She jerked her head back in the direction of Recon. "You think we should find the Autobots on our own?" She asked Knock Out, crossing her arms.
Valor rubbed his helm. "Just a bad memory revived in the processor.", he answered almost in a nervous tone. Fortis started to cool his systems, "Alright fine, i won't rip you apart. But fire at me again or attempt to freeze me, i will break you in two.". Fortis started scratching the back of his helm. "Now what the frack is the Nemisis?" .

@RedTeam Grif
Knock Out thought, "If we were to do that, then any group of Cons we would be outnumbered 2/1 or more. I am only a medic, I dont fight and wasnt born to fight, so it would be only you with what help I could offer" He didnt want to trust Recon either, but he didnt want to go offline either.

Cyrax nodded, "We all gt those, my friend, just in different ways. We all suffer from it." He sighed. "If you feel like it I suggest you get Riptide or you can ask me to show you around." He said. Blitzwing looked toward the Nemesis. "It is zeh war ship Lord Megatron resides" He answered. "Zoe you are too big to board"
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