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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Valor looked at Cyrax, "My memories, however trigger some violent mode in me, though it is very rare for me to go into this state.", he said. Valor then got up and asked, "do you have some form of shooting range or practice facility?. Fortis dropped Blitzwing, "Alright, but my comms were down, how was I suppose to know that? Anyway don't you think I should at least be stationed near the ship as defense so long as Lord Megatron approves.", he said looking down at Blitzwing.
Shadowstrike thought. "So maybe we should stay here for a while, recuperate a bit. If the other two are smart, they'll want to be on the Autobot's side also. We already made the Decepticons weaker. They've lost their only medic and one of the best infiltrators, not to brag or anything." She smirked
Jetstream nodded, she understood what he meant.

"It can only get better from the bottom. And we're climbing up pretty fast."

She smiled up at him, optics looking in the direction of Shadowstrike and Knockout. There was a tension between the pairs, and it would seem natural in a time of war and distrust. But that tension could lead up to separation, in which would just make things a bit more harder.

"Maybe we should all talk about what to do next, without any fights?"

Thundercracker handled the pain, and when it was over, he thanked his luck. "Thank you. I won't be going offline anytime soon." Thundercracker tried walking around a bit, and once he was confident it was safe to transform and run, the alarm just happened to go off.
Cyrax listened, "I would keep that on the down low, I dont know what that causes but I will do my best to look into it. In the meantime, have Riptide show you where the shooting range is and perhaps some sparring with whomever may do you some good" He said, waving his servo. "Go on, knock yourself out"

Knock Out nodded, "Yes, I am sure the femme can be trusted so far and she seems to keep the mech in line so I am sure we can stick around for times to come until we all get the go to move" He said.

Recon sighed quietly and nodded. He stood up, offering a servo to help her up and looked over at Knock Out and Shadowstrike and beckoned them over. "I will try to keep my hatred under control" He promised"

Jinx looked around at the alarm and looked back at Thundercracker and put her servos out in front of him. "Hold on, cowboy! You could hurt yourself again, let the rest of the Decepticons handle it" She said, standing in front of him. "...Sir"
Shadowstrike nodded and looked over at Recon as he waved them over. "We've been summoned." She told Knock Out before approaching Jetstream and Recon
Valor looked at Cyrax with a 'are you serious', expression on his face. "I doubt you will have any luck, even the greatest cybertronian scientists have tried to figure that out and have failed. But now I guess I will go find Riptide.", he said before exiting the room and finding Riptide. "Pardon me, but do you have a training facility here?", he asked her. @RedTeam Grif
Jetstream watched as they came over. She kept a smile on her face, and it wasn't forced. Jet gave Recon's servo a squeeze of encouragement, appreciating that he wasn't like those other overly-aggressive cons on the Nemesis, who'd rip out your spark for making eye contact that they suspected as sass.

Thundercracker was about to protest, but his leg did wobble a bit. He stood there for a second, watching the outside with an anticipated look, then returned his focus to Jinx. He let out a quiet sigh, sitting down again. "It doesn't look very urgent. They seem to have the situation down." The seeker said this in a matter-of-factly way, used to just stating the facts as one of the seekers. Find and report.
Cyrax chuckled as he left, turning back to his computer. "But I will need- Oh nevermind" He sighed. Riptide looked up at Valor, "Frag yea! C'mon! Its so epic!" She said, running for an opening and was gone fast. She popped her helm in, "Well, arent ya comin?!" She called, disappearing again.

Recon nodded to Jet and looked back at the two. "When do you think we should move, huh?" He asked. Knock Out shrugged, "I am not certain, there seems to be more Decepticons then us at the moment and one mis-step and we are scrap" He said. "If you handt noticed... We do have the skills to keep us alive. More some of us then others" Recon said.

Jinx sighed in relief, "Good, I'm no Knock Out but I think I can guess how long you will be stuck here. You lost a lot of energon so you will need to get some more in which I can help that. Once your energon levels stabilize I can clear you sir" She said.
Valor began running after her, though he was not as fast, he still managed to keep up until he reached the room which looked liked war zone. "Well isn't this nostalgic.", he said laughing a little, though he did not know this training facility as well as Riptide did. Meanwhile Fortis managed to convince blitzwing to see if he could be defense for the Nemesis.
Shadowstrike shot a glare at Recon, noticing his jab at Knock Out, before crossing her arms. "There's four of us. Don't be stupid. If we get caught by a Decepticon patrol we'll be in trouble, medic or not." She looked up at Recon, deciding to mention what her and Knock Out were discussing earlier. "What about the Autobots? Prime would welcome us."
Riptide looked over at big metal frames, "Those are for shooting, and then over there is the sparring ring. I dont know if your fast enough but then there is speed runs where you can time yourself against hologram targets and how many you can hit." She said, "My time is second best, Blurr's is the best"

Recon shrugged, "The Autobots would probably welcome us, yes. Like I said, we are moving together and I dont see a problem with moving out. Except the fact that some Con has a grudge against Jet and he seemed intent on offlining anyone around her. If he knew there were more, then he'd definitely bring more Cons"
"Yeah, well I'm pretty sure Starscream wants to butcher me personally." Shadowstrike shrugged, "But let's face it, all three of us ex 'Cons are wanting. We won't be safe no matter what. We should at least move. Megatron knows we're here."
Valor admired the training facility. "I am fine on my aiming, including on a moving target and my melee combat is no different. But are you any good at aiming?", he asked Riptide. Meanwhile Fortis approached the Nemisis with Blitzwing and knew that he wasn't bigger than it (It was bigger than him), though he was big enough to not fit through the entrance. He sat down next to it and awaited commands as Blitzwing entered. @RedTeam Grif
"And look who led his straight to us" Recon growled, crossing his own arms. "If he can track you two then he'll track us to the Autobots and that would bring them straight to the Bots then they will think we brought them on purpose" He said.

Riptide scoffed, "Oh please, I can aim like a dream!" She said, "But I am trying to beat my own record on the timing thing, I have beat it twice but by one second shorter, its awesome! And the sparring, amazing!"
"You honestly think the Autobots wouldn't have their base shielded from Decepticon eyes? If they didn't, the Decepticons would've attacked by now." Shadowstrike retorted
Valor shrugged and noted a few things, "Well one your faster than me so racing is out, two I'm bigger than you so sparing is probably not a good idea, so that only leaves shooting.", he said. He got his rifle out of his turret and switched it to semi-automatic. "So would you like to have a shooting contest?", he asked her. @RedTeam Grif
"If they let you go then why attack now? They probably are watching us right now, finding all this amusing and just waiting to offline us" Recon snapped, "You let them tag you and that was a stupid decision on your part!" He growled, in which Knock Out cleared his throat. "If you will, I think we drew less attention then you did with your free falling" He said.

"One, frag yea I'm faster! Second fastest in this facility, actually. Second, I can so put the hurt on you even if your bigger! Size doesnt always matter, metal stick! And thirdly, that seems a little bland. Just shooting? How's about a Con hunt?" She asked.
Shadowstrike growled low in her chasis at Recon, "Well excuse us for actually trying to be quiet about it!" She snapped, "All of us are tagged, not just me and Knock Out. So you can't act like we're going to be the only ones leading the Decepticons to us." She put her servos on her hips, glaring up at him
"You are the more obvious targets, you openly betrayed and even said it to Soundwave's face! That has got to be a serious downfall. Look, I dont like fighting where I cant use a weapon and I dont hit femmes. But you are making it mighty hard to try and talk some logic in that thick helm of yours!" He snapped. "Your the one fretting over details we have already touched down on and decided over, if you just trust in your team then we all can get the job done" Knock Out spoke up.

"Aww, c'mon mech! You sound like a Con with a tummy ache! It'll be fun, high speed chases and kicking the slag outta Cons!" Riptide punched his arm, not meaning any harm by it, then shook her servo. Ow. "You sound like you want to shoot things that cant shoot back"
"Alright, I'll bust through a few cons but if Fortis shows then we book it alright", Valor answered Riptide. He then walked towards the exit with Riptide. When they were outside he transformed into his black Italian Artillery APC.
Jetstream coughed, putting a servo on Recon's chassis. She raised her other servo, and opened up a small spark detector screen on her arm.

"I forgot about this, but earlier I got a tracker when promoting to Scout. All of our signals are on the screen, and everyone but me has a grey signal. Mine is purple, since I never erased myself from the Decepticons. This screen is similiar to the main one used, even though the other is more detailed. Is there any way to sheild our sparks from radars, or get rid of the signal?"

She didn't know if all scouts had this, but she did. She hadn't used it for Eons, and just now she remembered it. Jet felt stupid for not using it before, but the past was the past.

Thundercracker nodded, and watched a screen which had his energon level on it. "How long will it take?" He asked gruffly, his optics watching the level.
Shadowstrike glared at Recon one last time before shifting her gaze to Jetstream, slightly relaxing. "If the Autobots have a way to shield their base, there's surely a way for us to do it to ourselves." She said, gesturing with her servos as she talked.
Riptide started running, "Catch me if ya can!" She called, laughing as she zoomed ahead of him then transformed and revved her engine before quickly disappearing from sight. Blitzwing had told Fortis about a ground base that could use some firepower and to head there as soon as he could. He then transformed and started looking around for anything.

Recon took a step back and then looked down at Jet, nodding in agreement to Shadowstrike's statement. "I dont know how to do it, but I'm sure someone can. Who knows tech stuff?" He asked, looking around at the group. Knock Out shrugged, "I know only limited"

Jinx looked at the status and thought, "Perhaps just a small while, I think you can handle some waiting time... Err sir" She said, "Dont worry, wont take too long"
"Sweetspark? I dunno... Do I really look like a sweetspark to you?" She asked him, raising an optic ridge at him, then she laughed softly, "You're still just Bee to me anyway, so I wouldn't worry about nicknames too much."

@RedTeam Grif

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