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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Bee shrugged, standing up. I'm sure the others are waiting for us, I say we go ahead and see what's up. He suggested. Unless your still too hurt, I can keep you up to speed if you like until you recover.
"Are you kidding I hate being stationary!" She said, standing up with a little effort, her legs shook for a moment, then she seemed to gain her balance, standing up straight. But when she tried to take a step, her legs wobbled more. And soon enough she simply sat back down again with a sigh. "I guess I'm staying here." She said with a sigh, resting her servos on her knees.

@RedTeam Grif
Bee sighed, I'm sure you'll be fine after Ratchet clears you for duty. As soon as that happens we'll go kick some Con tail. Including the one who hurt you so bad. And maybe that Predacon too.
"Trust me Bumblebee. If anyone is going to kick that particular con's aft, it's going to be me." She said, clenching her fists and raising them in a sign of resolve. "I've been meaning to kick Starscream and his clones for a while anyway." Then she leaned back and sighed, looking at Bumblebee, then made a face and said, "I guess you better go... Have fun."

@RedTeam Grif
Bee nodded, waving and going back to the others and nodded to Ratchet. When do you think she will be cleared? He asked, Also, do you think you can track the Con that attacked the group along with the Predacon?
Ratchet looked at Bumblebee, then sighed, "A few days, at least. She's not going to be happy with it, but right now she doesn't really have a choice. She needs to rest, as she went out before I cleared her of her LAST set of injuries." He sighed, rubbing his faceplate with his servos, "Anyway, no I don't have anyway of saying who did it to her, who was there with you?"

@RedTeam Grif
I know who did it, just wondering if you had a tag. Thundercracker, with the help of Starscream and the Predacon, hurt her. And I do intend on avenging Loudmouth when she is cleared so she can go as well. Bee explained, nobody messed with his bondmate.

(What did happen with the Predacons? Werent we RPing them?)
Valor couldn't hit Riptide's speeds but he was at least fast enough to keep her in his sights, [This isn't gonna end well if she remains so careless], he thought to himself.
Riptide laughed, her rear view mirrors on Valor as she drove. It took a while but they reached the ground base of the Decepticons. "YEEEE HAWWW!" She transformed and jumped on a vehicon, stabbing her knife into his face and back flipped away from the bullets of another and threw the knife, running after it and when it buried into the face of the vehicon attacking she ripped it out and flipped it over to where the blade was pointing down. Blitzwing was now getting a distress signal from the nearby ground Con base and banked to the right and headed there. He expected rouges to be honest.
Fortis looked down at Blitzwing, if he could smile he would be smiling. Fortis transformed and began to follow Blitzwing. Valor had arrived in time to keep Riptide out of trouble. Not before running over and crushing a vehicon. He then transformed and picked up the vehicon beneath him, then flung it at another which hit. Valor then began firing away at other vehicons. When one charged at him he tripped it and stomped it's helm flat. Meanwhile Fortis and Blitzwing were approaching the base.
(Just waiting. letting time pass. We'll get back to them, I swear!)

"Bumblebee, I hope you aren't become as revenge hungry as she is." Ratchet said with a raised optic ridge, "She has always been eager to offline Starscream, but just because he tried to kill her doesn't mean she needs to run off and try to kill him every time she sees him." Ratchet sighed and walked over to the computer in the corner, "I just don't want anyone to get hurt because she is running off on a revenge quest."

@RedTeam Grif
Riptide was having a blast, she knew Valor was way bigger than she was and that was going to be a huge advantage. She actually used Valor's size for her own fighting, running and jumping and unsheathed her second knife in which she pushed off from Valor's shoulder and back flipped. As she landed she cut downward, cutting the vehicon's arms off then stabbed both blades into his chassis and turned around, letting a Con shoot at the body before dropping it and threw a knife again, doing the same as she did the last and pulled her knife from his face before turning around. Blitzwing saw Valor and Riptide, in which the Autobot scout called to Valor. "We got big bad Blitz on us!" She said, about the throw her knife at the Con though he shot ice at her and froze her servo. Landing in front of her he stepped back from the other free servo that sliced her knife at him and as she jumped to attack him, using his size, he grabbed the wrist with the knife and held her in the air. She growled at him, punching him with her frozen servo. His head snapped to the side before looking back at her and punched her back even harder that almost broke her jaw and knocked her out. He then commed Fortis, "Kill zeh uzer vun" He said, meaning Valor.

(Okay, just wondering)

Bee shook his helm. Its that... Well I think Starscream should pay for everything he did and not just to her but all of us. Taking him offline would be a huge victory of the Autobots. Also, I am not letting that stiletto-heeled creep hurt her again. He beeped. He was serious, not happy with the seeker in name.
Valor was about to take a shot at Blitzwing, until he was rammed by an Artillery truck. He got up to see what he never hoped to see again, "Primus above, Not you" he said in a stressed tone . Fortis was happy to see Valor, "Miss me scrap metal ", he said in a taunting tone. Valor got up and tried to play defensive as Fortis ran at Valor, Valor managed to dodge Fortis and sent a kick to Fortis's side as he passed but it did not seem to affect him. Fortis turned around and back handed Valor in the process. Valor quickly stable himself after that hard hit and began melee combat. Valor managed to dodge a few hits and he hit Fortis many times but he messed up on the last dodge and was damaged badly, he was then picked up by the helm by Fortis. Fortis began laughing , "3 eons I've waited for this, so your destruction will be amusing to me", Fortis said. Fortis began pounding away at Valor's Frame. The pain almost unbearable for Valor but he managed to kick Fortis in the helm letting Valor drop to regain some of his consciousness.
Blitzwing watched with up most interest, having dropped Riptide and planted a pede on her in case she got up. In the meantime he contacted Starscream, "Sir, ve have run into two Autobots raiding a base, I suspect if zey did then zey were after somesing, of course vun is subdued and it seems our new friend vants to kill zeh second. If zey were after somezing, vhat vuz it?" He asked. It took a few minutes before Blitzwing started talking again, "Yes sir" He then hung up. Starscream was on his way, and he was interested in what info Riptide had. It wasnt long until he was ground bridged there, walking through and stood beside Blitzwing to watch Fortis beat up on Valor. "Seems he is doing an excellent job terminating our foes" Starscream commented. Riptide drowsily opened her optics, groaning a bit at her hurt jaw. When her vision cleared she saw what the Cons were watching. She instantly tried struggling against Blitzwing, "Lemme go, scrap heap!" She snapped, in which Blitzwing looked down at her and pushed her helm to the ground with his pede. "Seems vatching partners suffer isnt an Autobot sing" He commented, keeping his other pede on her arm with the knife. Riptide was much too small to kick him off her instantly, so she couldnt really try that. She winced as she watched, scrap, would he survive this? "C'mon big guy!" She called out to Valor. "Fight back!"
Valor was on the ground heavily breathing and energon seemed to be seeping through his combat mask. Fortis was about to step on Valor but valor rolled out of the way. "Don't delay the inevitable", Fortis said to Valor. Fortis picked up Valor by the helm again and began pounding away at Valor until Valor's optics were flickering on and off. Fortis laughed triumphantly as he threw the dying bot into a deep river. "Yes he's gone, YES!", he shouted to the sky.
Riptide widened her optics, watching the scene until the end. She was hauled up by Blitzwing, her arms behind her back and the triple-changer took her knife and dropped it. He shoved her toward the base,in which she looked over at the river and sighed before looking forward again. Another Autobot lost to this war. She was placed on a table that stood upright, her arms bound. She rolled her optics, "Really Screamer?" She growled. "I hope you know I'm going to get out and along with your helm. The triple-changer and titan class mech's as well" She snarled, in which he seemed to ignore. "That is if you can walk afterwards. Tell me, I would like to know the location of the Autobot base" He demanded, in which Riptide narrowed her optics. "Why would I tell you?" She asked. "If you dont, you die along with any other Autobot I see"

"You'll kill them anyway!" Riptide snapped at him, in which Starscream chuckled. "So smart, you are. I'm glad you finally grasped that this is war and Autobots will die no matter what" He said. "Get fragged" Riptide growled at him, in which his digits twitched and he brought them up. "You will speak respectively to me!" He snapped, in which Riptide replied, "Maybe you didnt hear me. Get. Fragged." She said slowly, in which she got Starscream's clawed digits across her faceplate, making her yelp. "... Ow..... That stung. You sharpen those?" Riptide asked, energon leaking from the deep scratches. "Those werent even the sharpest things in this room, Autobot" He stepped back, revealing a table that had sharp objects lining it. "That doesnt look good..." Riptide muttered.
Ratchet sighed and said, "I know Bumblebee, but I just want you to be careful..." He turned back to his work on the computer. Bulkhead wandered out into the room, and looked at the two, then walked over to the pair with a confused expression and said, "Er.... Am I interrupting something?"

@RedTeam Grif
Fortis still thought about his victory and couldn't stop thinking about it. In the calm river Valor still sank, a memory in his mind gave him peace. It was when his sire held him for the first time, the only thing he could remember was "you will do many great things in your lifetime and even when I die, in oblivion you will make me proud.". His optics began to finally close, until a memory that made him fight in the first place scared his mind, it was the destruction of his parents. The screams made him shake under water until his eyes began flickering red, until he had a vision of his sire and carrier were disappointed . That his when his eyes went red and he rocketed to the surface, the once calm waters now turned to violent rapids. His servo punched through the surface and grabbed land. He got out of the water and started walking towards the base. Fortis was not there, he went out to a field so no one we see him so happy. Valor approached the front entrance when the vehicons guarding the front signaled him to halt, but Valor continued. The guards then pointed their guns to him, but he still continued. Finally they opened fire but the shots from the light arms did nothing except tick him off. He charged at one of the guards and put his servo straight through the chassis, he then threw the one guard at the other. Valor smashed the control panel and proceeded inside as the door opened. When inside he found another vehicon but with it's back turned. He grabbed it by the helm and leg and ripped it in half. He continued until he found three more. Valor ripped one of the vehicon's head off as the others opened fire. He grabbed another one by both arms and tore it in half and threw the upper half at the last one. He then continued to the room the Riptide was in and he knocked on the door.
Bee nodded, Dont worry, I wont let it consume me. He assured, looking over as Bulkhead came in and nodded to the Wrecker. Aye Bulk, how's it goin' bud? He asked.

Starscream stopped, sighing and rolled his optics before walking over to the door. "Yes, yes. What is it? I'm bus-!" He opened the door to see Valor. "Slag" He jumped back and pointed his own guns. "Halt! Do not come any further!" He warned, in which Riptide laughed. "Aye, big guy! Knew you were alright... More or less"
Valor'a head began twitching and shaking violently as his red yes grew brighter. He walked closer to Starscream and every step he made he grew in anger.
Starscream stepped back, "S-stop!" He demanded, shooting at him but it did nothing to the bulky mech. He tried calling for Blitzwing though he then remembered Blitzwing flew back to the Nemesis to update Megatron. "Crush his stupid faceplate!" Riptide said, smiling.
Valor raised his right servo high then thrashed Starscream across the room sending him into a wall. Starscream now had a huge gash in his left chassis. Valor then walked up to Riptide and broke her bonds from the table. He then proceeded to the door and as he walked out he was fired at again so he ripped one of the vehicons in half and threw it in front of the doorway Riptide was about to exit.
Riptide sat up, looking over at the unconscious Starscream and walked over and grabbed his ankle and started dragging him. She looked up at the table, smirked, and got a knife and grabbed it. "Should'a listened to me" She said, stabbing the knife into the base of his shoulder and neck before jumping and slammed both pedes into his faceplate and kicked the knife in to where it wasnt visible and walked after Valor, jumping over the torn up vehicon. "You go big guy!"
By the time Riptide exited the room there was a pile of offline Vehicons and Valor had just offlined another by ripping out one of it's engine and smashing it's helm with it. When Valor saw Riptide he pointed to the exit and began to run there, though he wasn't racing her.
"Wow, you work fast!" She commented, running after him. "Thanks by the way, your a pretty good fighter!" She commented, pulling ahead of him a bit ahead thinking. "Good thing, wait, are you okay by the looks of it you got beat"

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