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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

"Got it." Shadowstrike hung up the comm link, before uncloaking and stepping out to stand before Arcee. At the sight of Shadowstrike, Arcee immediately held up her two pistols, "Don't move, or I shoot." She warned, narrowing her optics.

Shadowstrike held up her servos to show she wasn't going to attack, "I don't want to fight. I'm actually looking for the Autobots." She was tense, hoping Arcee didn't attack. She didn't know how capable of fighting she was at the moment.

Arcee didn't lower her pistols, "How am I supposed to know you aren't working with the 'Cons?" She asked, her voice suspicious.

Shadowstrike moved her arm to show Arcee where her insignia had been. "I'm a rouge. There's three more of us, and we're looking to join your cause." Shadowstrike informed her.

Arcee narrowed her optics before lowering one gun and keeping the other trained on Shadowstrike. Pressing a digit to her comm piece, she spoke into the comms, "Optimus? I have a rouge here claiming she wants to join us. She said there is three others too. What do you propose I do?"
(Do note this first paragraph is an interaction with everyone, though you don't need to attend.)

"Heat shield- Failure, Drop shield- Failure, Enganging for impact.", said a voice while falling towards a planet which had cybertronian life on it, but was unexpected. When it landed it shook the ground for miles, " Crash- survived, Bridge online", said the automatic voice. "Thank you captain obvious", Bridge said. Knowing that his comms were down because of static he saw if he could use his cloaking device. That is when his emergency beacon went off without him knowing, though he then remembered cloaking only worked in ship form. He checked his radar when he saw he was the largest thing on it, "WHAT!?", he said to himself. The automatic voice came on, "Emergency beacon- activated", Bridge was only annoyed. He managed to shut it off but knew everything on the planet with radar could probably find him.

Valor looked at the two, then at Joykill, "Well when I'm charged me and Joykill can spare and you can watch.", he said to Riptide. He was still taller than everyone in the base but Joykill was up to his upper Chassis. He continued down the hallway with ease that is until his radar in his helm pinged heavily, almost making him vibrate. "Bridge?", he said to himself with a blank expression under his combat mask.

@RedTeam Grif

Fortis awoke in fury, screaming and stopping causing the ground around him and the Vehicons cleaning up to shake. "SON OF A GLITCH!", He yelled towards the sky.
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Optimus answered back, "It is a risk, Arcee, but if they are in fact telling the truth then it is out duty to accept them into our ranks. Ratchet will open a ground bridge" He said over the comms as a ground bridge appeared. "Shadowstrike, report" Recon said over the comms to Shadowstrike.

Riptide jumped at the loud thud and she instantly transformed and revved her engine and headed towards the signal. It didnt take long for her to get there either, screeching to a halt in front of Bridge and transformed, her jaw dropping. "HOLY SCRAP! YOUR FRAGGING HUGE!" She said, bouncing in excitement. "Your not titan class, your a fragging GIANT! FROM CYBERTRON! They GOTTA see you back home!" She said.
"Yes sir." Arcee shut down the comm link before looking at Shadowstrike, "Call your friends up here. You're going back to base with me." She didn't sound too happy over it, but it was Optimus' orders. And they could always use more Autobots. She just hoped she could trust them.

Shadowstrike nodded and answered Recon on the comms, "Recon, I'm fine. Head to my coordinates with the others. We're going to the Autobot's base." She closed the link and sent her coordinates to them.
Recon sighed in relief, "Alright, we're on our way" He reported, looking over at Jet and Knock Out with a nod. "Lets head out" He said, transforming and heading toward the coordinates. He was glad they accepted, its safer there for a rouge then on their own. He stopped and transformed beside Shadowstrike, Knock Out doing the same. "Arcee, good memories" The medic said.
Jetstream bubbled up with excitement. This was most action she'd had for her whole life, in only a somewhat short period of time. Not even an Eon. Jet immediatly transformed, ready to roll out. She was ready to have either a traumatic or amazing expierience. Jet followed the two mechs, anticipation booming in her processor as she transformed next to Recon.

(STEEEEEEEVVVVEEEE)Thundercracker nodded towards the vehicon, sitting back down on the table. He examined the room, after all, he would be staying here for a while.
Arcee crossed her arms at the sight of the others. "I have to admit, I'm surprised you betrayed Knock Out. Didn't want the Decepticons to ruin your finish did you?" She sarcastically commented, before looking at Shadowstrike and the others. "Let's not waste any time. We can save the talking for later." She told them before stepping back, clearly wanting them to enter the Ground Bridge first so they couldn't shoot her in the back.

Shadowstrike gave Arcee a nod before looking at the others and stepping in the Ground Bridge.

(Steve is amazing)
Recon nodded to Arcee, stepping in after her. Knock Out rolling his optics at Arcee before following them. He looked up, seeing Optimus and widened his eyes. "Wow, seen you on Cybertron but on this planet it seems different" He said. Bee crossed his arms at the sight of Knock Out, Think he's joining? Bee asked, in which Optimus didnt answer as he watched them all come in the ground bridge.
Arcee stepped out of the Ground Bridge and before the others, her arms crossed as she looked up at Optimus. "This is them."

Shadowstrike looked up at Optimus bowing her head respectfully, "It's an honor sir." She said humbly. She was tense, sensing the tension at the sight of Knock Out. He had been a well known Con, of course they would be suspicious of him.
Optimus nodded to her, "Welcome, to the base. So, I was told that you all wish to join the Autobots and I see that three Decepticons stand in front of me. And one well known" He said, his optics not lingering but it was obvious who he meant. "I wish to depart from the Decepticons and join your cause because I feel it is more just then Megatron's" Knock Out said.
Bridge started looking around. Then he looked down, "What did you say?", he said kneeling down to hear better.

Valor face palmed, "I was hoping he'd come but not get caught.", he said loud enough for Joykill and Cyrax to hear him.
Riptide shouted louder. "You gotta come with me! They'll fragging LOVE you! You are fragging HUGE and its fragging AWESOME! I mean PRIMUS!!!!!!! I HAVE NEVER SEEN A GIANT BEFORE!!!!!!!! ITS. SO. FRAGGING. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She was fangirling the hardest right now. She ran forward and jumping on his pede, physically climbing the mech and climbed all the way to his shoulder and jumped up and down in excitement. "YOUR EPIC!"

Cyrax chuckled, "I assume your meaning your friend, err, Bridge?" He asked. "Damn, good he's on our side. I felt that crash from here" Killjoy said. "Lets hope Riptide doesnt scare him away"
Arcee looked at Knock Out, "Really? I find that hard to believe after all the times you tried to kill us." She told Knock Out. She looked to Shadowstrike, "What about you? Why did you betray?"

Shadowstrike tensed up slightly beside Knock Out, "I found myself in a position where I didn't want to stay with the Decepticons, and if I stayed I would've been taken offline." She said tightly, looking between Arcee and Optimus. "Knock Out helped me, and he ended up coming with me."
Bride looked at Riptide on his shoulder, "Calm down, now where is the base?", he asked. Riptide was standing near a flagpole that had a flag with Green, white, and red with the autobot ensign in the middle.

Valor looked at Cyrax, "I didn't want him to be found, because of how much energon he takes up they were going to disable him, although he can generate his own now.", he said to the two.
"See, I'm not all bad" Knock Out said, not sure if he wanted to say he and Shadowstrike were bondmates just yet. "I see no insignia on you, where is it you come from?" Optimus asked. "Oh, I'm just a rouge really" He shrugged, then looked over at Jet and put an arm around her. "Convinced this gal to leave the Cons" He said.

Riptide pointed, "That'a way, bigger guy then Valor. Uh, Bridge" She said, glad he was an Autobot. "I thought all bigger ones like titan class and above were demolished" She added.

"Then we shouldnt have a problem in needing a lot of energon to sustain us all" Cyrax said. "Someone as big as him, I think he'll be just fine" He added. Killjoy nodded, "Where's he gunna stay?"
Shadowstrike rolled her optics at Recon before looking back at Optimus and Arcee. "I guess I never did tell you my name. I'm Shadowstrike, that's Jetstream, you all know Knock Out, and..." She trailed off, looking back at Recon, "I still haven't learned his real name."

Arcee raised one optic ridge as Shadowstrike named all of them off, not saying anything. She didn't know if she trusted them to join the Autobots
Bridge began walking, he was as fast as Riptide because of his height and how far he could step. "How do you know Valor and how do you know my name?", he asked.

"Well it has been recorded from his form that in the earth year 1934 AD, he had landed in one of seven seas on earth and had copied a earth designed Battleship called Vittorio Veneto. However he was a larger scale model. So he has to hide In water until Optimus says otherwise.", Valor had stated.
"Oh yea, my name is Recon" The mech said. "I'm almost surprised ya'll fell for that other stupid name." He added, laughing lightly. "Dont feel like you accomplished something, I figured your name was as bad as you looked" Knock Out scoffed. Recon growled low in his chassis, "What?" He asked. "There will be no fighting among each other in this base" Optimus said to the two, making them shut up.

"I know the other guy's name because he's at the base right now and I know your name because both Valor nor Rex can talk quietly. The doors arent that thick, I can eavesdrop anywhere really"

"I cant argue with that at all" Killjoy said, "If he is as big as he comes on to be then he wont be going anywhere near the base. He might draw unwanted Con attention to us and that is something we dont need"
"Thank you." Shadowstrike muttered, glad Optimus didn't want any fighting either. It would make things a lot easier on her. Looking up at Optimus, she crossed her arms, "Not to sound pushy or anything, but does that mean we can stay?" She asked, hoping he would say yes.
Bridge continued walking although he did not realize he had just walked by the main base, and every step he made, made the ground shake. "I can't be out In the open for long, I don't want to draw too much attention", he said to Riptide.

@RedTeam Grif @Seraph Fighter
Optimus nodded, "Consider yourselves Autobots. I hope you will not make me regret that decision" He said, then looked around at the ground shaking. "I'm guessing earthquake. Heard of them" Recon said.

"Then you had better move faster, huge guy, because your there" Riptide said, looking around for anything possibly following or saw them. "But seriously, I'm pretty sure Rex is going to have a stroke when he sees you"
Arcee shook her helm, "From what I know, earthquakes don't last this long. This is something else." She said, on edge as she looked around them.

Shadowstrike furrowed her optic ridges, "What else could it be?" She asked, not sure if she wanted to know the answer. The shaking was being caused by something big.
"I'll check it out" Recon said, walking out of the base and looked around. He about called there was nothing there when a big pede stepped not too far away from him. Out of instinct he took the sword from his back, "Holy frag?!" He yelped, jumping back.
Shadowstrike heard Recon's yell and shot Knock Out an alarmed look before hurrying out of the base, only to freeze when she saw Bridge. "By the Allspark..." She breathed.
Knock Out followed, as did Optimus. "I thought anything bigger than titans were extinct..." Optimus said, watching the huge mech walk away. "Well, is he Decepticon or Autobot?" Knock Out asked. "Bot, I see his flag" Recon pointed. "Good, anything that big would be hard to take down" Optimus said.

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