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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

"He may be the last of his kind." Arcee spoke as she stepped outside with the others.

"Good thing there's no humans on this planet. It would be impossible to keep him hidden." Shadowstrike commented, before holding her servos up in alarm as Bridge aimed at them with his turrets. "Autobots!" She called, hoping he could hear her.

Arcee tensed up, clenching her servos as she got in a battle stance, just in case he shot. At the sight of Riptide, her optics widened. "Who's that on his shoulder?" She asked.

Shadowstrike shrugged, "I don't know, but today sure has been interesting." She commented, trying to get a better view of Riptide on his shoulder. "Now I really feel short." She muttered
Bridge took his turrets off them before seeing Prime. At that point he was really anxious at what would happen. He began walking backwards before finally turning around. His spotlights still auto-following them to make sure they wouldn't try to disable him. "So much for not getting caught" he said to Riptide.
Jetstream was incredibly tense. She didn't know about the others, but this was literally the last prime she was standing infront of. With Recon's move, she gave a slight wave. In training, stories about the Prime and Megatron sent pure fear down their processors. But luckily, they were on his good side. Jet stumbled a bit from the rumbling, and once she heard Recon's yell, she was down to where he was in a nanosecond. The next thing she knew, her gaze was continuing straight up. A gasp left her voicebox.

"Mighty Allspark..."

Jet was suddenly of so ever grateful this was the time they allied with the Autobots... Or, became Autobots.
"Good day to be an Autobot" Knock Out said as he watched the giant mech. Recon nodded in agreement, "Dont suppose he can just crush Ol' Megs?" He asked, looking at Prime. Optimus shook his helm, "Megatron is not that easy to offline. If it were then it would have happened back on Cybertron." He said. Recon looked over at Jet, "Looks like we made the right decision"

Riptide nodded, "Run, gogogogogogogogogoooooooo!" She said, pointing. "RUNRUNRUN!" She wanted to know how fast this guy could go and how much distance he could cover. "pleeeeeeeaaaaase"
Shadowstrike nodded in agreement to Knock Out, "With a bit of luck, maybe that guy will find the Nemesis and take out some of the 'Cons for us." She said, watching Bridge.
Jet nodded back to Recon.

"Our timing was hilarious."

She giggled a bit. A few moments ago, they could have been targeted by the giant. But they made the right choice at the amazingly right time.
Recon nodded with a smile, "Very hilarious" He said with a laugh. Optimus watched the giant walk away then turned to them. "I suppose you wish to know where you four will be staying?" He asked.
Shadowstrike looked back at Optimus and nodded, "Yes sir." She said, feeling more relaxed than she had in a while. She actually felt safe for once. She didn't have to worry about getting a beating from Starscream, she could speak more freely, and she didn't have to hide her limp.
Optimus nodded and walked back inside, nodding to everyone inside that it was alright. "Its a giant, most likely the last" He said to them, then looked to the newest members. "Follow me" He said, turning and walking into the barracks and turned to look at them. "This is where you will be staying"
Bridge shook his head, "Due to my size I can't really run.", he said to Riptide. Minutes later he was out of sight and nearing the Base Valor was in.
"Awwww" Riptide whined, "Can we move a little faster at least? I feel like a slow bot" She said, watching the ground. "Can you at least walk fast? What would happen if you ran? What about jog?"
Jetstream followed Optimus, looking around. When they reached the barracks, she smiled up at Optimus.

"Thank you sir, for letting us stay."

He was definitely no Megatron. Jet stayed close to Recon instinctively, this was still a new territory.
Shadowstrike nodded in agreement to Jetstream, "We won't make you regret this decision." She promised, her voice full of sincerity. She stuck close to Knock Out, just incase any of the Autobot's tried to hurt him. It would more than likely be a while before they trusted him.
Riptide sighed, sitting down. "Fiiiine" She groaned, now watching around them at everything that moved fast but not fast enough. "Its going to take an eternity JUST to get there" She muttered, but no doubt in her mind this was cool! Riding on a giant! Best day ever!

Optimus nodded to them. "Anybody who wishes to join the Autobot cause will not be turned away. You four look like a capable lot, I believe I wont regret my decision" He said. "If you wish to power down or take up some duties we have then feel free" He added. Recon nodded, when he thought about it none of them had powered down in a while. Knock Out looked at Shadowstrike, "What would you like to do?"

(It just occurred to me I forgot Jinx)

Jinx looked up as she saw Starscream having to be helped into the med bay. Good thing they had more than one examination table in the bay. She walked after them as the Commander was set on the table. She didnt comment on his appearance, even though it looked painful. He looked all smashed up, she couldnt believe an Autobot did this. His spark was close to being crushed but very much alive. She put a servo on his shoulder, lightly pushing him down and he lay down. She would have to clean him up first, close the wounds, add or replace circuitry if needed, and definitely get him some energon to replace what he lost. She really didnt want to put him into stasis since he might go offline from his injuries when she did. He seemed barely conscious though, she started cleaning up the wounds. As she did, Megatron made his appearance. He looked from Thundercracker to Starscream then Jinx, "Two of my commanders have been fatally wounded, I see" He growled, not sounding too happy about that. Jinx jumped, turning around and stood straight. "Unfortunately sir, but both were caught by surprise and will be ready to work soon as possible" She said. "I havent seen our Predacon around, do you have any idea where she went?" Megatron asked, almost knowing something bad happened. "The Predacon attacked the Commanders and apparently she ran off" She still didnt know about the second Predacon that had taken Matriarch. Megatron's growl sounded low from his chassis, his servo clenching up in a fist. "We lost the Predacon, our medic, a scout and infiltrator. Is there anyone who could possibly show to be useful?!" He snapped, making Jinx flinch. "My liege, I have seen your commander's in action and I highly doubt all this happened out of their weakness. Fighting against a Predacon is something that is difficult, and a surprise raid could-" She was cut off by Megatron's angry yell. "A surprise raid is an easy thing to handle! It was two Autobots and a whole base of Decepticons!" Jinx about jumped back, "I-"

"I do not wish to hear your excuses, Jinx." He snarled. Before anything else could be said, Soundwave walked in and Megatron turned to him, "What is it, Soundwave?" He asked the mech in which his visor replayed what happened down at the ground base, showing everything from the appearance of the Autobots and the disappearance of them. "Do you have any idea who they are?" Megatron asked, in which Soundwave nodded. "Good. At least I can count on someone, come with me Soundwave. Jinx, make sure they recover with no problems" He said, almost sounding like a warning before following Soundwave. Jinx sighed, turning back to Starscream, surprised he didnt hear anything. She continued to clean him up.
Jetstream felt her processor grow a bit weary at the mention of powering down. She couldn't remember the last time she'd taken a full power down, short naps, yes, but not full rest. Jet looked over at Recon.

"I think I'll go power down. What about you?"

Thundercracker's wings twitched in nervousness, remaining quiet throughout Megatron's lecture. His wings twitched a bit, but he was used to these talks. The constant threat of death seemed to fade out over the Eons, and soon the Decepticon cause had become a blur to him, but Starscream and Skywarp always made sure he didn't have any ideas. He rubbed his helm slightly, and let his thoughts run like outnumbered Autobots.
(Poor Jinx. I would cry if Megatron yelled at me xD )

Shadowstrike thought, rubbing the back of her helm. "I probably should power down. I can't remember the last time I've rested." She admitted. It had been all missions with the Decepticons, with no time to rest. And then she had gotten all her injuries, and then they had betrayed. She did feel drained.
Recon nodded with a big yawn. "Yep, I'm beat. Perhaps tomorrow we can all do something" He said. Optimus nodded, "Rest your processors, it is the best for tired frames" He said, walking away. Knock Out looked at the berths around them and stretched, "Its been a while since we got a proper place to power down" He said to Shadowstrike, walking over to a berth and sat down. He looked over at Shadowstrike, patting the space beside him. Recon plopped down on the berth they were standing beside, grabbing Jet by the waist and pulled her down with him. "Its warmer with two" He purred.

(I would throw up out of fear. Though she isnt the one who got threatened with death lol)

Jinx looked over at Thundercracker once Megatron was out of hearing range. "Is anything aching?" She asked, not saying anything about what just happened. She had to clean off Starscream a lot actually, he was almost fully painted blue from the energon that was spilled.
(Lol, I would still cry. I'd probably cry at the sight of Megatron)

Shadowstrike smiled, walking over to Knock Out and sitting down by him, before laying down on her side and pulling him down with her. She snuggled up against him, her helm resting on his chasis and her engine purring softly. "This is way better than the berths on the Nemesis." She laughed
(I wouldn't even be anywhere near Megatron anyways, but if he did find me, I'd probably get all emotional too. Afterwards, though. Revenge plan xD )

Jetstream nodded, closing her optics as she rested her helm on his chassis, a smile on her faceplate.

"It's better with two."

She replied, her engine purring slightly, but getting quieter by the second as she relaxed, until the soft rumbling came to a stop.

Thundercacker shook his helm. "Just my processor. You were really tough to talk back to Megatron like that. I only know a few Cybertronians, online and offline, who could do that." His voice was hushed, as if still thinking Megatron or Soundwave never left. Megatron's insults did little to the seeker, only the pure fear that the Decepticon leader spread affected him.
Knock Out curled around her, his arms wrapped around her. "By a solar mile" He agreed, closing his optics and kissed the top of her helm before going still and trying to power down.

"G'night darlin'" Recon said, an arm slung over her and helm nuzzling hers. He listened to her engine purring before going quiet and sighed contently. He was an Autobot, he wasnt going to let any of them down either.

(I probably wouldnt live long enough to see him, I mean I'v already established that I am the first person in the horror movie that would trip and die first)

"I think you need to power down for a while" She said, shrugging at his comment. :I think he knows I'm the only medic on here, though I wouldnt put it past him to still offline anyone for talking back" Jinx said.
(I'd be the person in the horror movie who'd be stupid enough to investigate and get killed lol)

Shadowstrike smiled, sighing contentedly as she closed her optics, her engines purring ceasing as she was quickly able to power down.
Jetstream let her processor be free of any worries, entering the black yet colorful state of mind, powering down. Her figure went still, completely loose of any tension.

(At an ocean beach, me and my mom were literally two meters away from a shark fin, and when we saw it, we ran and my mom was screaming a bunch of words, and I was just using all my energy to run, and when we were half way out, I TRIPPED, and that fin was huge. But I made it out unharmed xD There was only 1 other guy that got out, and my legs were so dang wobbly. The shark probably wasn't chasing us, though. So yeah, I'm also the person that trips xD )

Thundercracker simply lay down on the bed, his wings shifting a bit as he closed his optics. Slowly, his usual energy built up. "Well, I know yo-" His other words were lost into quiet mumbling, as he powered down quickly.

(Also, going on another camping trip for a night, so I won't be on for today and most of tomorrow.)
After half an hour or so, Bridge had finally made it to the base. His footsteps kinda gave him away. Valor could feel the ground shake, "That must be Bridge.", he said.

(Why does my post feel relatively smaller than everybody else's post xD ). @RedTeam Grif
As everyone fell into stasis, a little red glow began to start making its way away from Recon. It had hitched a ride on the bulky mech, making it harder to be spotted. From the red glowing from inside the frame, there were two optics. It crawled up the wall and curled up in the corner, watching them all.

Jinx turned back to her own work, quickly finishing up the cleaning and started welding the wounds back together. Who was it that stormed the ground base and hurt the commander this bad? Optimus?

Killjoy walked toward the door, stopping and whistling at how big Bridge was. "Wow" She couldnt believe how big he actually was. "Hi Killjoy!" Riptide stood up and waved at the Wrecker, who waved back. The Autobot scout started making her way down, jumping and making sure she didnt fall. When she was close enough she jumped, though had to be caught by Killjoy so she didnt crash and burn. Cyrax followed, "I say, rather impressive size"

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