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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Bridge kneeled down to hear them better although he did hear Cyrax's compliment. "Thank you for the compliment, but it still doesn't hide the fact that cybertronians my size were forced to extinction.", Bride said. Valor made his way outside, though still somewhat weak.
"Unfortunately" Cyrax nodded, looking back to Valor. "Your quite weak, Valor. I would take it easy, you got shot from all directions, you might open another wound or two" He warned. "Oh hush, he's fine! Leave him be, a Wrecker can handle walking like that then he can" Killjoy said. "Yea Rex, after all the big guy is friends with the bigger guy" Riptide said. "How do you know of this?" Cyrax asked Riptide, "You were eavesdropping again, werent you?" He asked, in which the scout kind of nodded. "Maybe just a little" Cyrax sighed, shaking his helm.
Eventually, Shadowstrike powered back on, stretching out her knee which had grown stiff. She sat up, being careful as she tried not to disturb Knock Out. She blinked her optics, momentarily confused in where she was before she remembered
The being in the room brought its attention to Shadowstrike, a little white flash coming from it as it brightened up what it was seeing and snapped a picture of Shadowstrike. It then continued to watch her, unblinking and unmoving.
Shadowstrike narrowed her optics at the flash, standing up and approaching the thing watching her. "What the...?" She trailed off, wondering if it was one of Shockwaves pets or one of Soundwaves drones
It mimicked her movements that she made moving toward it, taking another picture and seemed to make a small sound. It might have been too dark to see properly but its outline was shown. It stretched its helm toward her, reaching out a small servo.
Shadowstrike hesitantly reached out a servo, her optics ridges furrowed. What was this thing? She was on guard, ready to attack if needed
It jumped onto her servo, its back legs hanging off her servo as it squeaked and tried struggling onto her servo. It was bigger than her servo, slipping it made a loud squawk. Knock Out shifted as the small being did so, muttering something inaudible.
Shadowstrike used her other servo to catch it, holding it in both her servos now. "Hey there little guy." She whispered, examining it. "Where are you from?" She was looking for an insignia
It's tail wrapped around her wrist and it looked back up at her and snapped another picture before climbing up her arm and perched itself on her shoulder and curled up against her neck before watching the whole room again.
Shadowstrike looked at the creature, "Can you speak? Do you have a name?" She asked. She still didn't trust it, but right now it posed no immediate threat
It looked at her and a small ringing started to sound and it quickened to an unrelenting frequency that was so high it could cause damage to audials if prolonged. Even though it made the noise, nobody else heard it but Shadowstrike, its optic glowing red.
Shadowstrike hissed in a breath and covered her audials, pushing the thing off her shoulder in the process. "The frag is that?" She growled painfully to herself
"Valor, it's been a while, are you alright?", Bridge asked as he saw Valor. "I'm fine, I had a run in with Fortis but I solved that problem, though it took a bit more energy then I imagined.", Valor said in reply.
It walked over the floor, climbing up on Recon's shoulder and took a picture of him and Jet, scanning them over before jumping off and bouncing over to Knock Out and jumped up on him as well and took a picture before scanning him as well and hissed like it was pissed off. It stood on its back legs and raised its claws.

"With you around, we can really give the Cons an aft whoopin' they wont forget!" Riptide said, smashing her fist into the palm of her servo. "What have I told you, dont curse" Killjoy said. "Frag, scrap, aft, slag!" Riptide retorted, crossing her arms in which Killjoy got her in a helm lock. "Take it back, ya little scrap" She said, in which Riptide tried getting out though she wasnt stronger than a Wrecker. Cyrax sighed, "You must have a lot of patience to deal with Riptide the whole way back" He said to Bridge.
Soon enough, Loudmouth came walking out of the medbay, and into the main base, rolling her head around and stretching with her arms in the air. Once in the light, she immediately noticed Optimus and said, "Oh hey Prime, when did you get back from... wherever you went... Daaah, I can't remember... Ah, I have a helm ache." She rubbed her helm with a servo.

@RedTeam Grif
Shadowstrike looked up to see the creature about to strike Knock Out, and she lurched forward and grabbed the creature picking it up with both servos, "Okay, that's it. Maybe I should take you to Optimus." She growled
Optimus looked over to Loudmouth, "You fought both Starscream and Thundercracker as well as a Predacon, its good that you only have a helm ache instead of something worse" He said with a nod. "I was told you did very good job in keeping it at bay from hurting anyone until the Decepticons showed up. Makes me wonder if it saw you as something more than food, maybe a friend"

The creature squirmed around, then lightly bumped its helm against her servo with a purr sound. From its chassis, two smaller arms appeared and they started to reach for Shadowstrike as well as its bigger main arms.
"No." Shadowstrike growled, holding it out further away from her and digging her sharp digits into its frame. "I'm taking you to Optimus." She started walking out of the barracks, holding it tightly
The thing started making that noise again, louder and higher and only she could hear it. It almost talked, let me go! Let me go! It squirmed around, whipping its tail and clawing with its claws.
Shadowstrike threw the creature down, covering her audials with her servos. "Stupid little glitch." She growled in pain, before removing one servo from her audial, and despite the pain from the screeching, pulled out her sword and tried to stab it
It hissed at her and dodged the sword, running away and climbed up and burrowed itself under Recon, its glowing optic being seen and it hissed at Shadowstrike again. Recon was on his back, snoring. He was a real heavy sleeper.
Bridge looked to Cyrax, "I am a being of many eons, I have to be patient.", Bridge said before putting one of his three Digits in between the two femmes. "As patient as I might be that does not excuse the childish behavior.", he said to the two.
Riptide was pulled from Killjoy, and she looked up to Bridge and crossed her arms, pouting. "Thanks, Captain Buzzkill" She muttered. "Just a little fun, no harm done" Killjoy said. "No, its just quite annoying dealing with two sparklings all the time" Cyrax said, nodding to Bridge in thanks.
"Well..." She rubbed her head awkwardly, "It was acting... oddly friendly.... Actually it was acting like an animal the humans call a 'cat'. It was very confusing to say the least, Optimus. I was just as shocked as you can imagine when it didn't attack me..." She rolled her shoulders, looking at Optimus curiously, "I mean.... Stranger thing is, it... defended me. When Starscream and Thundercracker showed up, it defied them and defended me..." She sighed and rubbed her faceplate.

@RedTeam Grif

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