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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Shadowstrike looked away, shaking her helm with one hand over her spark. "Are you sure we should show this to Optimus? I don't know how he would react to this..." She whispered, her voice shaky.
"I dont think we should anymore, that was his sparkmate! Just... Beheaded like that?" Recon looked at the little thing again, "I wonder how its been everywhere, it must be really fast" He said. Knock Out hurriedly skimmed through the pictures again before coming on more peaceful pictures of Cybertronians on Earth. They were Autobots, some had sparklings and others with sparkmates or just alone. Of course those didnt last, it seemed fixated on war.
Shadowstrike put a servo on Knock Out's shoulder, letting out a breath. "Why is it so fascinated with the war?" She wondered aloud.
"I dont know, it could be how it was programmed. I bet it was made, not born" Knock Out said, looking through more nasty and bloody pictures when it came across a femme who looked like Shadowstrike. First picture, her fighting some Autobot. Second picture, her on her knees and looking down at wires and energon now spilling out from a slash in her abdomen. The third, her lifted up in the air on a big orange glowing sword. The fourth, her laying on the ground and her spark no longer glowing. "I feel bad for that femme" Recon commented.
Shadowstrike hissed in a breath, a choked sound coming out of her throat. She turned away, tears forming in her optics. "No..." She whispered her voice breaking, "My carrier..." She choked out, trying to keep herself from breaking down. She had known how her carrier was killed, and by an Autobot, but to see it in pictures it was so much worse
Knock Out looked over at her, handing the device to Recon he hugged her tightly. He couldnt say 'its okay' because seeing that wasnt okay, it was pretty terrible to see your own carrier basically die before your optics. Recon widened his optics at what came next, the killer turned around and the thing snapped a picture. He tapped Knock Out on the shoulder, "Recon not... You killed her?!" Knock Out asked in a surprised manner.
Shadowstrike was slightly shaking in Knock Out's arms, holding onto him tightly. She wasn't crying, but she was close too. She didn't want Recon or Knock Out to see her cry. She wanted to be stronger than that.

However, when she heard Knock Out say Recon killed her, she went stiff in his arms. She slowly pulled away from him, and glared up at Recon. "You killed her...?" She asked hoarsely, a flurry of mixed emotions flowing through her. "Why? Why did you do it?!" She asked him, her servos clenched by her side
"I... She tried to kill me, it was either me or her" He said, taking a step back. A really pissed of anything is scary. Knock Out didnt know if he should try holding her back or let her vent off and try to hurt Recon. Pent up aggravation is bad for the processor.
Shadowstrike shook her head, wanting to hit him for killing her carrier, but deep down she knew it wasn't his fault. They had been on opposite sides of the war, of course they would've been fighting. She clenched and unclenched her servos, before turning and walking off, her gait stiff as she hurried out of the Autobot base, moving to a large rock formation near. She sat down, pressing her back against the wall and hugging her knees, finally allowing herself to cry
Knock Out quickly got his armor back on his torso and moved past Recon and followed Shadowstrike. He looked around for her, "Shadowstrike?" He called, walking forward. Recon sighed, what made it worse is in the picture he was smirking. He sighed, sitting back down where Jet was still in stasis.
Shadowstrike looked up when Knock Out called for her. "Over here." She answered him, but her voice was weak as she wiped her tears
Knock Out soon located her, finding her and sat down with her. He really didnt know what to say to someone who say their carrier die like that. "Come here" He said, putting his arm around her and pulled her to him to comfort her.
Shadowstrike leaned into him, turning so her faceplate was against his chasis. She was still shaking slightly, but whether it was from anger or sadness she didn't know herself. She closed her optics, feeling a few more tears fall. "I don't know what I should think." She whispered after a moment
"It is hard to see the death of a loved one, more so your carrier" Knock Out said, it was kind of obvious but he didnt know what else to say. "But your online and safe with the Autobots, not with the Decepticons where they could hurt you further"
Shadowstrike nodded, "I know. And I'm grateful for that." She said quietly, sitting up and wiping the tears from her faceplate. "I don't resent Recon for it. My mother was a Decepticon. It would only make sense for him to kill her." She whispered. "I can still remember the day she was killed clearly. I was on the Nemesis, I had just finished my infiltrator training. She had gone out to battle, and I wasn't deemed ready enough for a big battle yet. I remember one of the Vehicon's telling me what happened. I didn't let myself grieve though. The first emotion I had felt was anger. Anger at Starscream because she had been under his command at the time." Shadowstrike shrugged, "But of all the emotions I felt, I locked them away. I made myself to be one of the strongest Decepticon soldiers, and I vowed for revenge." She shook her head. "This was the first time I ever cried for her." She said sadly
"She was your carrier, weeping over her death is natural. As far as revenge goes, I dont think that can be accomplished" He said, thinking. "Your a strong femme, this'll just make you fight harder"

(The comfort, how does one?)
Shadowstrike nodded, "I know. I'll be okay." She assured him, "It'll just take some time for the wound to fully heal." She told him, before taking his servo in hers. "But at least I have Dr. Sexy here to help me." She purred, trying to lighten the mood. She didn't like the depressing atmosphere
Knock Out laughed, "Thats my femme, tougher than nails and can flatter someone like this. If I'm Dr. Sexy, who are you? Nurse Temptress?" He asked, growling flirtatiously.
Shadowstrike grinned, "Only for you." She purred, leaning her forehelm against his. "I like it when you growl like that." She laughed quietly, trailing her digits over the side of his helm then down to his chasis. "I'm glad I have you in my life." She told him sincerely.
"I am here to help, and helping you feel better is my top priority. Plus, if it gets me a better chance with you alone, I can growl all day and night" He said, looking into her optics. He shivered at her touch, his doorwings twitching and he pulled her into his lap and pressed her close. "The feeling is very mutual, Strike"
"Strike? Hmm, I like it." Shadowstrike purred, tilting her helm as her engine started purring louder. "I think this is the first real alone time we've ever had." She murmured, snuggling closer to him.
Knock Out nodded in agreement, looking up at the shining stars. He was told as a sparkling that they were the sparks of the ancestors. "You think our carriers is watching us right now?" He asked, resting his helm on hers.
Shadowstrike nodded, "I'm sure they are." She told him quietly, smiling. "My carrier would've loved you." She spoke quietly, trailing her digits along his chasis absent-mindedly
Knock Out sighed, "I forgot how my carrier acted. It's been a while, I dont think I'v seen her more than twice honestly before I joined the Decepticons" He said. "My sire was something though, said I was the son he never wanted and if I was a Decepticon then I needed to fight, not waste away in a med bay. Heh, the old mech always was helm-strong"
"Sounds like he was difficult to deal with." Shadowstrike said sympathetically. "My sire was nothing short of rude, at least that's what my carrier told me. He was killed in action before I could remember." She thought back, "My carrier always told me he was always too obsessed with the war and thought it was a mistake to have me." She shrugged. "I don't really care though. I'm glad I don't remember him."

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