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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

"Looks like we had similar lives back then. Too bad I couldnt have met you earlier" He said, still looking at the sky. "On a different note, what do you think about showing Prime the pictures?"
Shadowstrike sighed, "I'm not sure." She admitted, looking down at their joined servos. "I don't know what he would do if he saw that picture of Elita One." She told Knock Out. "I mean, they were sparkmates. If that was you in the picture and I saw it..." She shook her head. "Primus knows what I'd do."
"Yea, I know he doesnt even like talking about her. But all the others, perhaps he'd see this camera creature like an advantage to get into the Nemesis and get some data of whats going on. Also, there was one picture I saw, it was her and Prime. They were really happy, I guess he was Orion Pax"
Shadowstrike nodded, "You're right. I guess we should show him." She sighed. "Hopefully he decides we can get the creature on the Nemesis." She rest her helm against his shoulder, "Was the picture of Recon the last photo?" She asked quietly
(I read the last pages to catch up and I must say page 77 made me feel...... Uncomfortable)

Valor looked up to bridge, " I need to charge, we can continue this friendly chat later old friend.", Valor said still a little light helmed. Bridge nodded to Valor as Valor walked inside to the barracks, "I believe your going to ask me questions you two, so ask away.", Bridge said to the two Femmes as he was sitting down.
"The most recent photos would be of us, but this thing has come here as well, perhaps it took a picture of how we all really got here" Knock Out suggested. "And perhaps it took a picture of its creator"

Riptide thought a minute, pacing. "Hmm, oh yea, how the Unicron did you get so fragging big?!" She asked, "I thought anything past titan class were waaaaaay too dead to move around. *gasp* What if you are dead?! You just dont know it? Holy scrap that would be cool! Good thing your not a Terrorcon, those are scary. Ever seen one? Me neither. Hey, do you think you could tear apart Megatron? That'd be so cool I would love to see something like that since Megatron is the worst thing ever to come to life! Have you met him? I havent, but I heard he's big and fat. But his sword is awesome! Kinda, not if its stabbing through you"
Bridge face palmed at the relentless questions, " Alright fine, No I'm not dead, I was built this large and i was giving an artificial Spark, I have seen a Terrorcon while working for the 14th elite guard, And yes it would be possible to rip Megatron in half but that stubborn son of a glitch would almost 100% of the time, find a way to come back. Finally no I have not met him.", Bridge sighed in relief at answering her questions, [your worse then dodging torpedoes], he thought. "Alright how about you and we take a break from this one.", he said to Killjoy while he was pointing at Riptide.
Riptide jumped on his digit when he pointed at her, starting to swing from his digit. "Yea! This is fun! Your big enough for a lot of sparklings to play all over you like a huge playground! Ever seen a sparkling? I have! They are so tiny and adorable and soooo irresistible! Do you think you could ever have a big sparkling? Too bad though, I dont know any femmes as big as you." She kept talking and talking and TALKING! Killjoy sighed, shaking her helm. "I am so sorry about her"
Bridge flicked his digit hard enough so Riptide would fall off, but not get hurt. "Please just go take a stasis nap or something, your driving me mad.", he said to Riptide.
Riptide shook her helm, "Nope, I'm wide awake! I cant sleep now! Not when you guys are talking when I could possibly know things too!" She said, started to run laps around Bridge. "I wanna stay, please!" She begged, "Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaassssssse!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????"
Shadowstrike nodded, "Perhaps. Maybe we need to look at some of the newest pictures more closely too. There may be an clue there." She suggested.
Knock Out nodded, "Yes, perhaps something in the backgrounds are clues. If its fixated on war and death, then what bot could make it to record the war without being in the crossfire... Hmm" He thought. "Well, the usual suspect is Shockwave"
Bridge shook his head, "if you don't sit down and quiet down for a moment, then I'm not staying here. To be honest rogue waves are more relaxing then you are.", Bridge said. Meanwhile Valor had made it to a charging station in which Cyrax assisted him.
"You obviously dont know my ability to talk and move. But whatever, you know what? I dont even think you can stay here anyway! Dont you need to hide in case something bad happens?" She asked. "Well look at you, thinking all by yourself" Killjoy commented.
Valor was finally hooked up to the charging station and was going into stasis. Bridge got up, "The scout is right, i must begin my journey to ocean water, I will keep my comms tower up and running in case their is an emergency.", Bridge said. He then opened up a small compass on his Visor screen and began his trip to the nearest and largest body body of water.
Shadowstrike thought, "Its likely it's one of his creations." She agreed. "I don't think the creature has allied itself with anyone though. It was taking photos on both sides of the war." A thought then hit her, "What if it was meant to be a drone to gather intel, but it wasn't successful?"
"You just annoyed our only company away, nice goin' Tide" Killjoy said, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms. "Hey, not like he can stay out here for very long. Someone has bound to see him sometime if he does" Riptide shrugged, walking back in. "Hey Rex, wheres the big guy?" She asked. Cyrax looked at her, sighed, then shook his helm. "You arent going to bother him, he is in stasis and in need of some serious power down time to recover" He warned.

"Like, it got sentience and started doing its own thing?" Knock Out asked, believing that could be the idea of it. "If so, it had to have a name or something, what do you suggest? What does it look like?"
Before Shadowstrike could answer, the sound of a jet was heard in the distance. Shadowstrike stood up, narrowing her optics when she saw a Seeker land before them. "A Seeker." She growled, looking back at Knock Out, "Stay down."

Shadowstrike started approaching the Seeker, but he made no move to attack. Something felt almost familiar about him. Shadowstrike aimed her pistol. "I suggest you get out of here."

The Seeker, Nightfall, laughed. "Why, that's no way to greet your brother is it?"
"Brother?" Despite her order to stay down he just stood up. "You never told me you had a brother. Seeker as well, interesting" He said, crossing his arms and looking Nightfall over. "Well, this is a surprise"
Shadowstrike narrowed her optics, "I don't have a brother." She growled. "I don't know what game you're playing Seeker, but I will blow out your spark if it continues."

Nightfall laughed, "That's right, you don't remember our sire." He approached Shadowstrike, and she stepped back from him. "Your carrier probably never told you. We share a sire, but we have different carriers." He stood casually, his servos loose by his sides.

Shadowstrike's optics widened. "What? Why should I believe you?" She growled.

Nightfall smirked, "Dear sister, you know I'm not lying. I see it in your optics."
Knock Out was quite surprised to hear that this was going on. He didnt notice the little think walking around and looked up at the two siblings and took a picture of them. Recon had given its chip back so it could gather more information. It tilted its helm and climbed up to Shadowstrike's shoulder and sat down, looking at Nightfall and took a picture of him.
Shadowstrike bit back an annoyed sigh as the creature crawled on her shoulder, and with one servo she picked it up and threw it back at Knock Out, "You babysit this. I'm otherwise occupied right now." She growled, glaring at Nightfall.

"I guess I never told you my name. I'm Nightfall." He bowed dramatically. "But I already know your name, Shadowstrike."

Nightfall straightened back up, and before Shadowstrike could moved trailed the back of his digits across the side of her faceplate. "Such a shame you joined the Autobot's though. Looks like I'll have to kill you."
Knock Out grabbed the thing, almost dropping it and held it with two digits. It looked over at Shadowstrike, its small ears angled down as it was thrown away then saw the new mech get close. It let out a loud shriek, Knock Out and Nightfall hearing it and Knock Out dropped it before covering his audials.
Nightfall cursed, backing up and covering his audials. Shadowstrike took the chance and kicked Nightfall straight in the faceplate, sending him skidding back.

Shadowstrike grabbed the front of his chasis then and aimed her sword at his face, "If you touch me again, you spark will be torn out by my own servos." She snarled, the darker side of her starting to show.

Nightfall gave a small laugh, shaking his head to try and rid of the ringing in his audials, "I didn't say when I was going to kill you. It could be an hour from now, it could be eons away. I'll leave it a surprise." He winked, before kicking up and knocking Shadowstrike away.

Shadowstrike landed on her pedes nimbly and glared up at her brother. Nightfall approached her again before bending down so they were face to face, less than an inch from each other. "I'll be taking my leave now. I look forward to the next time we meet dear sister." He purred, before backing up and transforming and flying off.

"Son of a glitch!" Shadowstrike yelled after him, her servos clenched tightly by her sides
Knock Out watched as he left, scoffing and walking up behind Shadowstrike and stood next to her. "Some brother" He commented. The little thing hopped over to Shadowstrike and hugged her leg before taking a picture of them again.

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