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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

(Plot twists! :o )

Jetstream turned on her side, despite her being a scout, alert when awake, and fast, she was strangely a deep sleeper. Overall, Jet was completely unaware of any events occurring while she slept. Her engine started to shut quietly, an optic groggily opening, looking around. Her gaze fell on Recon, and both of her optics opened. A somewhat yawn escaped her voice box, as she sat up. Jet rolled her shoulders, loosening her joints. She may have slept for a while, but at least she was fully rested. Jetstream didn't notice the serious atmosphere, swinging her legs off of the bed, sitting next to Recon. Jet gave him a wide smile, but instantly recognized the look in his optics. Her smile shrank a little bit. It was probably nothing. She noticed Knockout and Shadowstrike were gone.

"Hey, Recon! Is everything okay?"

Her speech started out happy, warm, and welcoming. But it dissipated into a concerned array of famous words. Her smile still lingered though, it was surprising how quickly moods could change.
"It could be like our little sparkling... For now anyway" Knock Out said as Intel curled up against Shadowstrike's chassis and heard the word sparkling and thought back to the many running carriers with sparklings in their arms from destruction.

Recon looked over at Jet, giving her a weak smile but it was quite obvious that he was being bothered. "I'm okay darlin', but have you ever killed a bot knowing they had a family? Then felt proud afterwards?" He asked her, figuring she hadnt since she hadnt fought in eons.
Shadowstrike smiled, "I've never even held a sparkling before." She told him quietly, looking down at Intel. "I guess this little guy will be good practice if we ever have one someday." She sounded almost wistful.
Jetstream paused, then shook her head slowly.

"No... the truth is, I-i've never killed anyone, injure, yes, but... Recon, what happened?"

She scooted closer to him, a servo on his. Her smile was gone, the question had driven her to every edge of concerned she could feel. Had a fight happened? Was someone killed while she was asleep?
Intel let out a frequency kind of purring as it sat there in her servos. Knock Out nodded, "I dont know if I should call it a monstrosity or adorable at this stage" He said, watching Intel.

"That's good, you have never killed any bot. Your first kill is something you remember, even though this wasnt my first kill I knew full well that that femme had a sparkling" He said. "Just a minute a go we all shone some light on who killed Shadowstrike's carrier. It was me, I killed her and I was proud of it. And I knew she had the sparkling, I knew she had someone to take care of. I just, sliced her and impaled her like a Con would do"
Shadowstrike laughed, "Well, it obviously doesn't like you." She told Knock Out with a grin. "I think it's possessive over me." She watched Intel, shaking her head with a small laugh.
"Possessive is an understatement, about broke my appendage for no reason at all." He said, "Your going to have to teach it some manners" He added, "Its too... How you say, violent in nature"
Jetstream paused. What was she supposed to say? It hit her like a bomb, and this was the explosion. Her optics widened, pausing. She didn't know what she was feeling. Everything was stuck, shock covered and hid any other emotion, and she felt severely trapped between walls. There was also a timed bomb, like if she didn't say something soon, Recon might assume something that would cause problems. Then she decided on what to say, her words hitched, like of she made one mistake, she was a goner.

"...You regret it, right? And.... as long as you know... what you did was wrong, then I'm sure that Shadowstrike's carrier understands, and probably Shadowstrike aswell. Perspectives and ways of thinking can change."
"I know what I did was wrong, I know I could have spared her so she could see her sparkling again but instead the last thing she saw was her insides spilling out. That is no way to go" He growled, slamming his fist into the metal berth they had slept in, denting it severely. He looked over at Jet, "I know if the carrier I killed was yours then you would hate me forever"
Shadowstrike raised an optic ridge, "Maybe you should spend more time with it and teach it some manners." She smirked. "You are more...what's the word...proper than I am." She laughed
Fortis only be same more furious at the Predacon as how it saw him as no threat. "DON'T IGNORE ME!", he yelled before kicking her jaw out of place.
Jetstream blinked. She'd never thought about her carrier or sire before. Old memories threatened to spill into her processor. Jetstream' s voice was quiet.

"How did Shadowstrike react?"

Jet felt a sliver of fear crawl down her frame. She wasn't scared of Recon himself, but how this would affect him. Would he be the same? Or would he loose hope and confidence, and that goofiness she loved? Jetstream's question was stuck in her mind, aswell. How did she not wake up for this? How did they find out?
"Are you kidding? That thing will scratch my paint or frag up my sensors and audials.Have you even seen it all pissy?" He asked, not believing that he could spend a little time with the small monster that they just adopted.

Matriarch looked over at yell and got his pede in her face, making her jaw slant painfully. She screamed at the pain and, having being knocked over, putting her servo up and put it on his pede that kicked her. "Stop, please" She had to forcefully move her jaw to speak.

"She was crushed, but who wouldnt be. She had to leave, I'm pretty sure she wanted to rip my helm off. Knock Out followed her, they have been out there since" He said. "I was no better than a Con, I killed countless bots and most probably had families. I never thought about who my sword went through, as long as it killed"
Fortis picked her up by the helm, "Mercy is no more, now there is only oblivion.", he said before putting an unbearable force on her helm. When all hope seemed lost his head shook violently, he dropped her before gripping his head. "I can't, I can..... I can't ", he kept going back and foward between a yes and no, right and wrong.
Matriarch, when dropped, scooted back away from him. Her tail wrapped around herself. She watched with a tilted helm, what was he doing? He was as merciless as Megatron but he stopped. She wasnt complaining though, just questioning.
Fortis looked at her with blue optics, "Run......RUN!", he said to her, his optics turning red again.
Matriarch stood up, now really curious about what was going on but decided against staying and becoming a pile of scrap. She turned around, running away on all fours with a serious limp that did slow her down but she did move at a surprising rate.
Shadowstrike rolled her optics, "It'll never grow to like you if you don't spend time with it." She retorted, shaking her helm. "It doesn't hurt to just try. It didn't like me either at first."
"I dont want to spend time with it, it only likes you and you only. If it was handed over to me then I think I would kill me in stasis if I left it alone long enough for it to do just that" Knock Out said, crossing his arms.
Jetstream struggled to keep her voice firm yet comforting.

"But you're different now. You didn't kill me back when we met."

She thought about that, and how she would still be stuck on the Decepticon ship without him. How she probably would have been killed later by a different rouge, or Autobot. That was always a thought in the back of her processor, back then. And it almost became fact, if Recon wasn't Recon.
Shadowstrike rolled her optics, "Fine. I'm just saying it might help if you tried." She looked down at Intel, shaking her helm. "it's almost like your scared of it."
Bridge could finally see water. His radio came on and started Playing Fischia il Sasso, he didn't mind the music and began humming to it. When he touched water he began to transform. Finally he was in water.

Meanwhile Fortis was still throwing a fit about how he stalled in killing someone, something had finally broken out, something forcefully locked away for eons. He began to walk to the nearest decepticon base to repair.

At the autobot outpost Valor began to wake up, feeling much more better then before. He unhooked himself and made sure to shut off the machine. He walked down the hallway to hopefully run into Cyrax so they could figure out why Valor even has a rage mode.
Recon looked at her. Was he really that different? When he thought about it, he probably wouldnt have a problem killing Knock Out and Shadowstrike. But something he would never do is harm his bondmate. He nodded, "Alright, you win"

"I am NOT scared of that little monster" He said, looking at her with a scoff. "You think me a scared sparkling when it comes to this thing. Well I will tell you now that I just dont like it but it does not scare me"

Cyrax was trying to get his sword from Riptide, the little scout running around with it. "Riptide! Dont run with it, your kill someone!" He said. "Chill out, Rex! I'll be fine!" She said with a laugh, basically running circles around him.
Shadowstrike nudged him with her elbow, "And you don't want your paint getting scratched by it." She teased, giving him a quick kiss on the side of his faceplate. "Don't get so defensive. I'm just teasing." She laughed
"I'm not defensive, I'm right" He said. Intel was listening to them from where it was, these two were weird. Why? It didnt know, but it really didnt like the red one. Why? Because. "So what are we going to do with it now?" Knock Out asked.

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