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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Shadowstrike spat on the ground in disgust. "The nerve of him!" She growled in frustration, rubbing her faceplate where he had touched her. "He may technically be my brother, but in my opinion I don't have a brother. He's nothing to me." She lowered her servo, exhaling to calm herself down before looking down at the creature. "What are we going to do with you?" She asked no one in particular
"Well, next time you can kick his aft" Knock Out said. He looked down at the little creature as well, it looked at him and made a frequency that sounded like a hiss to any audials but not painful. "Well, name it?"
"I don't think it likes you." Shadowstrike said with amusement before bending down and picking it up, cupping it in both her servos. "I'm not sure. I've never had to name something before." She looked at the little creature. "Is there a way you can tell us your name if you have one?"
It shook its helm, sitting in her servos. It jumped to the ground and bounced over and started making scratches in the ground in ancient Cybertronian. 'No name, only intel' is what it said. "Hmm, no name eh?" Knock Out asked.
Fortis was taking a walk to calm himself him down . That's when his radar went off showing a life form not too far from him. "Great something to take my anger out on.", he said to himself before walking in the life form's direction.
Shadowstrike shook her head, "No, it's saying it's name is Intel." She told Knock Out. "The name makes sense."
It was Matriarch, she was hungry. She roared, smelling someone. Her teeth ground together as she came upon the heat sig that she saw. She could only see shapes if they were heated up, she had no optics, saw things like a pit viper. She hissed at him, "Hungry, big bot!" She snarled, lowering her head to attack mode.

"Intel huh? Nice, I think that fits fine" He agreed, crouching down to Intel and reached a servo out to it and it sat down and pulled on his digit like it was playing. "Its not so bad" He said, then flinched back as it forced his digit at an odd angle and stood up. "Your right, I think it doesnt like me" He said, looking at the small wires that were severed in his digits.
Shadowstrike's optics widened and she took his servo, examining the digit. "Will you be able to fix that?" She asked, before shooting a glare down at Intel.

Nightfall, who had been flying overhead, stopped when he saw two dots appear on his radar. Deciding to investigate, he stopped on a rocky outcropping, transforming and crouching down. He saw Matriarch and smirked to himself. Looks like I'll have a show. Its just been an exciting day. He thought to himself
Fortis activated thermal vision, he saw something in the bushes and it seemed to be hiding . "Come on out, I don't bite, I rip apart.", Fortis said. He turned off his thermals before lowering his two cannons and loading HE. "You have to the count of three until I level you and your surroundings.", Fortis warned to the figure hiding in the bushes. He began to count, "ONE!........TWO!.......".
Knock Out nodded, "Its fine, just a bit twisted... Its strength is surprising. I mean it couldnt do what we could but it can almost break one of my appendages off" He said, Intel looking at them with a tilted helm and took a picture of them.

"THREE!" She hissed, charging out of her hiding spot and rammed her hard helm into him. She roared at him, baring her teeth and stood on her back legs to look her biggest. Her back spikes were straight in the air to show violent nature, bladed tail lashing back and forth.
Shadowstrike shook her head at Intel, "If you're going to be sticking around, you can't hurt any of us, unless it's Recon." She pointed a digit at Intel. "Do you understand?" She sounded like a carrier scolding a sparkling

Nightfall sat back, laughing to himself as he watched. Two Decepticons fighting, it would be a show
Fortis was now angry, he grabbed the Predacon by the neck and began crushing it, leaving dents in the beast's neck. He then threw it about 15 yards away. He looked Down and saw a dent in his chassis, and he is anger took control. He roared to the sky, the yell echoed for miles. He had fired the HE towards the beast sending it back another yard or so. "I was gonna make your end swift, BUT NOW I'M GONNA MAKE YOUR END PAINFUL!", he yelled at the creature.
Intel tilted its helm, nodding, then went scratching stuff in the dust again. "Its so absent-minded. Like it doesnt care about anything, though it has seen the nastiest parts of war. Its almost fascinated by it" Knock Out said, thinking as he watched the creature.

Matriarch hissed at him, standing up and shaking herself off before snarling at him. A glow began in her chassis, trailing up her neck before she opened her mouth and fire shot at Fortis in a thick column of orange and yellow. All Predacons could breathe fire, it was a known fact.
Fortis felt the sting of the fire, but it just didn't go through but it did make another dent. Fortis now ticked off, charged the creature, the Predacon dodged him, but before the creature pounced or hit him, Fortis back handed her. While the Predacon was disoriented, Fortis grabbed her and began bear hugging her. Making a dent in her frame. "How about I force all your engines out through your optics", he said in an agitated tone.
"I dont have optics!" Matriarch hissed, squirming around as her frame was starting to ache from the dents she was receiving. Her tail snaking around and the bladed end aimed and stabbed into his shoulder before she bit at his helm. She pulled her tail back before stabbing him again and she pulled it back again, lowering it down.
Fortis's eyes began glowing, "From this point on I will no longer be merciful, I will give you no more time to breath, and the only thing that you will wander is if you will make it to oblivion in one piece.", Fortis said now angrier then ever. He ran at the Predacon again in which he slammed her into the ground with one servo, he then grabbed her by the leg and slammed her down repeatively, then catching her by an arm and a leg mid air and smashing her back down on his knee, shattering the back frame. He then dropped her and stomped down on her Servos and Pedes.
(That reminded me of Mortal Kombat)

Matriarch roared in pain, her tail slamming the ground and she hated to move. She reached up and sank her teeth into his arm and refused to let go. The glowing of fire made itself known in her chassis before it trailed up her throat and the fire engulfed his arm. She started shaking her helm violently, now just wanting to get away.
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif](That reminded me of Mortal Kombat)
Matriarch roared in pain, her tail slamming the ground and she hated to move. She reached up and sank her teeth into his arm and refused to let go. The glowing of fire made itself known in her chassis before it trailed up her throat and the fire engulfed his arm. She started shaking her helm violently, now just wanting to get away.

(Jason Voorhees xD )

Fortis felt no pain from it now. He grabbed the Predacon by the tail and pulled, he almost ripped the tail off before she finally came off his arm. He floored the Predacon and forced his pede on her helm, denting it badly. He then finally threw her. Fortis walked towards the Predacon , he shook out the fire on his arm and continued his way towards the Predacon. (I beleive this is your chance to leave).
Shadowstrike nodded, "It seems to have no alliance to anyone. But for some reason it has taken a liking to me." She watched Intel, shaking her head, exasperated.

Nightfall started laughing, standing up and clapping. "Nice show. Really, it was." He called down to Fortis and Matriarch, smirking. "Lord Megatron would be proud of you if you killed the traitorous Predacon."
(Figured it was a Mortal Kombat X move)

Matriarch hissed at him, fire glowing in her chassis and she shot it at Nightfall before standing up and about fell over from her weak leg and transformed to her bot form. She wrapped her tail around her leg, growling at Fortis. She hadnt been able to eat in a while now, and what drove her to fight was hunger. She steadied herself before starting to limp away.

Intel looked up, taking another picture, then continued scratching Cybertronian symbols in the dirt. They were names and how they died, what faction they were from and what battle they were fighting whether it be a big one or small.
Nightfall dodged the fire, shaking his helm. "You do know I'll have to tell Lord Megatron I saw you right?" He called down to Matriarch. "I'm sure he'd let you back in with only a minor beating if you came back to the Nemesis." He started following her from his postion on the rocks.

Shadowstrike crouched down and examined the information Intel was writing. "It seems like Intel specializes in information about the war." Her optics grew sad when she saw her carriers name but she didn't say anything about it. "All these names and dates are the ones from the pictures."
Matriarch looked up, "I am dead either way, seeker. I am not coming back, you can just go grovel to your 'one true master' but I'm not. So frag off" She snapped, a snarl in her voice. "Stupid fly"

Knock Out nodded, "Looks to be that way, I honestly think that it was meant to be like that in the end. It doesnt seem to care about anything else really, perhaps it thinks the war served a purpose"
Nightfall jumped down to start walking by her. "So you're going rouge now? You're probably going to the Autobots." He scoffed, shaking his helm. "You're a disappointment Predacon." With that, he transformed and flew off.

Shadowstrike nodded, "Seems that way." She stood back up and looked at Knock Out, "We should probably go fix your finger then show Optimus those pictures."
Matriarch shrugged as he flew away. "Thats okay" She said, sitting down and looked at her tail before beginning to try fixing it up. She had to heal now, she should have stuck to easy prey like vehicons or something along those lines.

"All I need to do is reconnect the severed wires and push the digit back where it is supposed to be and it'll be fine" He said, watching as Intel stood back and looked at its work before erasing it all and bounced over to Shadowstrike and lifted its arms to be held.
(Idk what to do with Nightfall now lol)

Shadowstrike rolled her optics, and bent down and picked Intel up, looking at in in exasperation. "Just like a sparkling." She told Knock Out with amusement

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